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dom-2d-camera - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.3 to 2.0.0



@@ -1,4 +0,237 @@

import createCamera from 'camera-2d-simple';
import { vec2 } from 'gl-matrix';
import { mat4, vec4, vec2 } from 'gl-matrix';
const createCamera = (
initTarget = [0, 0],
initDistance = 1,
initRotation = 0,
initViewCenter = [0, 0],
initScaleBounds = [
[0, Infinity],
[0, Infinity],
initTranslationBounds = [
[-Infinity, Infinity],
[-Infinity, Infinity],
) => {
// Scratch variables
const scratch0 = new Float32Array(16);
const scratch1 = new Float32Array(16);
const scratch2 = new Float32Array(16);
let view = mat4.create();
let viewCenter = [...initViewCenter.slice(0, 2), 0, 1];
const scaleXBounds = Array.isArray(initScaleBounds[0])
? [...initScaleBounds[0]]
: [...initScaleBounds];
const scaleYBounds = Array.isArray(initScaleBounds[0])
? [...initScaleBounds[1]]
: [...initScaleBounds];
const translationXBounds = Array.isArray(initTranslationBounds[0])
? [...initTranslationBounds[0]]
: [...initTranslationBounds];
const translationYBounds = Array.isArray(initTranslationBounds[0])
? [...initTranslationBounds[1]]
: [...initTranslationBounds];
const getScaling = () => mat4.getScaling(scratch0, view).slice(0, 2);
const getMinScaling = () => {
const scaling = getScaling();
return Math.min(scaling[0], scaling[1]);
const getMaxScaling = () => {
const scaling = getScaling();
return Math.max(scaling[0], scaling[1]);
const getRotation = () => Math.acos(view[0] / getMaxScaling());
const getScaleBounds = () => [[...scaleXBounds], [...scaleYBounds]];
const getTranslationBounds = () => [
const getDistance = () => {
const scaling = getScaling();
return [1 / scaling[0], 1 / scaling[1]];
const getMinDistance = () => 1 / getMinScaling();
const getMaxDistance = () => 1 / getMaxScaling();
const getTranslation = () => mat4.getTranslation(scratch0, view).slice(0, 2);
const getTarget = () =>
.transformMat4(scratch0, viewCenter, mat4.invert(scratch2, view))
.slice(0, 2);
const getView = () => view;
const getViewCenter = () => viewCenter.slice(0, 2);
const lookAt = ([x = 0, y = 0] = [], newDistance = 1, newRotation = 0) => {
// Reset the view
view = mat4.create();
translate([-x, -y]);
scale(1 / newDistance);
const translate = ([x = 0, y = 0] = []) => {
scratch0[0] = x;
scratch0[1] = y;
scratch0[2] = 0;
const t = mat4.fromTranslation(scratch1, scratch0);
// Translate about the viewport center
// This is identical to `i * t * i * view` where `i` is the identity matrix
mat4.multiply(view, t, view);
const scale = (d, mousePos) => {
const isArray = Array.isArray(d);
let dx = isArray ? d[0] : d;
let dy = isArray ? d[1] : d;
if (dx <= 0 || dy <= 0 || (dx === 1 && dy === 1)) return;
const scaling = getScaling();
const newXScale = scaling[0] * dx;
const newYScale = scaling[1] * dy;
dx =
Math.max(scaleXBounds[0], Math.min(newXScale, scaleXBounds[1])) /
dy =
Math.max(scaleYBounds[0], Math.min(newYScale, scaleYBounds[1])) /
if (dx === 1 && dy === 1) return; // There is nothing to do
scratch0[0] = dx;
scratch0[1] = dy;
scratch0[2] = 1;
const s = mat4.fromScaling(scratch1, scratch0);
const scaleCenter = mousePos ? [...mousePos, 0] : viewCenter;
const a = mat4.fromTranslation(scratch0, scaleCenter);
// Translate about the scale center
// I.e., the mouse position or the view center
mat4.multiply(view, mat4.invert(scratch2, a), view)
const rotate = (rad) => {
const r = mat4.create();
mat4.fromRotation(r, rad, [0, 0, 1]);
// Rotate about the viewport center
// This is identical to `i * r * i * view` where `i` is the identity matrix
mat4.multiply(view, r, view);
const setScaleBounds = (newBounds) => {
const isArray = Array.isArray(newBounds[0]);
scaleXBounds[0] = isArray ? newBounds[0][0] : newBounds[0];
scaleXBounds[1] = isArray ? newBounds[0][1] : newBounds[1];
scaleYBounds[0] = isArray ? newBounds[1][0] : newBounds[0];
scaleYBounds[1] = isArray ? newBounds[1][1] : newBounds[1];
const setTranslationBounds = (newBounds) => {
const isArray = Array.isArray(newBounds[0]);
translationXBounds[0] = isArray ? newBounds[0][0] : newBounds[0];
translationXBounds[1] = isArray ? newBounds[0][1] : newBounds[1];
translationYBounds[0] = isArray ? newBounds[1][0] : newBounds[0];
translationYBounds[1] = isArray ? newBounds[1][1] : newBounds[1];
const setView = (newView) => {
if (!newView || newView.length < 16) return;
view = newView;
const setViewCenter = (newViewCenter) => {
viewCenter = [...newViewCenter.slice(0, 2), 0, 1];
const reset = () => {
lookAt(initTarget, initDistance, initRotation);
// Init
lookAt(initTarget, initDistance, initRotation);
return {
get translation() {
return getTranslation();
get target() {
return getTarget();
get scaling() {
return getScaling();
get minScaling() {
return getMinScaling();
get maxScaling() {
return getMaxScaling();
get scaleBounds() {
return getScaleBounds();
get translationBounds() {
return getTranslationBounds();
get distance() {
return getDistance();
get minDistance() {
return getMinDistance();
get maxDistance() {
return getMaxDistance();
get rotation() {
return getRotation();
get view() {
return getView();
get viewCenter() {
return getViewCenter();
pan: translate,
zoom: scale,
set: (...args) => {
console.warn('`set()` is deprecated. Please use `setView()` instead.');
return setView(...args);
const MOUSE_DOWN_MOVE_ACTIONS = ["pan", "rotate"];

