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Detect if a device is mouse only, touch only, or hybrid

Version published



Detect It

Detect if a device is mouseOnly, touchOnly, or hybrid, and if the primary input is mouse or touch. Also detects if the browser supports the Pointer Events API, the Touch Events API, and passive event listeners. Detect It is tree-shakable and side-effect free.

This is useful for creating device responsive UX and responding to user interactions. When creating apps with device responsive UX it is important to know what the user can do. Can they hover? Can they swipe? Etc. Once it's known what the user can do, the next question is how does the app listen for user input. For example, it's not enough to know that the user is on a touch device, the app also needs to know how to listen for touch input, should the app set PointerEvent listeners or TouchEvent listeners? For more on this see the Recommended usage section.

Live detection test (code in the demo repo)

npm npm bundle size (version) npm type definitions

detect-it v4 is currently in pre-release, use the @next tag to install it, v3 is available here

npm install --save detect-it@next
import * as detectIt from 'detect-it';
// OR
import {
} from 'detect-it';
// types
deviceType: 'mouseOnly' | 'touchOnly' | 'hybrid';
primaryInput: 'mouse' | 'touch';
supportsPointerEvents: boolean;
supportsTouchEvents: boolean;
supportsPassiveEvents: boolean;


mouseOnly | touchOnly | hybrid

Indicates if the the device is mouseOnly, touchOnly or hybrid. For info on how the detection works and how specific devices are classified see Notes on detecting deviceType.

import { deviceType } from 'detect-it';

if (deviceType === 'hybrid') {
  // ensure the site is usable by both mouse and touch input


mouse | touch

Indicates if the primary input for the device is mouse or touch. For more info on how to use primaryInput see the Recommended usage section.

import { primaryInput } from 'detect-it';

if (primaryInput === 'touch') {
  // tailor UX for touch input
} else {
  // tailor UX for mouse input



Indicates if the browser supports the Pointer Events API. See MDN's Pointer Events and the W3C Pointer Events specification for more information on Pointer Events. See Can I use for current support.

import { supportsPointerEvents } from 'detect-it';

if (supportsPointerEvents) {
  element.addEventListener('pointerenter', handlePointerEnter, false);



Indicates if the browser supports the Touch Events API. See MDN's Touch Events and the W3C Touch Events specification for more information on Touch Events.

import { supportsTouchEvents } from 'detect-it';

if (supportsTouchEvents) {
  element.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);



Indicates if the browser supports passive event listeners. See this Passive Events Explainer for more information on passive events. See Can I use for current support.

import { supportsPassiveEvents } from 'detect-it';

if (supportsPassiveEvents) {
  // passive events are supported by the browser
  document.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll, { capture: false, passive: true });
} else {
  // passive events are not supported by the browser
  document.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll, false);

Pre-built option served from Unpkg CDN

Optionally, instead of using npm install you can load Detect It directly in the browser. A minified UMD version is available from Unpkg for this purpose.

<!-- in index.html -->
<script src=""></script>
// it will be available on the window as detectIt
if (window.detectIt.primaryInput === 'touch') {
  // tailor UX for touch input


  • Use primaryInput for creating device responsive UX that optimizes the user experience for either mouse or touch input (note that the app should still be usable by both inputs). Use this along with classic responsive design that adapts to screen/window size to create a fully device responsive app.
  • Listening for user interactions:
    • If the browser supportsPointerEvents then only set PointerEvent listeners and use pointerType to determine if the interaction was from mouse or touch.
    • Otherwise always set both MouseEvent and TouchEvent listeners and use event-from to ignore MouseEvents generated from touch input.

Device responsive UX

Device responsive UX is about creating web apps that feel native on every device. This goes beyond classic responsive design, which only responds to the screen/window size, and includes how the user can interact with the app (the capabilities of the device). Can the user hover, swipe, long press, etc?

There are 3 parts of device responsive UX: Size (size of screen/window), Can (what the user can do/capabilities of the device), and Is (is the user hovering, touching, etc). Size and Can need to be known at render time (when the UI is rendered), and Is needs to be known at interaction time (when the user is interacting with the app).

  • Size
    • This can be determined using media queries, for example (max-width: 600px), either applied via CSS or in JavaScript by using something like react-media.
  • Can
    • This is what Detect It is built for - knowing at render time what the capabilities of the device are (what can the user do). There are a number of ways that you could use deviceType or primaryInput to optimize the UX for the capabilities of the device, however, in most cases I've found it makes sense to just use primaryInput and optimize the UX for mouse or touch, while ensuring that the app is still usable by both inputs.
  • Putting Size and Can together, my preferred approach is to optimize the UX for 4 scenarios:
    • Wide screen with primaryInput mouse: desktop/laptop with a normal window
    • Narrow screen and primaryInput mouse: desktop/laptop with a narrow window
    • Wide screen with primaryInput touch: tablet
    • Narrow screen with primaryInput touch: phone
  • Is
    • Is the user hovering, touching, etc. To help with this I created React Interactive which provides a callback for interactive state changes (hover, mouseActive, touchActive, keyActive) and allows you to style touch interactions in ways that are not possible with CSS pseudo selectors.

