den, A DOM utility library that uses native methods and returns native HTMLElement.
Idea: Native APIs are first-class citizen, always return native HTMLElement.
- node is element or text node
- element is element
- text is text node
if not defined $ and $$, it will define
window.$ = function(selector) { return typeof selector === "string" ? document.querySelector(selector) : selector || null }
window.$$ = function(selector) { return [] }
den("#parent").insertAfter(node, $("#child-a"))
den(selector) -> <#Den>
- closest(selectorString) -> HTMLElement
- isAncestor(ancestorNode)
- insertAfter(newNode, referenceNode)
- remove()
# Class methods
- den.isNode(obj) .. isElement isText isDocument isWindow
- den.isIE(maxVersion) .. isIOS isMac
- den.createElement(htmlText) -> HTMLElement
- den.keystroke(event) -> "a" "ctrl-a" "ctrl-alt-shift-cmd-a"
$ npm install denjs --save
$ boewr install denjs --save
from medium-editor selection.js
getSelectedElements: function (doc) {
rangeSelectsSingleNode: function (range) {
getSelectedParentElement: function (range) {
getCaretOffsets: function getCaretOffsets(element, range) {
getSelectionHtml: function getSelectionHtml(doc) {
importSelection: function (selectionState, root, doc, favorLaterSelectionAnchor) {
exportSelection: function (root, doc) {
from quill lib/dom.js