@@ -31,2 +264,3 @@ const KEY_MAP = {

onKeyDown = () => {},

@@ -45,5 +279,5 @@ onKeyUp = () => {},

let isChanged = false;
let mouseX = 0;

@@ -59,3 +293,9 @@ let mouseY = 0;

let aspectRatio = 1;
let isChanged = false;
let isMouseDownMoveModActive = false;
let isPanX = Array.isArray(isPan) ? Boolean(isPan[0]) : isPan;
let isPanY = Array.isArray(isPan) ? Boolean(isPan[1]) : isPan;
let isZoomX = Array.isArray(isZoom) ? Boolean(isZoom[0]) : isZoom;
let isZoomY = Array.isArray(isZoom) ? Boolean(isZoom[1]) : isZoom;

@@ -84,3 +324,3 @@ let panOnMouseDownMove = defaultMouseDownMoveAction === "pan";

if (
isPan &&
(isPanX || isPanY) &&
isLeftMousePressed &&

@@ -90,8 +330,11 @@ ((panOnMouseDownMove && !isMouseDownMoveModActive) ||

) {
// To pan 1:1 we need to half the width and height because the uniform
// coordinate system goes from -1 to 1.
transformPanX(panSpeed * (mouseX - prevMouseX)),
transformPanY(panSpeed * (prevMouseY - mouseY))
const transformedPanX = isPanX
? transformPanX(panSpeed * (mouseX - prevMouseX))
: 0;
const transformedPanY = isPanY
? transformPanY(panSpeed * (mouseY - prevMouseY))
: 0;
camera.pan([transformedPanX, transformedPanY]);
isChanged = true;

@@ -103,7 +346,9 @@ }

// Get normalized device coordinates (NDC)
const transformedX = transformScaleX(mouseX);
const transformedY = transformScaleY(mouseY);
camera.scale(1 / dZ, [transformedX, transformedY]);
[isZoomX ? 1 / dZ : 1, isZoomY ? 1 / dZ : 1],
[transformedX, transformedY]

@@ -110,0 +355,0 @@ isChanged = true;

