dok ![Build Status](
Simple dokku toolchain inspired by Heroku toolbelt
Before you can access the server you must put in your credentials. You must run dok set command first.
dok set <hostname> <username> <password>
Now you can run this!
dok run <dokku command>
There is a list of all the commands you can run with dokku-alt at the bottom.
To add a git remote just run
dok add <appname>
To push to the remote run
dok push <branch>
To remove the remote run
dok remove
note: you must be inside a git repository for this to work
If you would like to remove the current server from the config.json file run
dok clean
To run the tests you just run
npm install
npm test
Usage: dok COMMAND <app> [command-specific-options]
access:add Add admin user
access:info <fingeprint> Show information about the key
access:list List all SSH keys: admins and deployments
access:remove <fingerprint> Revoke all permissions for specific SSH key
backup:export [file] Export dokku configuration files
backup:import [file] Import dokku configuration files
config <app> Display the config vars for an app
config:get <app> KEY Display a config value for an app
config:set <app> KEY1=VALUE1 [KEY2=VALUE2 ...] Set one or more config vars
config:unset <app> KEY1 [KEY2 ...] Unset one or more config vars
create <app> Create shallow app
delete <app> Delete an application
deploy:allow <app> Allow push-access (aka. deployment) to an app
deploy:list <app> List all push-acccesses for an application
disable <app> Disable specific app
domains:get <app> Get domains for an app
domains:redirect:get <app> Get redirect domains for an app
domains:redirect:set <app> <domains...> Set redirect app domains
domains:set <app> <domains...> Set app domains
enable <app> Re-enable specific app
enter <app> Enter into currently running container
exec <app> <cmd> Execute command in currently running container
help Print the list of commands
htpasswd:add <app> <user> Add http-basic auth user
htpasswd:disable <app> Remove http-basic Auth
htpasswd:remove <app> <user> Remove user
list List app
logs <app> [-t] [-f] Show the last logs for an application (-t or -f follows)
manager:disable Disable dokku-alt-manager application
manager:enable Enable dokku-alt-manager application
manager:install [revision] Install and configure dokku-alt-manager
manager:uninstall Uninstall and wipe dokku-alt-manager
manager:upgrade [revision] Disable dokku-alt-manager application
mariadb:console:admin Launch admin (be careful!)
mariadb:console <app> <db> Launch console for MariaDB container
mariadb:create <db> Create a MariaDB database
mariadb:delete <db> Delete specified MariaDB database
mariadb:dump <app> <db> Dump database for an app
mariadb:info <app> <db> Display application informations
mariadb:link <app> <db> Link database to app
mariadb:list <app> List linked databases
mariadb:restart Restart MariaDB container (for example to switch image)
mariadb:unlink <app> <db> Unlink database from app
mongodb:console <app> <db> Launch console for MongoDB container
mongodb:create <db> Create a MongoDB database
mongodb:delete <db> Delete specified MongoDB database
mongodb:dump <app> <db> <collection> Dump database collection in bson for an app
mongodb:export <app> <db> <collection> Export database collection for an app
mongodb:import <app> <db> <collection> Import database collection for an app
mongodb:info <app> <db> Display application informations
mongodb:link <app> <db> Link database to app
mongodb:list <app> List linked databases
mongodb:restart Restart MongoDB container (for example to switch image)
mongodb:unlink <app> <db> Unlink database from app
nginx:import-ssl <app> Imports a tarball from stdin; should contain server.crt and server.key
plugins-install Install active plugins
plugins Print active plugins
plugins-update Update active plugins
postgresql:console:admin Launch admin console (be careful!)
postgresql:console <app> <db> Launch console for PostgreSQL container
postgresql:create <db> Create a PostgreSQL database
postgresql:delete <db> Delete specified PostgreSQL database
postgresql:dump <app> <db> Dump database for an app
postgresql:info <app> <db> Display application informations
postgresql:link <app> <db> Link database to app
postgresql:list <app> List linked databases
postgresql:restart Restart PostgreSQL container (for example to switch image)
postgresql:unlink <app> <db> Unlink database from app
preboot:cooldown:time <app> <secs> Re-enable specific app
preboot:disable <app> Stop specific app
preboot:enable <app> Enable specific app
preboot:status <app> Status of specific app
preboot:wait:time <app> <secs> Restart specific app (not-redeploy)
rebuild:all:force Remove all caches and rebuild all apps
rebuild:all Rebuild all apps
rebuild <app> [ref] Rebuild an app (using optional ref)
rebuild:force <app> [ref] Remove all caches and rebuild an app (using optional ref)
redis:create <app> Create a Redis database
redis:delete <app> Delete specified Redis database
redis:info <app> Display application information
restart <app> Restart specific app (not-redeploy)
run <app> <cmd> Run a command in the environment of an application
ssl:certificate <app> Pipe signed certifcate with all intermediates for an APP
ssl:forget <app> Wipes certificate for an APP
ssl:generate <app> Generate certificate signing request for an APP
ssl:info <app> Show info about certifcate and certificate request
ssl:key <app> Pipe private key for an APP
ssl:selfsigned <app> Generate self-signed certificate an APP
start <app> Stop specific app
status <app> Status of specific app
stop <app> Stop specific app
tag:add <app> <tag> Tag latest running image using specified name
tag:list <app> List all image tags
tag:rm <app> <tag> Tag latest running image using specified name
top <app> [args...] Show running processes
url <app> Show the URL for an application
version Print dokku's version
volume:create <name> <paths...> Create a data volume for specified paths
volume:delete <name> Delete a data volume
volume:info <name> Display volume information
volume:link <app> <name> Link volume to app
volume:list:apps <name> Display apps linked to volume
volume:list List volumes
volume:unlink <app> <name> Unlink volume from app