![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/discordjs/badge/?version=latest)
discordv8 is a node module used as a way of interfacing with Discord. It is a very useful module for creating bots.
Requires node 0.12+
npm install --save discordv8
If you don't need voice support:
npm install --save --no-optional discordv8
Example: ping-pong
var Discord = require("discordv8");
var mybot = new Discord.Client();
mybot.on("message", function(message) {
if(message.content === "ping") {
mybot.reply(message, "pong");
Feel free to contribute! Just clone the repo and edit the files in the src folder, not the lib folder.
Whenever you come to making a pull request, make sure it's to the indev branch and that you have built the lib files by running grunt --dev
Related Projects
A list of other Discord API libraries can be found here
If you have an issue or want to know if a feature exists, read the documentation before contacting me about any issues! If it's badly/wrongly implemented, let me know!
If you are having issues with this library and don't have a project that is already highly integrated with it you should try the new version their are much more resources for helping new users to the library and language.
If you would like to contact me, you can create an issue on the GitHub repo.
Alternatively, you could just send a DM to macdja38 in Discord API.