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('camera-2d-simple'), require('gl-matrix')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['camera-2d-simple', 'gl-matrix'], factory) :
(global = global || self, global.createDom2dCamera = factory(global.createCamera2d, global.glMatrix));
}(this, (function (createCamera, glMatrix) { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('gl-matrix')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['gl-matrix'], factory) :
(global = global || self, global.createDom2dCamera = factory(global.glMatrix));
}(this, (function (glMatrix) { 'use strict';
createCamera = createCamera && createCamera.hasOwnProperty('default') ? createCamera['default'] : createCamera;
var createCamera = function (
) {
if ( initTarget === void 0 ) initTarget = [0, 0];
if ( initDistance === void 0 ) initDistance = 1;
if ( initRotation === void 0 ) initRotation = 0;
if ( initViewCenter === void 0 ) initViewCenter = [0, 0];
if ( initScaleBounds === void 0 ) initScaleBounds = [
[0, Infinity],
[0, Infinity] ];
if ( initTranslationBounds === void 0 ) initTranslationBounds = [
[-Infinity, Infinity],
[-Infinity, Infinity] ];
// Scratch variables
var scratch0 = new Float32Array(16);
var scratch1 = new Float32Array(16);
var scratch2 = new Float32Array(16);
var view = glMatrix.mat4.create();
var viewCenter = initViewCenter.slice(0, 2).concat( [0], [1]);
var scaleXBounds = Array.isArray(initScaleBounds[0])
? [].concat( initScaleBounds[0] )
: [].concat( initScaleBounds );
var scaleYBounds = Array.isArray(initScaleBounds[0])
? [].concat( initScaleBounds[1] )
: [].concat( initScaleBounds );
var translationXBounds = Array.isArray(initTranslationBounds[0])
? [].concat( initTranslationBounds[0] )
: [].concat( initTranslationBounds );
var translationYBounds = Array.isArray(initTranslationBounds[0])
? [].concat( initTranslationBounds[1] )
: [].concat( initTranslationBounds );
var getScaling = function () { return glMatrix.mat4.getScaling(scratch0, view).slice(0, 2); };
var getMinScaling = function () {
var scaling = getScaling();
return Math.min(scaling[0], scaling[1]);
var getMaxScaling = function () {
var scaling = getScaling();
return Math.max(scaling[0], scaling[1]);
var getRotation = function () { return Math.acos(view[0] / getMaxScaling()); };
var getScaleBounds = function () { return [[].concat( scaleXBounds ), [].concat( scaleYBounds )]; };
var getTranslationBounds = function () { return [
[].concat( translationXBounds ),
[].concat( translationYBounds ) ]; };
var getDistance = function () {
var scaling = getScaling();
return [1 / scaling[0], 1 / scaling[1]];
var getMinDistance = function () { return 1 / getMinScaling(); };
var getMaxDistance = function () { return 1 / getMaxScaling(); };
var getTranslation = function () { return glMatrix.mat4.getTranslation(scratch0, view).slice(0, 2); };
var getTarget = function () { return glMatrix.vec4
.transformMat4(scratch0, viewCenter, glMatrix.mat4.invert(scratch2, view))
.slice(0, 2); };
var getView = function () { return view; };
var getViewCenter = function () { return viewCenter.slice(0, 2); };
var lookAt = function (ref, newDistance, newRotation) {
if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = [];
var x = ref[0]; if ( x === void 0 ) x = 0;
var y = ref[1]; if ( y === void 0 ) y = 0;
if ( newDistance === void 0 ) newDistance = 1;
if ( newRotation === void 0 ) newRotation = 0;
// Reset the view
view = glMatrix.mat4.create();
translate([-x, -y]);
scale(1 / newDistance);
var translate = function (ref) {
if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = [];
var x = ref[0]; if ( x === void 0 ) x = 0;
var y = ref[1]; if ( y === void 0 ) y = 0;
scratch0[0] = x;
scratch0[1] = y;
scratch0[2] = 0;
var t = glMatrix.mat4.fromTranslation(scratch1, scratch0);
// Translate about the viewport center
// This is identical to `i * t * i * view` where `i` is the identity matrix
glMatrix.mat4.multiply(view, t, view);
var scale = function (d, mousePos) {
var isArray = Array.isArray(d);
var dx = isArray ? d[0] : d;
var dy = isArray ? d[1] : d;
if (dx <= 0 || dy <= 0 || (dx === 1 && dy === 1)) { return; }
var scaling = getScaling();
var newXScale = scaling[0] * dx;
var newYScale = scaling[1] * dy;
dx =
Math.max(scaleXBounds[0], Math.min(newXScale, scaleXBounds[1])) /
dy =
Math.max(scaleYBounds[0], Math.min(newYScale, scaleYBounds[1])) /
if (dx === 1 && dy === 1) { return; } // There is nothing to do
scratch0[0] = dx;
scratch0[1] = dy;
scratch0[2] = 1;
var s = glMatrix.mat4.fromScaling(scratch1, scratch0);
var scaleCenter = mousePos ? mousePos.concat( [0]) : viewCenter;
var a = glMatrix.mat4.fromTranslation(scratch0, scaleCenter);
// Translate about the scale center
// I.e., the mouse position or the view center
glMatrix.mat4.multiply(view, glMatrix.mat4.invert(scratch2, a), view)
var rotate = function (rad) {
var r = glMatrix.mat4.create();
glMatrix.mat4.fromRotation(r, rad, [0, 0, 1]);
// Rotate about the viewport center
// This is identical to `i * r * i * view` where `i` is the identity matrix
glMatrix.mat4.multiply(view, r, view);
var setScaleBounds = function (newBounds) {
var isArray = Array.isArray(newBounds[0]);
scaleXBounds[0] = isArray ? newBounds[0][0] : newBounds[0];
scaleXBounds[1] = isArray ? newBounds[0][1] : newBounds[1];
scaleYBounds[0] = isArray ? newBounds[1][0] : newBounds[0];
scaleYBounds[1] = isArray ? newBounds[1][1] : newBounds[1];
var setTranslationBounds = function (newBounds) {
var isArray = Array.isArray(newBounds[0]);
translationXBounds[0] = isArray ? newBounds[0][0] : newBounds[0];
translationXBounds[1] = isArray ? newBounds[0][1] : newBounds[1];
translationYBounds[0] = isArray ? newBounds[1][0] : newBounds[0];
translationYBounds[1] = isArray ? newBounds[1][1] : newBounds[1];
var setView = function (newView) {
if (!newView || newView.length < 16) { return; }
view = newView;
var setViewCenter = function (newViewCenter) {
viewCenter = newViewCenter.slice(0, 2).concat( [0], [1]);
var reset = function () {
lookAt(initTarget, initDistance, initRotation);
// Init
lookAt(initTarget, initDistance, initRotation);
return {
get translation() {
return getTranslation();
get target() {
return getTarget();
get scaling() {
return getScaling();
get minScaling() {
return getMinScaling();
get maxScaling() {
return getMaxScaling();
get scaleBounds() {
return getScaleBounds();
get translationBounds() {
return getTranslationBounds();
get distance() {
return getDistance();
get minDistance() {
return getMinDistance();
get maxDistance() {
return getMaxDistance();
get rotation() {
return getRotation();
get view() {
return getView();
get viewCenter() {
return getViewCenter();
lookAt: lookAt,
translate: translate,
pan: translate,
rotate: rotate,
scale: scale,
zoom: scale,
reset: reset,
set: function () {
var args = [], len = arguments.length;
while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
console.warn('`set()` is deprecated. Please use `setView()` instead.');
return setView.apply(void 0, args);
setScaleBounds: setScaleBounds,
setTranslationBounds: setTranslationBounds,
setView: setView,
setViewCenter: setViewCenter,
var MOUSE_DOWN_MOVE_ACTIONS = ["pan", "rotate"];

