Now new_datom() and select() are methods bound to DATOM. (Observe that because of the JavaScript
'tear-off' effect, when you do method = DATOM.method, then method() will likely fail as its reference to
this has been lost.)
Creation of Bespoke Library Instances
In order to configure a copy of the library, pass in a settings object:
The second form also helps to avoid accidental usage of the result of require 'datom', which is of
course the same library with a different configuration.
Configuration Parameters
merge_values (boolean, default: true)—Whether to merge attributes of the second argument to
new_datom() into the resulting value. When set to false, new_datom '^somekey', somevalue will always
result in a datom { $key: '^somekey', $value: somevalue, }; when left to the default, and if somevalue
is an object, then its attributes will become attributes of the datom, which may result in name clashes in
case any attribute name should start with a $ (dollar sign).
freeze (boolean, default: true)—Whether to freeze datoms. When set to false, no freezing will
be performed, which may entail slightly improved performance.
dirty (boolean, default: true)—Whether to automatically set { $dirty: true, } when the copy
of a datom has been treated with lets() and a modifyer function.
Freezing & Thawing
@freeze = ( d ) ->
@thaw = ( d ) ->
@lets = ( original, modifier ) ->
@set = ( d, k, P... ) ->
@unset = ( d, k ) ->
@stamp = ( d, P... ) ->
@unstamp = ( d ) ->
Type Testing
@is_system = ( d ) ->
@is_stamped = ( d ) ->
@is_fresh = ( d ) ->
@is_dirty = ( d ) ->
Value Creation
@new_datom = ( $key, $value, other... ) ->
@new_single_datom = ( $key, $value, other... ) ->
@new_open_datom = ( $key, $value, other... ) ->
@new_close_datom = ( $key, $value, other... ) ->
@new_system_datom = ( $key, $value, other... ) ->
@new_text_datom = ( $value, other... ) ->
@new_end_datom = ->
@new_warning = ( ref, message, d, other... ) ->
@select = ( d, selector ) ->
System Properties
d.$key—key (i.e., type) of a datom.
d.$value—'the' proper value of a datom. This is always used in case new_datom() was called with a
non-object in the value slot (as in new_datom '^mykey', 123), or when the library was configured with { merge_values: false, }.—In case there is no d.$value, the datom's proper value is the object that would
result from deleting all properties whose names start with a $ (dollar sign).
d.$dirty—whether the object has been (thawed, then) changed (and then frozen again) since its
$dirty property was last cleared or set to false.
d.$stamped—whether the object has been marked as 'stamped' (i.e., processed).
The below copied from PipeDreams docs, to be updated
PipeDreams Datoms (Data Events)
Data streams—of which pull-streams,
PipeStreams, and NodeJS
Streams are examples—do their work by
sending pieces of data (that originate from a data source) through a number of
transforms (to finally end up in a data sink).note
(note) I will ignore here alternative ways of dealing with streams, especially
the EventEmitter way of dealing with streamed
When I say 'streams', I also implicitly mean 'pipelines'; when I say
'pipelines', I also implicitly mean 'pipelines to stream data' and 'streams'
in general.
When NodeJS streams started out, the thinking about those streams was pretty
much confined to saying that 'a stream is a series of
bytes'. Already back then,
an alternative view took hold (I'm slightly paraphrasing here):
The core interpretation was that stream could be buffers or strings - but the
userland interpretation was that a stream could be anything that is
serializeable [...] it was a sequence of buffers, bytes, strings or objects.
Why not use the same api?
In streaming, data is just data. There's no need for having a separate
'Object Mode' or
There's a single exception to the above rule, and that is when the data item
being sent down the line is null. This has historically—by both NodeJS
streams and pull-streams—been interpreted as a termination signal, and I'm not
going to change that (although at some point I might as well).
