The Featured Nodejs package that facilitates getting banned Discord users from DiscordBans.
Installing via NPM.
$ npm install --save discordblacklist@3.2.0 --only=production
Note: Version 3.2.x package API has changed from previous versions, all previous versions below 3.x are deprecated following a rewrite of the discordbans api as well as changed domains and removed features.
Version 3.2.x now allows you to bulk lookup more than 99 users at once.
Why discordblacklist?
• Fast, Light, and No bloat (Yes! Actually works with No other dependencies!), packed size is ~15kB
• Updated and Modern (Code standards and checks ensure code quality and aim for 0 vulnerabilities)
• Popular and Safe - the Oldest and Most Trusted Full-Coverage package with thousands of downloads, actively maintained by a verified DBans staff member.
I'm sold! How do I begin?
// Create the object
const Blacklist = require('discordblacklist');
const token = 'My-token';
const blacklist = new Blacklist(token);
// Someone's id to test
const someID = '1234567890';
// Raw data from the banlist
let data = await blacklist.lookup(someID);
// No await:
blacklist.lookup(someID).then(result => console.log(result));
// Boolean they are on the banlist:
let onTheList = await blacklist.isBanned(someID);
// No await:
blacklist.isBanned(someID).then(result => console.log(result));
// Bulk lookup several users (no maximum user count to lookup at once!)
const ids = ['12345', '123456', '1234567'];
data = await blacklist.bulkLookup(ids);
// No await:
blacklist.bulkLookup(ids).then(result => console.log(result));
// Bulk lookup, but get the results mapped by user_id
const mapdata = await bulkLookupMap(ids);
Changing token
If for whatever reason you would like to switch tokens, you can do that easily by calling.
This work is ©Copyright under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3
. See LICENSE for more details.
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Youtube Search API
Fluent Filepaths
Urban Dictionary
Contact William Zhou#0001 via https://discord.gg/jj5FzF7 for more information.