This is yet another CommonJS implementation.
<script src="define.js"></script>
<script src="define-async.js"></script>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
define('a', function (require, exports, module) {
module.exports = 'hello';
define('b', function (require, exports, module) {
module.exports = 'world';
define('app', function (require, exports, module) {
var a = require('a');
var b = require('b');
console.log(a + ', ' + b);
define.async('async/a', 'http://script/to/a.js');
define.async('async/b', function () {
return getCodeFromSomewhereElse();
Assume we have a project with three files:
module.exports = 'hello';
module.exports = 'world';
var a = require('./a');
var b = require('./b');
console.log(a + ', ' + b);
Using gulp:
const pack = require('define-commonjs/pack/gulp');
const concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('pack', () => {
const collect = pack();
return gulp.src('src/*.js')
.pipe(collect.pack({main: 'src/app.js'}))
gulp.task('pack-with-custom-paths', () => {
const collect = pack();
return gulp.src('src/*.js')
main: 'src/app.js',
getPath(file) {
return file.relative === 'main.js' ? 'src/app.js' : file.path;