A Simple Double Ended Queue Datastructure
I was using a javascript array as a FIFO. Somewhere between 100,000 and
200,000 entries the program performance went to hell (dev host is a MBP
w/8GB RAM). 15 minutes later, I implemented a simple dequeue and my FIFO
scales up to millions of entries.
It is a dropin replacement for javascript-arrays-as-fifo.
I was convinced by a blog posting by Issac Z. Schlueter that I don't need
semicolons. So I don't use them.
So here is the API:
var Dequeue = require('dequeue')
//var fifo = []
var fifo = new Dequeue()
fifo.length === 0 //=> true
fifo.length === 1 //=> true
fifo.pop() === d1 //=> true
fifo.shift() === d2 //=> true
fifo.length === 1 //=> true; only d3 is in the dequeue