Diffusion JavaScript API
The Diffusion JavaScript API allows interaction with a Diffusion server from both
the browser and NodeJS.
Clients use a WebSocket connection to receive and send data, as well as perform
other functionality like adding, removing and updating topics.
Quick start
A client session maintains a connection to the server. To create a session, simply do
It is also possible to connect with a map of options
host : 'diffusion.example.com',
port : 8080,
secure : false,
principal : 'admin',
credentials : 'password'
Connecting returns a Promise - this will succeed if the session could be connected, or fail if not.
diffusion.connect('diffusion.example.com').then(function(session) {
}, function(error) {
Sessions emit events to indicate when they are disconnected or closed. These events are easy to listen to.
session.on('disconnect', function() {
session.on('close', function() {
Once a session is closed, it can never be re-opened.
Data in Diffusion is distributed on topics. A topic carries a single value, which
can be updated. Each topic is addressed by a unique path.
The way that a session receives data is by using a subscription. These allow the
session to select a particular topic, and register a function to handle that topic's
data. A session may subscribe to many topics, as well as subscribe to the same topic
multiple times.
The simplest way to subscribe is
var subscription = session.subscribe('topic/foo');
The subscription that is returned is a stream of update
events when the value of
any of the selected topics changes. These events can be listened to like so
subscription.on('update', function(value, topic) {
It is possible to register any number of listeners to a subscriptions update events. They will each be called when a new
value is received. By default, received values will be provided as Buffer objects which provide a clean interface for
accessing binary data.
Because clients will most likely wish to consume data in a more specific type, subscriptions can be transformed.
Calling the transform
method will return a new subscription stream with a bound transformation function. This
will be applied to all topic values before being passed to user listeners.
session.subscribe('topic/foo').transform(JSON.parse).on('update', function(update) {