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A complete framework to facilitate the tracking of user voice time using discord.js

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Discord Voice

Discord Documentation -

What is Discord Voice?

Discord Voice is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily track the user's voice time and levels!


  • ✨ Easy to use!
  • 📁 Support for all databases! (default is json)
  • ⚙️ Very customizable! (ignored channels, ignored members, ignored permissions, xp amount to add, voice time to add etc...)
  • 🚀 Super powerful: createUser, createConfig, removeUser, removeConfig, updateUser and updateConfig!
  • 🕸️ Support for shards!
  • and much more!


npm install --save discord-voice


You can use this example bot on GitHub: VoiceTimeTrackerBot

Usage of the modudle

const { Client, Intents } = require("discord.js"),
    client = new Client({
        intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES, Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] // The GUILD_VOICE_STATES and GUILDS intents are required for discord-voice to function.
    settings = {
        prefix: "v!",
        token: "Your Discord Bot Token"

// Requires Manager from discord-voice
const { VoiceManager } = require("discord-voice");
// Create a new instance of the manager class
const manager = new VoiceManager(client, {
    userStorage: "./users.json",
    configStorage: "./configs.json",
    checkMembersEvery: 5000,
    default: {
        trackBots: false,
        trackAllChannels: true
// We now have a voiceManager property to access the manager everywhere!
client.voiceManager = manager;

After that, user's who are in the voice channel's that the bot has cached will be checked. You can pass an options object to customize the config. For a list of them refer to the documentation.

Create an user

client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if (command === "create-user") {
        client.voiceManager.createUser(,, {
            levelingData: {
                xp: 0,
                level: 0
            // The user will have 0 xp and 0 level.

This allow's you create a user in the database if the user is not already present in the database. You can pass an options object to customize the user's data. For a list of them refer to the documentation.

Create a config

client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if (command === "create-config") {
        client.voiceManager.createConfig(, {
            trackBots: false, // If the user is a bot it will not be tracked.
            trackAllChannels: true, // All of the channels in the guild will be tracked.
            exemptChannels: () => false, // The user will not be tracked in these channels. (This is a function).
            channelIds: [], // The channel ids to track. (If trackAllChannels is true, this is ignored)
            exemptPermissions: [], // The user permissions to not track.
            exemptMembers: () => false, // The user will not be tracked. (This is a function).
            trackMute: true, // It will track users if they are muted aswell.
            trackDeaf: true, // It will track users if they are deafen aswell.
            minUserCountToParticipate: 0, // The min amount of users to be in a channel to be tracked.
            maxUserCountToParticipate: 0, // The max amount of users to be in a channel to be tracked.
            minXpToParticipate: 0, // The min amount of xp needed to be tracked.
            minLevelToParticipate: 0, // The min level needed to be tracked.
            maxXpToParticipate: 0, // The max amount of xp needed to be tracked.
            maxLevelToParticipate: 0, // The max level needed to be tracked.
            xpAmountToAdd: () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1, // The amount of xp to add to the user (This is a function).
            voiceTimeToAdd: () => 1000, // The amount of time in ms to add to the user (This is a function).
            voiceTimeTrackingEnabled: true, // Whether the voiceTimeTracking module is enabled.
            levelingTrackingEnabled: true // Whether the levelingTracking module is enabled.

This allow's you create a config in the database if the config is not already present in the database. You can pass an options object to customize the config's data. For a list of them refer to the documentation.

Remove an user

client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if (command === "remove-user") {
        client.voiceManager.removeUser(,; // Removes the user from the database and the cache.

Remove a config

client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if (command === "remove-config") {
        client.voiceManager.removeConfig(; // Removes the config from the database and the cache.

Updating an user

client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if (command === "edit-user") {
        client.voiceManager.updateUser(,, {
            newVoiceTime: {
                channels: [],
                total: 0
            } // The new voice time user will have.

This allow's you edit a user's data. You need to pass an options object to edit the user's data. For a list of them refer to the documentation.

Updating a config

client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if (command === "edit-config") {
        client.voiceManager.updateConfig(, {
            newTrackBots: true // The module will now track bot user's voice time aswell.