When starting out with streams and building fairly simple-minded pipelines,
sending down either raw pieces of business data or else null to indicate
termination is enough to satisfy most needs. However, when one transitions to
more complex environments, raw data is not sufficient any more: When
processing text from one format to another, how could a downstream transform
tell whether a given piece of text is raw data or the output of an upstream
Another case where raw data becomes insufficient are circular
pipelines—pipelines that re-compute (some or all) output values in a recursive
manner. An example which outputs the integer sequences of the Collatz
Conjecture is in the tests
There, whenever we see an even number n, we send down that even number n
alongside with half its value, n/2; whenever we see an odd number n, we
send it on, followed by its value tripled plus one, 3*n+1. No matter whether
you put the transform for even numbers in front of that for odd numbers or the
other way round, there will be numbers that come out at the bottom that need
to be re-input into the top of the pipeline, and since there's no telling in
advance how long a Collatz sequence will be for a given integer, it is, in the
general case, insufficient to build a pipeline made from a (necessarily
finite) repetitive sequence of copies of those individual transforms. Thus,
classical streams cannot easily model this kind of processing.
The idea of datoms—short for data atoms, a term borrowed from Rich
Hickey's Datomic—is
to simply to wrap each piece of raw data in a higher-level structure. This is of
course an old idea, but not one that is very prevalent in NodeJS streams, the
fundamental assumption (of classical stream processing) being that all stream
transforms get to process each piece of data, and that all pieces of data are of
equal status (with the exception of null).
The PipeDreams sample implementation of Collatz Sequences uses datoms to (1)
wrap the numerical pieces of data, which allows to mark data as processed
(a.k.a. 'stamped'), to (2) mark data as 'to be recycled', and to (3) inject
system-level synchronization signals into the data stream to make sure that
recycled data gets processed before new data is allowed into the stream.
In PipeDreams datoms, each piece of data is explicitly labelled for its
type; each datom may have a different status: there are system-level
datoms that serve to orchestrate the flow of data within the pipeline; there
are user-level datoms which originate from the application; there are
datoms to indicate the opening and closing of regions (phases) in the data
stream; there are stream transforms that listen to and act on specific
system-level events.
Datoms are JS objects that must minimally have a key property, a string that
specifies the datom's category, namespace and name; in addition, they may have a
value property with the payload (where desired), and any number of other
attributes. The property $ is used to carry metadata (e.g. from which line in
a source file a given datom was generated from). Thus, we may give the outline
of a datom as (in a rather informal notation) d := { $key, ?$value, ?$stamped,..., ?$, }.
The key of a datom must be a string that consists of at least two parts, the
sigil and the name. The sigil, a single punctuation character, indicates
the 'category' of each datom; there are two levels and three elementary
categories, giving six types of datoms:
Application level:
^ for data datoms (a.k.a. 'singletons'),
< for start-of-region datoms,
> for end-of-region datoms.
System level:
~ for data datoms,
[ for start-of-region datoms,
] for end-of-region datoms.
Normally, one will probably want to send around business data inside (the
value property of) application-level data datoms (hence their name, also
shortened to D-datoms); however, one can also set other properties of datom
objects, or send data around using properties of start- or end-of-region datoms.
Region events are intended to be used e.g. when parsing text with markup; say
you want to turn a snippet of HTML like this:
into another textual representation, you may want to turn that into a sequence
of datoms similar to these, in the order of sending and regions symbolized by
note by 'in the order of sending' I mean you'd have to send datom d1
first, then d2 and so on. Trivial until you imagine you write a pipeline and
then picture how the events will travel down that pipeline:
pipeline.push $do_this() # s1, might be processing d3 right now pipeline.push $do_that() # s2, might be processing d2 right now pipeline.push $do_something_else() # s3, might be processing d1 right now
Although there's really no telling whether step s3 will really process datom
d1 at the 'same point in time' that step s2 processes datom d2 and so on
(in the strict sense, this is hardly possible in a single-threaded language
anyway), the visualization still holds a grain of truth: stream transforms
that come 'later' (further down) in the pipeline will see events near the top
of your to-do list first, and vice versa. This can be mildly confusing.
select = ( d, selector ) ->
The select method can be used to determine whether a given event d matches a
set of conditions; typically, one will want to use select d, selector to decide
whether a given event is suitable for processing by the stream transform at
hand, or whether it should be passed on unchanged.
The current implementation of select() is much dumber and faster than its predecessors; where previously,
it was possible to match datoms with multiple selectors that contained multiple sigils and so forth, the new
version does little more than check wheter the single selector allowed equals the given datom's key
value—that's about it, except that one can still select d, '^somekey#stamped' to match both unstamped and
stamped datoms.
