Dispatches actions on history state changes (ie. push state or navigate).
Getting started
Install dhistory using npm
npm install -s dhistory
Or via yarn
yarn add dhistory
Define routes and connect to your store:
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'dhistory';
const routes = {
'/posts/:id': 'VIEW_POST',
'/posts': 'VIEW_POSTS',
'/': 'VIEW_HOME',
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'VIEW_POST':
return { ...state, post_id: action.id, view: 'POST' };
case 'VIEW_POSTS':
return { ...state, view: 'POSTS' };
case 'VIEW_HOME':
return { ...state, view: 'HOME' };
const store = createStore(reducers, applyMiddleware(createBrowserHistory(routes)));
Your store will now receive actions defined in routes
when the browser's history changes. For example, when the URL changes to /posts/123
the action VIEW_POST
will be dispatched with the param id: 123
To navigate simply dispatch the action, along with any parameters, as you normally would in your Redux app:
dispatch({ type: 'VIEW_POST', id: 1 });
Which will update the location to /posts/1
and dispatch the action.
There are many routers and history management libraries but none of them seem to truly fitted with Redux. Navigations don't match with actions or follow the same flow and are treated separate from everything else.
import { Router, Route } from 'react-router';
<Route to="/post/new" component={NewPostView}/>
<Route to="/post/:id" component={PostView}/>
function createPost(data) {
return { type: 'POST_CREATED', post };
function NewPostView({ store }) {
return (
<PostForm onSubmit={data => store.dispatch(createPost(data))}>
createBrowserHistory(routes, options)
and createMemoryHistory(routes, options)
and createHashHistory(routes, options)
Returns a router object.
- routes - A routes object. Keys are patterns and values are either the action name or an action object.
- options - Options for browser history. Read ReactTraining's history package for more info.
Returns a function to be passed to applyMiddleware
Much of this work wouldn't be made possible without the efforts put to react-router.