Datwoime format and compare
Table of Content
npm i datwo
datwo can override vanilla Date class
import Date from 'datwo';
console.log(new Date().format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'));
console.log(new Date().format('YY-M-D N h:m:s.CC'));
console.log(new Date().format('YYYY / DDD / sssss / CCC'));
const Date = require('datwo').default;
console.log(new Date().format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'));
console.log(new Date().format('YY-M-D N h:m:s.CC'));
console.log(new Date().format('YYYY / DDD / sssss / CCC'));
2022-09-25 14:30:00
22-9-25 PM 2:30:0.02
2022 / 267 / 52200 / 023
Format Characters
Chars | Meaning | Example |
YYYY | 4 digit Year | 2022 |
YY | 2 digit Year | 22 |
MM | 2 digit Month (0#) | 09 |
M | 1-2 digit Month | 9 |
DDD | 3 digit Day (00#) (in year) | 237 |
DD | 2 digit Day (0#) | 07 |
D | 1-2 digit Day | 7 |
hh | 2 digit Hour (0#) | 08 |
h | 1-2 digit Hour | 8 |
hhhh | 2 digit Hour (0#) (in 12 hours) | 08 |
hhh | 1-2 digit Hour (in 12 hours) | 8 |
mm | 2 digit Minute (0#) | 03 |
m | 1-2 digit Minute | 3 |
sssss | 5 digit Second (in day) | 04363 |
ss | 2 digit Second (0#) | 09 |
s | 1-2 digit Second | 9 |
CCC | 3 digit Milisecond (00#) | 123 |
CC | 2 digit Milisecond (0#) | 12 |
C | 1 digit Milisecond | 1 |
T | new Date().getTime() | 1664076951031 |
| | |
N | AM / PM | AM |
NK | 오전 / 오후 | 오전 |
G | Time words of day | Morning |
GK | 시간대를 나타내는 단어 | 아침 |
console.log(new Date('2022-01-02 00:00:00').compare(new Date('2021-12-29 00:05:00')));
console.log(new Date('2022-01-02 00:00:00').compare(new Date('2022-01-01 00:10:00')));
console.log(new Date('2022-01-02 00:00:00').compare(new Date('2022-01-01 24:53:00')));
console.log(new Date('2022-01-02 00:00:00.000').compare(new Date('2022-01-01 24:59:59.256')));
사흘 전
23시간 전
7분 전
744밀리초 전