Dennis Digital: Common step definitions for CucumberJS
A collections of common and reusable step defintions for Dennis Digital BDD testing stack. Run using CucumberJS and PhantomJS via NodeJS.
npm install dennisdigital-cucumberjs
Your features folder should be in the same directory as you package.json
run tests with the command:
./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js --require node_modules/dennisdigital-cucumberjs --require features
Alternatively you can add this as an NPM script:
"scripts": {
"tests": "node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js --require node_modules/dennisdigital-cucumberjs --require features"
npm run tests
And then options can be passed like so:
npm run tests -- --tags @mytesttag
The base url can and should be set in your package.json
"options": {
"baseUrl": "localhost:3000"
Example feature:
Feature: Post page
In order browse posts,
as a User,
I want see the post element and read the title.
@posts @mytesttag
Scenario: Go on post 1
Given I am on "/a-site-url"
Then I should a ".css-selector" element
And I should see "Post-1"
- chai-as-promised
- chromedriver
- cucumber
- selenium-webdriver
Still very much a work in progress!