The Official DocuSign Admin Node Client

NPM module that wraps the DocuSign Admin API
Documentation about the DocuSign Admin API
This SDK will soon be provided as open-source for cases where you would like to make additional changes that the SDK does not provide out-of-the-box. If you simply want to use the SDK with any of the examples shown in the Developer Center, follow the installation instructions below.
- Open your preferred command-line console, then navigate to your project.
- In the console, type the following commands:
npm install docusign-admin -save
This client has the following external dependencies:
- Async v2.6.2
- Jsonwebtoken v9.0.0
- Passport-oauth2
- Path
Code Examples
DocuSign provides a sample application referred to as a Launcher. The Launcher contains a set of 6 common use cases and associated source files. These examples use DocuSign's Authorization Code Grant flow.
OAuth Implementations
For details regarding which type of OAuth grant will work best for your DocuSign integration, see the OrgAdmin API Authentication Overview guide located on the DocuSign Developer Center.
For security purposes, DocuSign recommends using the Authorization Code Grant or JWT flow.
There are other use-case scenarios, such as single-page applications (SPA) that use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), or where there may not be a user to interact with your Service Account. For these use cases, DocuSign also supports JWT and Implicit grants. For Code eExamples, see the links below:
Log issues against this client through GitHub. We also have an active developer community on Stack Overflow.
The DocuSign Admin Node Client is licensed under the MIT License.