A JavaScript client for Derpibooru API
![devDependencies Status](https://david-dm.org/octet-stream/dinky/dev-status.svg)
You can install this package from npm:
npm install dinky.js
Or with yarn:
yarn add dinky.js
Dinky implements chainable API to build each request and all requests will return a Promise that resolves data taken from Derpibooru API.
The minimal example that will return an image by known ID:
import dinky from "dinky.js"
Or if you want to find pictures by their tags, just use .search()
import dinky from "dinky.js"
dinky({url: "trixiebooru.org"}).search(["artist:rainbow", "safe"]).random()
class Dinky
constructor([options]) -> {Dinky}
Creates a new instance of the Derpibooru API client
- {object} [options = {}] – client options
- {string} [options.url = "derpibooru.org"] - Derpibooru API hostname (you can set trixiebooru.org or derpibooru.org)
- {string} [options.key = null] – your personal API key taken from your account settings
Instance methods
images() -> {Images}
Creates a request handler for /images.json
search([tags]) -> {Search}
Creates a request handler for /search.json
. This method takes a list of tags
- {string | string[]} [tags = null] – a tag or a list of tags and returns Search instance
class Images > Request
constructor() -> {Images}
Creates a request handler for /images.json
Instance methods
id(id) -> {Promise<object>}
Returns an image with given ID
class Search > Request
constructor() -> {Search}
Creates a request handler for /search.json
Instance methods
tags(list) -> {Search}
Appends a tag or a list of tags to the current search request
- {string | string[]} list – a tag or a list of tags you want to append
limit(value) -> {Search}
Specifies how many images per page should API return
- {number} value – an amount of images you want to take.
The value must be in range of 1 and 50.
minScore(value) -> {Search}
Sets the minimal score of requested images.
- {number} value – a value of minimal socre
maxScore(value) -> {Search}
Sets the maximal score of requested images
- {number} value – a value of maximal socre
random() -> {Promise<object>}
If been called, the API will return random image
class Request
constructor() -> {Request}
Creates a new request handler.
Instance methods
ascending() -> {Request}
Sets images ordering to ascending
descending() -> {Request}
Sets images ordering to descending
page(offset) -> {Request}
Sets the page offset
- {number} [offset = 1] – The page offset.
exec() -> {Promise<object | Array<object>>}
Executes current request.
then(onFulfilled, onRejected) -> {Promise<object | Array<object>>}
This method takes up to two arguments: callback functions for the success and failure cases of the Promise.
See Promise#then() documentation for more info.
catch(onRejected) -> {Promise<object | Array<object>>}
This method returns a Promise and deals with rejected cases only.
See Promise#catch documentation for more info.