Retrieves a nested property from a data source by iterating over a supplied path. Supports Objects, Arrays, Maps, Weakmaps, and JSON strings automatically. Supports the use of a custom extraction function to handle unsupported datasets.
Any unsupported data structure may be accessed by supplying a customizer function. See this example
Getting Started
The following installation, testing, and deployment instructions assume that deep-props.extract will be installed as a standalone module. For instructions on how to install and test all deep-props modules, please refer to the main README. Functionality of the module remains the same in both cases.
Node.JS version 6.0.0 or above.
npm install deep-props.get
The following command will test the package for errors. It prints a large selection of examples to the console; scroll through its output if you want to learn more about the utility.
npm test --prefix /path/to/node_modules/deep-props.get
const get = require('deep-props.get')
Nested object extraction
const nest = { foo: { bar: { baz: 'qux' } } }
get(nest, 'foo.bar.baz')
Nested Map extraction
const nest = new Map().set(
'foo', new Map().set(
'bar', new Map().set(
'baz', new Map().set(
'qux', 'quz'
get(nest, 'foo.bar.baz.qux')
Extraction from JSON
const nest = JSON.stringify({ foo: { bar: { baz: 'qux' } } })
get(nest, 'foo.bar.baz')
Extraction from multi-typed nest
const wmKey = { baz: 'baz' }
const nest = {
foo: [
new Map().set(
'bar', new WeakMap().set(
wmKey, JSON.stringify({
baz: [
qux: 'quz'
get(data, ['foo', 0, 'bar', wmKey, 'baz', 0, 'qux'])
Usage of a custom extraction function (see Options
and GetCustomizer
class NonNativeDataStructure {
constructor(arr) {
const values = [...arr]
this.retrieve = i => values[i]
const testAB = new ArrayBuffer(16)
new Int16Array(testAB)[0] = 2
const nest = new NonNativeDataStructure[{ foo: { bar: testAB } }]
get(nest, '0.foo.bar[0]')
get(nest, '0.foo.bar[0]', {
customizer: (target, key) => {
if (target instanceof NonNativeDataStructure) {
return target.retrieve(next)
if (target instanceof ArrayBuffer && target.byteLength === 16) {
return new Int16Array(target)[key]
Module: get
Retrieves a nested property from a data source by iterating over a supplied path. Supports Objects, Arrays, Maps, Weakmaps, and JSON strings automatically. Supports the use of a custom extraction function to handle unsupported datasets.
Endpoint of path - the result of the search. Target is undefined if not found. If opt.gen === true
, returns a generator that yields each search step.
deep-props.get~Target | deep-props~ResultGenerator
Versioned using SemVer. For available versions, see the Changelog.
Please raise an issue if you find any. Pull requests are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details