The XEmitter (XE) Sub-Module
XE Sending API
XE.emit = ( key, d ) -> emit (a.k.a. 'publish', 'send to whom it may concern') an event. To
be called either as XE.emit '^mykey', 'myvalue' or as XE.emit PD.new_event '^mykey', 'myvalue' (in
which latter case the datom's key will become the channel key). When called with await as in
return_values = await XE.emit '^foo', ..., return_values will be a list with all values returned by
all listeners that got called for this event.
XE.delegate = ( key, d ) -> like XE.emit() but will pick out and unwrap the event value
from the event contractor (see below). If no event contractor was listening, an error will be raised.
XE Receiving API
XE.listen_to_all = ( listener ) -> Register a listener for all events.
XE.listen_to_unheard = ( listener ) -> Register a listener for all events that do not have a
listener or a contractor.
XE.listen_to = ( key, listener ) -> Register a listener for events that match key. No
pattern matching is implemented atm, so you can only listen to all keys or a single key.
XE.contract = ( key, listener ) -> Register a contractor (a.k.a. 'result producer') for
events that match key.
PD = require 'pipedreams'
defer = setImmediate
XE = PD.XE.new_scope()
### Register a 'contractor' (a.k.a. 'result producer') for `^plus-async` events; observe that asynchronous
contractors should return a promise: ###
XE.contract '^plus-async', ( d ) =>
return new Promise ( resolve, reject ) =>
defer => resolve d.value.a + d.value.b
do =>
info 'µ28823-5', await XE.emit PD.new_event '^plus-async', { a: 42, b: 108, }
# in case other listeners were registered that returned values like `'listener #1'` and so on, the
# returned list of values might look like:
# -> [ 'listener #4', { key: '~xemitter-preferred', value: 150 }, 'listener #1', 'listener #2' ]
### When using `delegate()` instead of `emit()`, the preferred value (a.k.a. '*the* event result')
will be picked out of the list and unwrapped for you: ###
info 'µ28823-6', await XE.delegate PD.new_event '^plus-async', { a: 42, b: 108, }
# -> 150
Typically, you'll start using XEmitter with XE = PD.XE.new_scope(); this creates a new 'scope' for events.
Only methods that emit and listen to the same scope can exchange messages. When used within an application,
you will want to publish that scope to all participating modules; one way to do so is to write a dedicated
module with a single line in it, module.exports = ( require 'pipedreams' ).XE.new_scope().
Cup Of Datom
Class Cupofdatom is a derivative of Cupofjoe that is
geared towards easy declarative generation of nested sequences of datoms with a
teacup-like syntax:
c = new DATOM.Cupofdatom()
c.cram 'helo', 'world'
c.cram 'foo', ->
c.cram 'bold', ->
c.cram null, 'content'
ds = c.expand()
# `ds` is now a list of datoms:
{ $key: '<helo' },
{ $key: '^text', text: 'world' },
{ $key: '>helo' },
{ $key: '<foo' },
{ $key: '<bold' },
{ $key: '^text', text: 'content' },
{ $key: '>bold' },
{ $key: '>foo' } ]
First argument to cram() becomes key of datom
therefore, must be a valid datom name
sigil will be ^ if called with no further arguments
or else two datoms with sigils < and > will be generated that surround their contents
text arguments will be turned into ^text datoms
as with Cupofjoe, functions will be called, may either call cram() method or return value
return values will not be further analyzed but be kept as-is in the list returned by expand()
also possible to provide (in non-initial positions) objects whose members will become attributes of the
respective datom:
the basic name (the $key of the datom minus the sigil) of the datom,
or else the comprehensive name, where implemented (for example in InterText CupOfHtml, this means
one can give div#c59.draggable.hilite as first argument to produce elements with a tag name (div),
an ID (c59), and HTML class attribute (draggable hilite) in one go
or else null to indicate absence of a specific name
when a name has been given
and there are content arguments, then a pair of { $key: '<name', }, { $key: '>name', } datoms
will be produced, with the content arguments coming in between
in case no content has been given, a single { $key: '^name', } datom will be produced
as for arguments in non-initial positions:
objects will be merged with Object.assign() and passed on to DATOM.new_datom(), so cram 'foo', { id: 'c221', frob: true, x: 1, }, ... { x: 2, } will produce { $key: '^foo', id: 'c221', frob: true, x: 2, }.