This allow's you edit a config's data. You need to pass an options object to edit the config's data. For a list of them refer to the documentation.

Fetch users

// A list of all the users
const allUsers = client.voiceManager.users; // [ {User}, {User} ]

// A list of all the users on the server with ID "1909282092"
const onServer = client.voiceManager.users.filter((u) => u.guildId === "1909282092");

// The user on the server with Id "1909282092" and the user Id "1234567890"
const user = client.voiceManager.users.filter((u) => u.guildId === "1909282092" && u.userId === "1234567890");

Fetch configs

// A list of all the configs
const allConfigs = client.voiceManager.configs; // [ {Config}, {Config} ]

// The config of the guild with Id "1909282092"
const config = client.voiceManager.configs.filter((c) => c.guildId === "1909282092");

Exempt Channels

client.voiceManager.updateConfig(, {
    // The channel will not be tracked if it's name is "private"
    exemptChannels: (channel) => === "private")

⚠️ Note: If the function should be customizable

const channelName = "private";
client.voiceManager.updateConfig(, {
    // The channel won't be tracked if it's name is equal to the value which is assigned to "channelName"
    exemptChannels: new Function("channel", `return === \'${channelName}\'`)

Exempt Members

client.voiceManager.updateConfig(, {
    // Only members who have the "Nitro Boost" role are able to be tracked
    exemptMembers: (member) => !member.roles.cache.some((r) => === "Nitro Boost")

⚠️ Note: If the function should be customizable

const roleName = "Nitro Boost";
client.voiceManager.updateConfig(, {
    // Only members who have the the role which is assigned to "roleName" are able to be tracked
    exemptMembers: new Function("member", `return !member.roles.cache.some((r) => === \'${roleName}\')`)

Voice Time To Add

client.voiceManager.updateConfig(, {
    xpAmountToAdd: () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1 // This will add a random amount between 1 and 10 of xp to the user.

⚠️ Note: The returned value should be a number or the default value (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1) will be used.

Xp Amount To Add

client.voiceManager.updateConfig(, {
    voiceTimeToAdd: () => 1000 // This will add 1000 ms of voice time everytime the user is checked.

⚠️ Note: The returned value should be a number or the default value (1000) will be used.

Level Multiplier

client.voiceManager.updateConfig(, {
    levelMultiplier: () => 0.1 // This will set the level multiplier to 0.1 (normally it's 0.1).

⚠️ Note: The returned value should be a number or the default value (0.1) will be used.

Custom Database

You can use your custom database to save users and configs, instead of the json files (the "database" by default for discord-voice). For this, you will need to extend the VoiceManager class, and replace some methods with your custom ones. There are 8 methods you will need to replace:

  • getAllUsers: this method returns an array of stored users.
  • getAllConfigs: this method returns an array of stored configs.
  • saveUser: this method stores a new user in the database.
  • saveConfig: this method stores a new config in the database.
  • editUser: this method edits a user already stored in the database.
  • editConfig: this method edits a config already stored in the database.
  • deleteUser: this method deletes a user from the database (permanently).
  • deleteConfig: this method deletes a config from the database (permanently).

⚠️ All the methods should be asynchronous to return a promise!

Here is an example, using quick.db, a SQLite database. The comments in the code below are very important to understand how it works!

Other examples:

const { Client, Intents } = require("discord.js"), // npm install discord.js
    client = new Client({
        intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES, Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] // The GUILD_VOICE_STATES and GUILDS intents are required for discord-voice to function.
    settings = {
        prefix: "v!",
        token: "Your Discord Bot Token"

// Load quick.db - it's an example of custom database, you can use MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc...
const db = require("quick.db");
if (!Array.isArray(db.get("users"))) db.set("users", []);
if (!Array.isArray(db.get("configs"))) db.set("configs", []);

const { VoiceManager } = require("discord-voice");
const VoiceManagerWithOwnDatabase = class extends VoiceManager {
    // This function is called when the manager needs to get all users which are stored in the database.
    async getAllUsers() {
        // Get all users from the database
        return db.get("users");

