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derivable - npm Package Versions




published 0.13.0-beta5 •

published 0.13.0-beta4 •

published 0.13.0-beta3 •

published 0.13.0-beta2 •

published 0.13.0 •

published 0.12.1 •




  • Removed stray const declarations (thanks, @liron00)
published 0.12.0 •





  • Derivable#derive does more stuff (destructuring, property/index lookup, regex matching)
  • Derivable#react now provides options for declarative lifecycle control.
  • Composite Lenses
  • Fine-grained Equality checks
  • Removed a bunch of API cruft.

New Stuff

Declarative Reactor Lifecycle Control

Prior to this release, the lifecycles of Reactors were controlled imperatively using theReactor#start and Reactor#stop methods. This was somewhat verbose and, more importantly, went against the grain of this whole declarative/reactive thing we have going here.

Now there is a better way: providing a lifetime configuration object as a second argument to the .react method. Here are the options:

interface Lifecycle {
  from?: (() => boolean) | Derivable<boolean>;
  when?: (() => boolean) | Derivable<boolean>;
  until?: (() => boolean) | Derivable<boolean>;
  skipFirst?: boolean;
  once?: boolean;
  onStart?: () => void;
  onStop?: () => void;

from determines this initialization time of the reactor. i.e. when the given derivable becomes truthy, the reactor is initialized.

when causes .start and .stop to be called when the given derivable becomes truthy and falsey respectively (but not before the reactor has been initialized, and not after it has been killed).

until causes the reactor to be killed when the given derivable becomes truthy.

skipFirst causes the first invocation of the reactor (after it has been initialized, and when when is truthy) to be ignored. This is typically used if the state of the world at the time of declaration is such that invoking the reactor would be redundant or harmful.

once causes the reactor to be killed immediately following its first invocation.

onStart and onStop are the same lifecycle hooks that were previously provided.

Example usage:

const n = atom(0);

n.react(n => console.log(`n is ${n}`), {
  from: () => n.get() > 0,      // start when n > 0
  when: () => n.get() %2 === 0, // only react when n is even
  until: () => n.get() => 5     // stop when n >= 5
// ... no output

// ... no output (n is odd)

// $> n is 2

// ... no output (n is odd)

// $> n is 4

// ... no output (reactor was killed)

// ... no output (reactors don't come back from the dead)
Derivable#derive new capabilities
  • RegExp matching

    const string = atom('hello world');
    const firstLetters = string.derive(/\b\w/g);
    // => ['h', 'w']
  • Property/Index lookup

    const obj = atom({foo: 'FOO!'});
    const foo = obj.derive('foo');
    // => 'FOO!'
    const arr = atom(['one', 'two']);
    const first = arr.derive(0);
    // => 'one'
  • Destructuring

    const string = atom('hello world')
    const [len, upper, firstChar, words] = string.derive([
      'length', s => s.toUpperCase(), 0, /\w+/g

Also note that these work with derivable versions of the arguments:

const arr = atom(['one', 'two', 'three']);
const idx = atom(0);
const item = arr.derive(idx);

// => 'one'

// => 'two'
Composite Lenses

Previously 'lensed atoms' could only have one underlying atom. It is now possible to lens over an arbitrary number of atoms using the new CompositeLens interface:

type CompositeLens<T> = {
  // no-arg getter uses lexical closure to deref and combine atoms
  get: () => T,

  // one-arg setter to tease apart the value being set and push it
  // up to the atoms manually
  // runs in an implicit transaction.
  set: (value: T) => void

Instances of which may be passed to a new 1-arity version of the top-level lens function to create lensed atoms:

const $FirstName = atom('John');
const $LastName = atom('Steinbeck');

const $Name = lens({
  get: () => $FirstName.get() + ' ' + $LastName.get(),
  set: (val) => {
    const [first, last] = val.split(' ');

$Name.get(); // => 'John Steinbeck'

$Name.set('James Joyce').

$LastName.get(); // => 'Joyce'
Fine-grained Equality Control

Because JS has no standard way to override equality comparisons, DerivableJS makes it possible to inject equality-checking logic at the module level using the top-level function withEquality which returns a new instance of DerivableJS using the given equality-checking function.

It is now also possible to do this on a per-derivable basis.

The new Derivable#withEquality method creates a clone of a derivable, which new derivable uses the given equality-checking function. It looks like this:

import { equals } from 'ramda'

const $Person = atom({name: "Steve"}).withEquality(equals);
$Person.react(({name}) => console.log(`name is ${name}`));
// $> name is Steve

$Person.set({name: "Steve"});
// ... no output (this would print the name again
// if using DerivableJS's standard equality function
// which only does strict-equality (===) checks if no .equals
// method is present on the arguments being compared)

These new top-level functions are identical to transaction/transact respectively except that they do not create new (nested) transactions if already in a transaction. This is almost always the desired behaviour, unless you want to gracefully abort transactions.

Breaking changes:

The Derivable#react method:
  • no longer returns a Reactor.
  • only accepts functions as the first argument.
  • does not bind the given function to the context of the resultant reactor.

You can get the old behaviour by converting




Although it is recommended to switch to using the new declarative lifecycle stuffs if possible.

The Derivable#reactWhen method was removed

Use $d.react(r, {when: $when}).

Dependent reactors are no longer stopped automatically when their governors are.

That was a silly idea...

The following top-level functions were removed due to cruftiness:
  • derive (except the tagged template string version, that's still there). Use the Derivable#derive method instead.
  • mDerive. Use the Derivable#mDerive method instead.
  • 2+ arity version of lens. Use the Derivable#lens method instead.
  • lookup. Use the Derivable#derive(string|number) method instead.
  • destruct. Use the Derivable#derive([string|number]) method instead.
  • ifThenElse. Use the Derivable#then method instead.
  • mIfThenElse. Use the Derivable#mThen method instead.
  • not. Use the Derivable#not method instead.
  • switchCase. Use the Derivable#switch method instead.
  • get. Use the Derivable#get method instead.
  • set. Use the Atom#set method instead.
  • swap. Use the Atom#swap method instead.
published 0.11.0 •




Derivable#reactWhen method

A very common pattern I've needed in my use of DerivableJS has been starting and stopping some reactor based on the value of some piece of state. Dependent Reactors were implemented for this very reason, and it seems to be an elegant way to express many kinds of effectful logic.

This new method enables one to avoid giving the dependent reactor a lexical binding. e.g. before you would do this:

const r = $thing.reactor(doEffects);

$condition.react(cond => {
  if (cond) r.start.force();
  else r.stop();

now you can just write:

$thing.reactWhen($condition, doEffects);

lemon squeezy

published 0.10.0 •




Debug Mode

Due to inversion of control, the stack traces you get when your derivations or reactors throw errors can be totally unhelpful. This pull request solves that issue by enabling JS Errors to be created (but not thrown) when derivations are instantiated in order to capture the stack trace at the point of instantiation. Then if a derivation throws an error, its instantiation stack trace is logged so we can easily identify exactly which derivation threw the error, and which derivations the error propagated up through.

Creating errors is quite expensive, and can cause noticeable slowdown if there are enough derivations being instantiated, so this mode can be toggled on/off for dev/prod respectively. It is off by default.

See the top-level setDebugMode function.

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