Setting event listeners

Setting event listeners can be thought of as either setting PointerEvent listeners or setting MouseEvent and TouchEvent listeners. PointerEvents can do everything that MouseEvents and TouchEvents can do (and more), without having to worry about if a MouseEvent was caused by touch input and so should be ignored. It is recommended to use PointerEvents if they are supported.

PointerEvent listeners

If the browser supportsPointerEvents then only set PointerEvent listeners and use pointerType to determine if the interaction was from mouse or touch.

import { supportsPointerEvents } from 'detect-it';

const handlePointerEnter = (e) => {
  if (e.pointerType === 'mouse') {
    // event from mouse input
  } else {
    // event from touch input
    // note that pointerType can be 'mouse', 'touch' or 'pen'
    // but in most situations it makes it makes sense to treat 'touch' and 'pen' as the same

if (supportsPointerEvents) {
  element.addEventListener('pointerenter', handlePointerEnter, false);
} else {
  // set mouse and touch event listeners
MouseEvent and TouchEvent listeners

If the browser doesn't support PointerEvents, then there are a couple of ways to approach setting mouse and touch event listeners.

Note that a touch interaction will fire TouchEvents as the interaction is in progress (finger on the screen), and then will fire MouseEvents after the touch interaction has finished (after the finger is removed from the screen) to support sites that only listen for MouseEvents.

Option 1: If the device is mouseOnly or touchOnly then only set mouse or touch listeners, and if the device is hybrid set both mouse and touch event listeners and ignore MouseEvents caused by touch input (you can use event-from for this).

Option 2: Always set both mouse and touch event listeners and use event-from to ignore MouseEvents from touch input.

I prefer option 2 as it's simpler to code and I haven't noticed any performance impact from setting extra listeners (note that setting TouchEvent listeners on a browser that doesn't support TouchEvents is fine, the browser will just ignore the event listeners).

import { supportsPointerEvents } from 'detect-it';
import { eventFrom } from 'event-from';

const handleMouseEnter = (e) => {
  if (eventFrom(e) !== 'mouse') return;
  // code for handling mouse enter event from mouse input

const handleTouchStart = (e) => {
  // code for handling touch start from touch input

if (supportsPointerEvents) {
  // set pointer event listeners
} else {
  // PointerEvents are not supported so set both MouseEvent and TouchEvent listeners
  element.addEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter, false);
  element.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);

Notes on detecting deviceType

To determine the deviceType and primaryInput Detect It uses multiple API detections and media query results to triangulate what type of device is being used. The entire detection is done when the script is imported so the results are known at render time (Detect It doesn't set any event listeners).

Detect It has a wide definition for what constitutes a hybrid device, or rather a strict definition for what are mouseOnly and touchOnly devices, because if a device strays from only a fine point and hover with a mouse, or a coarse touch with a finger, then it should be treated uniquely when considering how the user will interact with it. Below is the source code for determining deviceType:

// a hybrid device is one that both hasTouch and
// any input can hover or has a fine pointer, or the primary pointer is not coarse
// if it's not a hybrid, then if it hasTouch it's touchOnly, otherwise it's mouseOnly
export const deviceType =
  hasTouch && (hasAnyHoverOrAnyFinePointer || !hasCoarsePrimaryPointer)
    ? 'hybrid'
    : hasTouch
    ? 'touchOnly'
    : 'mouseOnly';
Some hybrid device examples
  • A touch capable Chromebook
  • A touch capable Windows computer (both when it's used as a regular computer, and when in tablet mode, e.g. Microsoft Surface without a keyboard)
  • A Samsung Galaxy Note with stylus
  • All iPads now that they support a mouse and keyboard (note that Apple makes it impossible to know if a mouse or keyboard is attached, so iPads are always treated as a hybrid with primaryInput touch)
Detection limitations

These detections are limited by how the browser presents itself (the APIs it exposes and how it responds to media queries) so there is the potential for errors. As anyone who has done web development knows, browsers are quirky and they don't always behave in expected ways, so Detect It uses real world browser behavior to triangulate the deviceType and primaryInput. For more on this see the comments in the source code for notes about detecting the device type. Also, tests have been written to mock a number of different browser behaviors and edge cases. Cloning this repo and running npm test will provide insight into how detect-it will preform on different devices.



Last updated on 21 Oct 2020

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