    // This function is called when the manager needs to get all configs which are stored in the database.
    async getAllConfigs() {
        // Get all configs from the database
        return db.get("configs");

    // This function is called when a user needs to be saved in the database.
    async saveUser(userId, guildId, userData) {
        // Add the new user to the database
        db.push("users", userData);
        // Don't forget to return something!
        return true;

    // This function is called when a user needs to be saved in the database.
    async saveConfig(guildId, configData) {
        // Add the new user to the database
        db.push("configs", configData);
        // Don't forget to return something!
        return true;

    // This function is called when a user needs to be edited in the database.
    async editUser(userId, guildId, userData) {
        // Get all users from the database
        const users = db.get("users");
        // Find the user to edit
        const user = users.find((u) => u.guildId === guildId && u.userId === userId);
        // Remove the unedited user from the array
        const newUsersArray = users.filter((u) => u !== user);
        // Push the edited user into the array
        // Save the updated array
        db.set("users", newUsersArray);
        // Don't forget to return something!
        return true;

    // This function is called when a config needs to be edited in the database.
    async editConfig(guildId, configData) {
        // Get all configs from the database
        const configs = db.get("configs");
        // Remove the unedited config from the array
        const newConfigsArray = configs.filter((config) => config.guildId !== guildId);
        // Push the edited config into the array
        // Save the updated array
        db.set("configs", newConfigsArray);
        // Don't forget to return something!
        return true;

    // This function is called when a user needs to be deleted from the database.
    async deleteUser(userId, guildId) {
        // Get all users from the database
        const users = db.get("users");
        // Find the user to edit
        const user = users.find((u) => u.guildId === guildId && u.userId === userId);
        // Remove the user from the array
        const newUsersArray = users.filter((u) => u !== user);
        // Save the updated array
        db.set("users", newUsersArray);
        // Don't forget to return something!
        return true;

    // This function is called when a config needs to be deleted from the database.
    async deleteConfig(guildId) {
        // Get all configs from the database
        const configs = db.get("configs");
        // Remove the config from the array
        const newConfigsArray = configs.filter((config) => config.guildId !== guildId);
        // Save the updated array
        db.set("configs", newConfigsArray);
        // Don't forget to return something!
        return true;

// Create a new instance of your new class
const manager = new VoiceManagerWithOwnDatabase(client, {
    checkMembersEvery: 5000,
    default: {
        trackBots: false,
        trackAllChannels: true
// We now have a voiceManager property to access the manager everywhere!
client.voiceManager = manager;

client.on("ready", () => {
    console.log("I'm ready!");


Shards Support

To make discord-voice work with shards, you will need to extend the VoiceManager class and update the refreshStorage() method. This method should call the getAllUsers() and getAllConfigs() method for every shard, so all VoiceManager's synchronize their cache with the updated database.

const { Client, Intents } = require("discord.js"), // npm install discord.js
    client = new Client({
        intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES, Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] // The GUILD_VOICE_STATES and GUILDS intents are required for discord-voice to function.
    settings = {
        prefix: "v!",
        token: "Your Discord Bot Token"

// Extends the VoiceManager class and update the refreshStorage method
const { VoiceManager } = require("discord-voice");
const VoiceManagerWithShardSupport = class extends VoiceManager {
    // The refreshStorage method is called when the database is updated on one of the shards
    async refreshStorage() {
        // This should make all shards refresh their cache with the updated database
        return client.shard.broadcastEval(() => this.voiceManager.getAllUsers() && this.voiceManager.getAllConfigs());

// Create a new instance of your new class
const manager = new VoiceManagerWithShardSupport(client, {
    userStorage: "./users.json",
    configStorage: "./configs.json",
    checkMembersEvery: 5000,
    default: {
        trackBots: false,
        trackAllChannels: true
// We now have a voiceManager property to access the manager everywhere!
client.voiceManager = manager;

client.on("ready", () => {
    console.log("I'm ready!");

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Package last updated on 15 Aug 2021

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