Javascript API wrapper around DHIS2. It handles authentication automatically given user credentials.
This package is not currently in the npm ecosystem, so in order to install it in a project, it should be added as a git repository.
"dependencies": {
"dhis2-api-wrapper": "git+ssh://git@github.com/WISCENTD-UPC/dhis2-api-wrapper.git#develop"
After configuring the package.json npm install
should be executed
Creation of the api wrapper:
const API = require('dhis2-api-wrapper')
const api = new API({
baseURL: '',
credentials: {
user: 'username',
password: 'password'
debug: true // Log requests
api.getResources(): Get a list of all the resources avaliable.
api.resourcesSummary(): Print a list with all the resources avaliable and their URLs.
api.getOrganisationUnits(): Get all organisation units.
api.getOrganisationUnit(id): Get additional information of an organisation unit given its ID.
api.getOrganisationUnitsFromParent(id): Get an organisation unit by its ID and all its descendants.
api.getTrackedEntityTypes(): Get the different types of tracked entities defined.
api.getTrackedEntityInstances(organisationUnitID, filters = {}): Get tracked entity instances asociated with an organisation unit. Additional query filters can be added, if needed, as a second argument
api.getTrackedEntityInstance(id): Get additional information of a tracked entity instance.
api.getTrackedEntitiesAttributes(): Get all attributes defined for tracked entity instances.
api.getEventsReports(): Get events reports
api.programsSummary(): Print a list with all avaliable programs and their URLs.
api.getPrograms(): Get all the programs
api.getProgram(id): Get additional information of a program given its ID.
api.getProgramStages(): Get all program stages
api.getProgramStage(id): Get additional information of a program stage given its ID
api.getProgramIndicator(id): Get additional information of a program indeicator given its ID
api.getTrackedEntityEvents(id): Get events of a tracked entity instance given its ID.
api.getDataElements(): Get all data elements avaliable.
npm test