Discord Player
Discord Player is a powerful framework for JavaScript and TypeScript, built on top of @discord.js/voice library.
It provides easy set of customizable tools to develop Discord Music bots.
Why Discord Player?
- Beginner friendly, easy to understand
- TypeScript support
- Quick and easy to set up
- Wide range of player management features
- 64+ built-in audio filter presets
- Highly customizable
- Automatic queue management
- Query caching support
- Wide range of extendable sources via Extractors API
- Object oriented
- Built in stats tracker
Before you start
Discord Player requires Discord.js 14.0 or higher. PLease make sure you have a compatible version using npm list discord.js
in your terminal. If you're using an earlier version please update it. The Discord.JS Guide has resources to help with that.
Main Library
$ yarn add discord-player
$ yarn add @discord-player/extractor
Discord Player recognizes @discord-player/extractor
and loads it automatically by default.
Opus Library
Discord Player is a high level framework for Discord VoIP. Discord only accepts opus packets, thus you need to install opus library. You can install any of these:
$ yarn add @discordjs/opus
$ yarn add opusscript
FFmpeg or Avconv
FFmpeg or Avconv is required for media transcoding. You can get it from https://ffmpeg.org or by installing it from npm:
$ yarn add ffmpeg-static
You can get avconv from https://libav.org/download.
Streaming Library
You also need to install streaming library if you want to add support for youtube playback. You can install one of these libraries:
$ yarn add ytdl-core
$ yarn add play-dl
$ yarn add @distube/ytdl-core
Done with all these? Let's write a simple music bot then.
Let's create a master player instance.
const { Player } = require('discord-player');
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: ['GuildVoiceStates' ]
const player = new Player(client);
Did You Know? Discord Player is by default a singleton.
Now, let's add some event listeners:
player.events.on('playerStart', (queue, track) => {
queue.metadata.channel.send(`Started playing **${track.title}**!`);
Let's write the command part. You can define the command as you desire. We will only check the command handler part:
async function execute(interaction) {
const channel = interaction.message.member.voice.channel;
if (!channel) return interaction.reply('You are not connected to a voice channel!');
const query = interaction.options.getString('query', true);
await interaction.deferReply();
try {
const { track } = await player.play(channel, query, {
nodeOptions: {
metadata: interaction
return interaction.followUp(`**${track.title}** enqueued!`);
} catch (e) {
return interaction.followUp(`Something went wrong: ${e}`);
That's all it takes to build your own music bot.
Check out the Documentation for more info.
A curated list of resources (such as open source music bots, extractors, etc.) built by Discord Player community.