In case a key/value pair attributes argument conflicts with one set by an comprehensive name (as in
cram 'foo#IDA', { id: 'IDB', }), the one in the attributes argument wins (as it would in a similar
situation when using Object.assign())
functions will be called without arguments
if a function itself calls cram() from the same instance, its return value will be discarded;
in case it does not call cram(), its return value will be discarded if it is null or undefined,
and otherwise become a content argument without being processed, so contained functions will not be
called and text values will not be wrapped in { $key: '^text', } datoms
texts will be wrapped in { $key: '^text', 'text': ..., } datoms
other values will be wrapped in { $key: '^value', '$value': ..., } datoms, e.g. cram null, 42, 'some text', true will emit { $key: '^value', $value: 42, }, { $key: '^text', $text: 'some text', }, { $key: '^value', $value: true, }
Here is a speed comparison (code on GitHub) between Datom versions 7 and 8, using two methods of dealing with object freezing
and two Datom configurations, f1 standing for the standard configuration (i.e. either DATOM = require 'datom' or DATOM = ( require 'datom' ).new { freeze: true, }) and f0 for the non-freezing configuration
(obtained by DATOM = ( require 'datom' ).new { freeze: true, }). datom_v7_thaw_freeze_f0 is missing here
because of a bug in the thaw method used in v7. Each run involved thawing 100 datoms with 5 key/value
pairs each (ex.: { '$key': '^vapeurs', '𤭨': 447, '媑': true, escamote: false, auditionnerais: true, exacerbant: true, }), changing 3 values and freezing the object again. Tests marked ...thaw_freeze... use
explicit calls to d = thaw d; ...; d = freeze d to do this, the ones marked ...lets... use a single call
d = lets d, ( d ) -> ... to accomplish the same.
We see an overall improvement in the performance of v8 as compared to v7 which can be ascribed to the update
of the letsfreezethat dependency which represents a
complete overhaul of that library:
prefer d = thaw d; ...; d = freeze d over lets() although the latter is more elegant and prevents
one from forgetting to freeze() a thaw()ed value, and to
configure the DATOM library to forego actual freezing when moving from development to production, where
appropriate, for a speed gain of around 10%.
To Do
implement piecemeal structural validation such that on repeated calls to a validator instance's
validate() method an error will be thrown as soon as unbalanced regions (delimeted by { $key: '<token', ..., } and { $key: '>token', ..., }) are encountered.
implement Vectorial NumbeRs (VNRs)
document Vectorial NumbeRs (VNRs)
remove either cmp_total() or cmp_partial() for simplification
assert and document that VNRs may be sorted element-wise lexicographically (e.g in Postgres, but
also in JS) by appending a single zero element (or, for that matter, by padding as many zeroes as needed
to make all VNRs the same length)
consider to disallow giving VNRs a final zero element
consider to store VNRs with an apended zero element
implement & document standard attributes, $-prefixed and otherwise (?), such as
^text—key for 'text datoms'
text—the underlying source text where code, data is parsed
$—'produced by', contains short label to point to source position, may be left-chained (most
recent first) to obtain breadcrumbs path of responsible source locations
$vnr—for VNRs, the primary ordering criterium
$ref—do we still use this? See DataMill
$pos? $range? for [ start, stop, ] pairs, indices into a source; use inclusive or exclusive
upper bound?
$loc? for [ line_nr, col_nr, ] pairs; NB might also want to use stop position of ranges
make { dirty: false, } the default setting (i.e. not marking changed datoms)
consider to remove $dirty altogether; datoms-as-immutable-values can not be updated anyway, and
whether an operation like d2 = lets d1, ( d ) -> ... has or has not caused any differences between d1
and d2 (short of a Turing-complete analysis of the function passed in to lets()) is only answerable
by comparing all members of both datoms.
Dependency emittery@0.7.0 changed
behavior: "Ensure .emit() doesn't return a value" which breaks contracts. The fix currently consists in
not upgrading from 0.6.0 until a workaround has been implemented.
Allow to instantiate with configuration for freezing (Object.freeze(), letsfreezethat.freeze())
and cloning (strcuturedClone(), Object.assign(), GUY.props.nonull_assign())
standardized immutable objects in the spirit of datomic, especially suited for use in data pipelines
The npm package datom receives a total of 0 weekly downloads. As such, datom popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that datom demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago.It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
Package last updated on 14 Jan 2023
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