A tiny JavaScript library that can be used to detect WebRTC features e.g. system having speakers, microphone or webcam, screen capturing is supported, number of audio/video devices etc.
It is MIT Licenced, which means that you can use it in any commercial/non-commercial product, free of cost.
npm install detectrtc
# or
bower install detectrtc
To use it:
<script src="./node_modules/detectrtc/DetectRTC.js"></script>
<script src="//cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/DetectRTC.js"></script>
Check all releases:
How to use it?
DetectRTC.load(function() {
Why load
If you're not detecting audio/video input/outupt devices then you can skip this method.
simply makes sure that all devices are captured and valid result is set for relevant properties.
DetectRTC.js is released under MIT licence . Copyright (c) Muaz Khan.