Derive TypeScript Interface
Simple functions to derive a TypeScript interface from a JavaScript object example.
CLI Installation
npm install -g derive-ts
npx derive-ts
For Use in NodeJS
The deriveInterfaceFromObject function can be imported and used in code also. The deriveInterfaceFromObject function accepts three parameters: a JavaScript object to convert to a TypeScript interface, an interface name to use in the generated TypeScript, and optionally a boolean flag if the code should be prettified or not (defaults to true).
Install the package locally in your project:
npm install --save derive-ts
and then:
const { deriveInterfaceFromObject } = require('derive-ts');
deriveInterfaceFromObject({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, 'MyInterface', true)
.then((typeScriptInterfaceString) => {
.catch((error) => {
The above will log the following:
export interface MyInterface {
a: number;
b: number;
c: number;
The prettifyCode code function is also exported from the library so you can pass in your own prettier options to format the generated TypeScript. It accepts two parameters: the code string to format and an object with the prettier options.
CLI Usage
The CLI can be used by installing the derive-ts
package or with npx
npm install --global derive-ts
derive-ts derive examples/example.js -n Test -i example -o output.ts
npx derive-ts derive examples/example.js -n Test -i example -o output.ts
This is the main command that accepts parameters of a JavaScript file containing the example object to derive the TypeScript interface from.
-n, --interface-name <name>
Name of the outputted interface
-i, --import-name <importName>
Name of the object exported from the specified file
-o, --output-file <outputFilePath>
File to save the interface to
Simple Example
A JavaScript file has been created called 'example.js' with the following contents:
exports.example = {
address_components: [
{ long_name: '8035', short_name: '8035', types: ['street_number'] },
{ long_name: 'Market Street', short_name: 'Market St', types: ['route'] },
{ long_name: 'Wilmington', short_name: 'Wilmington', types: ['locality', 'political'] },
'<span class="street-address">8035 Market St</span>, <span class="locality">Wilmington</span>, <span class="region">NC</span> <span class="postal-code">28411</span>, <span class="country-name">USA</span>',
business_status: 'OPERATIONAL',
formatted_address: '8035 Market St, Wilmington, NC 28411, USA',
formatted_phone_number: '(910) 686-2007',
vicinity: '8035 Market Street, Wilmington',
After running the following command:
derive-ts derive ./example.js --output-file output.ts --interface-name Test --import-name example
The following file is generated 'output.ts' with the contents:
export interface Test {
address_components: {
long_name: string;
short_name: string;
types: string[];
adr_address: string;
business_status: string;
formatted_address: string;
formatted_phone_number: string;
vicinity: string;
website: string;
Example with Sub-Interfaces Generated
A JavaScript file has been created called 'example.js' with the following contents:
exports.example = {
address_components: [
{ long_name: '8035', short_name: '8035', types: ['street_number'] },
{ long_name: 'Market Street', short_name: 'Market St', types: ['route'] },
{ long_name: 'Wilmington', short_name: 'Wilmington', types: ['locality', 'political'] },
'<span class="street-address">8035 Market St</span>, <span class="locality">Wilmington</span>, <span class="region">NC</span> <span class="postal-code">28411</span>, <span class="country-name">USA</span>',
business_status: 'OPERATIONAL',
formatted_address: '8035 Market St, Wilmington, NC 28411, USA',
formatted_phone_number: '(910) 686-2007',
vicinity: '8035 Market Street, Wilmington',
After running the following command (notice the --sub-interfaces
flag in the command)
derive-ts derive ./example.js --output-file output.ts --interface-name Test --import-name example --sub-interfaces
The following file is generated 'output.ts' with the contents:
export interface AddressComponents {
long_name: string;
short_name: string;
types: string[];
export interface Test {
address_components: AddressComponents[];
adr_address: string;
business_status: string;
formatted_address: string;
formatted_phone_number: string;
vicinity: string;
website: string;