Decentralized Finance ![drawing](
This package provides distributed ledger based banking features like payments, deposits, loans and automated investment patterns.
Connect your TypeScript based projects with smart contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain by checking the usage examples below.
This package shall increase freedom for those who increase freedom. As such it supports the
Usage Examples
Transfer Ether
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const fromWalletAddress = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS
const toWalletAddress = process.env.RECEIVER_WALLET_ADDRESS
const amountInETH = 1
const senderPrivateKey = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY
await DeFiService.transferEther(fromWalletAddress, toWalletAddress, amountInETH, senderPrivateKey)
Deposit Ether to Compound
You can also test this feature via the user interface.
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const amountOfEtherToBeDeposited = 1
const senderPrivateKey = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY
const gasLimit = 250000
const web3ProviderURL = process.env.PROVIDER_URL
await DeFiService.depositEtherToCompound(amountOfEtherToBeDeposited, senderWalletPrivateKey, gasLimit web3ProviderURL)
Borrow Ether from Compound
You can also test this feature via the user interface.
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const amountOfDAIToBeBorrowed = 100
const walletPrivateKey = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY
const gasLimit = 250000
const web3ProviderURL = process.env.PROVIDER_URL
await DeFiService.borrowDAIFromCompound(amountOfDAIToBeBorrowed, walletPrivateKey, gasLimit, web3ProviderURL)
Redeem Asset from Compound
You can also test this feature via the user interface.
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const walletAddress = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS
const walletPrivateKey = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY
const gasLimit = 250000
const web3ProviderURL = process.env.PROVIDER_URL
const amount = 1
await DeFiService.redeemAssetFromCompound(walletAddress, walletPrivateKey, gasLimit, web3ProviderURL, amount)
Get Compound Account Data
You can also test this feature via the user interface.
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const walletAddress = '0xA63CD0d627c34Ce3958c4a82E6bB12F7b9C1c324'
const accountInfo = await DeFiService.getCompoundAccountData(walletAddress)
console.log(`The collateral value in ETH is: ${accountInfo.total_collateral_value_in_eth.value}.`)
Swap DAI to Ether via Uniswap
You can also test this feature via the user interface.
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const amountOfDAIToBeSwapped = 50
const walletAddress = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS
const walletPrivateKey = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY
const web3ProviderURL = process.env.PROVIDER_URL
await DeFiService.swapDAIToETH(amountOfDAIToBeSwapped, walletAddress, walletPrivateKey, web3ProviderURL)
Binance based Leverage Investment
The following example would trigger buy orders if the liquidity ratio is >= 0.45. It would trigger sell orders if the liquidity ratio is <= 0.01.
Start the automated investor locally
const { Gambler } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const liquidityRatioToBuy = 0.45
const liquidityRatioToSell = 0.01
const binanceApiKey = process.env.BINANCE_API_KEY
const binanceApiSecret = process.env.BINANCE_API_SECRET
Gambler.gamble(liquidityRatioToBuy, liquidityRatioToSell, binanceApiKey, binanceApiSecret)
Get account info from
You can also test this feature via the user interface.
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const walletAddress = process.env.SENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS
const result = await DeFiService.getDyDxPerpetualAccountBalances(walletAddress)
Explore FeedForward Neural Nets with Backpropagation
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
Get Price Data with Timestamp from Coinmarketcap (API Key Required)
You can compare the results via the user interface.
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const pricesWithTimeStamp = DeFiService.getPriceDataWithTimeStamp(process.env.COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY)
Get Current Gas Price Info
const { DeFiService } = require("decentralized-finance-defi")
const gasPriceInfo = await DeFiService.getGasPriceInfo()
Further Features
You can find further examples in the DeFi Service file. If you are looking for anything more specific, feel free to check the corresponding folders and class definitions within the src folder.
If you have not found what you are looking for, feel free to raise an issue or even better raise a Pull Request.
Smart Contract Development
You can find some simple examples for solidity based smart contract development projects within the smart-contracts-development folder.
General Recommendations
You might also check, and If you want to get a general overview on DeFi Services, you might check the
Distributed Domain Name Services
To provide your user interfaces in a sustainable way you might check If you want to try it, you might check this tutorial.
Blockchain based Deployments
For Permaweb deployments you might check I tested it for a vuejs frontend project. It works pretty straight forward already. If you are in general a fan of the decentralized web (dWeb), you might also check the new (2021) IPFS browser standard.
Fund Contributions
If you see an issue in the DeFi space which you want to see solved, consider funding the solution via
OpenBits based Open Source Incentive Engineering
With this package we also explore the features of
If you want to support this adventure, consider installing the package via:
openbits install decentralized-finance-defi
You can find background information on that via:
Deno based DeFi
I prepared the corresponding Deno module and wait until the dependencies of the package at hand are ready for Deno resp.
GDPR related Data Privacy
In order to comply to general data protection guidelines, you might consider providing built in transaction anonymization as a service to your users.
One option to do so is described in this tutorial leveraging
Depending on your specific jurisdiction you might check
See Security Policy.
Protect against Postinstall Exploits
To be on the safe side even if a dependency of a dependency of a dependency .... tries to exploit the potential postinstall weak spot we recommend to adhere to the following pattern:
npm config set ignore-scripts true
npm install
npm config set ignore-scripts false
Reference Projects
Some of the most famous projects using this package
This package shall increase freedom for those who increase freedom. Actions of the weak shall be private. Actions of the powerful shall be transparent.
Support our Open Source Contributions
If you like our work, you might download the Brave Browser via our
promotion link: and enjoy the new (2021) IPFS browser standard.