What is dir-compare?
The dir-compare npm package is used to compare the contents of directories. It can compare files and subdirectories, providing detailed information about differences and similarities. This package is useful for tasks such as synchronizing directories, verifying backups, and ensuring consistency between different environments.
What are dir-compare's main functionalities?
Basic Directory Comparison
This feature allows you to compare two directories. The `compareSync` method performs a synchronous comparison, and the `compareContent` option ensures that file contents are compared as well.
const dircompare = require('dir-compare');
const options = { compareContent: true };
const res = dircompare.compareSync('path/to/dir1', 'path/to/dir2', options);
Asynchronous Directory Comparison
This feature allows you to perform an asynchronous comparison of two directories. The `compare` method returns a promise that resolves with the comparison result.
const dircompare = require('dir-compare');
const options = { compareContent: true };
dircompare.compare('path/to/dir1', 'path/to/dir2', options)
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
Custom Comparison Options
This feature allows you to customize the comparison process with various options. For example, you can exclude certain file types or include only specific file types in the comparison.
const dircompare = require('dir-compare');
const options = { compareContent: true, excludeFilter: '*.txt', includeFilter: '*.js' };
const res = dircompare.compareSync('path/to/dir1', 'path/to/dir2', options);
Detailed Comparison Result
This feature provides detailed information about the comparison result. The `diffSet` property contains an array of differences, which you can iterate over to get detailed information about each difference.
const dircompare = require('dir-compare');
const options = { compareContent: true };
const res = dircompare.compareSync('path/to/dir1', 'path/to/dir2', options);
res.diffSet.forEach(dif => console.log(dif));
Other packages similar to dir-compare
The diff package provides a way to compare text differences between two strings or files. While it is more focused on text comparison rather than directory structures, it can be used to compare file contents in a more granular way.
The fs-extra package extends the native Node.js fs module with additional methods, including methods for copying, moving, and removing directories. While it does not provide direct comparison features, it can be used in conjunction with other tools to manage directory contents.
The rsyncwrapper package is a Node.js wrapper for the rsync command-line utility. It can be used to synchronize directories and files between different locations. While it focuses on synchronization rather than comparison, it can be used to achieve similar goals.
Node JS directory compare
$ npm install dir-compare -g
var utils = require('util');
var dircompare = require('dir-compare');
var res = dircompare.compareSync(path1, path2, {compareSize: true});
console.log('equal: ' + res.equal);
console.log('distinct: ' + res.distinct);
console.log('left: ' + res.left);
console.log('right: ' + res.right);
console.log('differences: ' + res.differences);
console.log('same: ' + res.same);
res.diffSet.forEach(function (entry) {
var state = {
'equal' : '==',
'left' : '->',
'right' : '<-',
'distinct' : '<>'
var name1 = entry.name1 ? entry.name1 : '';
var name2 = entry.name2 ? entry.name2 : '';
console.log(utils.format('%s(%s)%s%s(%s)', name1, entry.type1, state, name2, entry.type2));
- compareSize: true/false - compares files by size
- compareContent: true/false - compares files by content
- skipSubdirs: true/false - skips sub directories
- skipSymlinks: true/false - skips symbolic links
- ignoreCase: true/false - ignores case when comparing names.
- includeFilter: file name filter
- excludeFilter: file/directory name exclude filter
- distinct: number of distinct entries
- equal: number of equal entries
- left: number of entries only in path1
- right: number of entries only in path2
- differences: total number of differences (distinct+left+right)
- same: true if directories are identical
- diffSet - List of changes
path1: absolute path not including file/directory name,
path2: absolute path not including file/directory name,
relativePath: common path relative to root,
name1: file/directory name
name2: file/directory name
state: one of equal, left, right, distinct,
type1: one of missing, file, directory
type2: one of missing, file, directory
size1: file size
size2: file size
date1: modification date (stat.mdate)
date2: modification date (stat.mdate)
level: depth
Command line
Usage: dircompare [options] leftdir rightdir
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --compare-content compare files by content
-f, --filter [type] file name filter
-x, --exclude [type] file/directory name exclude filter
-S, --skip-subdirs do not recurse into subdirectories
-L, --skip-symlinks do not follow symlinks
-i, --ignore-case ignores case when comparing file names
-l, --show-left report - show entries occurring in leftdir
-r, --show-right report - show entries occurring in rightdir
-e, --show-equal report - show identic entries occuring in both dirs
-d, --show-distinct report - show distinct entries occuring in both dirs
-a, --show-all report - show all entries
-w, --whole-report report - include directories in detailed report
--csv report - print details as csv
--nocolors don't use console colors
By default files are compared by size.
Exit codes:
0 - entries are identical
1 - entries are different
2 - error occurred
compare by content - dircompare -c dir1 dir2
exclude filter - dircompare -x .git dir1 dir2
include filter - dircompare -f *.js,*.yml dir1 dir2
show only different files - dircompare -d dir1 dir2