@@ -38,2 +286,3 @@ var KEY_MAP = {

var scaleBounds = ref.scaleBounds;
var translationBounds = ref.translationBounds;
var onKeyDown = ref.onKeyDown; if ( onKeyDown === void 0 ) onKeyDown = function () {};

@@ -51,5 +300,5 @@ var onKeyUp = ref.onKeyUp; if ( onKeyUp === void 0 ) onKeyUp = function () {};

var isChanged = false;
var mouseX = 0;

@@ -65,3 +314,9 @@ var mouseY = 0;

var aspectRatio = 1;
var isChanged = false;
var isMouseDownMoveModActive = false;
var isPanX = Array.isArray(isPan) ? Boolean(isPan[0]) : isPan;
var isPanY = Array.isArray(isPan) ? Boolean(isPan[1]) : isPan;
var isZoomX = Array.isArray(isZoom) ? Boolean(isZoom[0]) : isZoom;
var isZoomY = Array.isArray(isZoom) ? Boolean(isZoom[1]) : isZoom;

@@ -90,3 +345,3 @@ var panOnMouseDownMove = defaultMouseDownMoveAction === "pan";

if (
isPan &&
(isPanX || isPanY) &&
isLeftMousePressed &&

@@ -96,8 +351,11 @@ ((panOnMouseDownMove && !isMouseDownMoveModActive) ||

) {
// To pan 1:1 we need to half the width and height because the uniform
// coordinate system goes from -1 to 1.
transformPanX(panSpeed * (mouseX - prevMouseX)),
transformPanY(panSpeed * (prevMouseY - mouseY))
var transformedPanX = isPanX
? transformPanX(panSpeed * (mouseX - prevMouseX))
: 0;
var transformedPanY = isPanY
? transformPanY(panSpeed * (mouseY - prevMouseY))
: 0;
camera.pan([transformedPanX, transformedPanY]);
isChanged = true;

@@ -109,7 +367,9 @@ }

// Get normalized device coordinates (NDC)
var transformedX = transformScaleX(mouseX);
var transformedY = transformScaleY(mouseY);
camera.scale(1 / dZ, [transformedX, transformedY]);
[isZoomX ? 1 / dZ : 1, isZoomY ? 1 / dZ : 1],
[transformedX, transformedY]

@@ -116,0 +376,0 @@ isChanged = true;



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

!function(e,n){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=n(require("camera-2d-simple"),require("gl-matrix")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["camera-2d-simple","gl-matrix"],n):(e=e||self).createDom2dCamera=n(e.createCamera2d,e.glMatrix)}(this,(function(e,n){"use strict";e=e&&e.hasOwnProperty("default")?e.default:e;var o=["pan","rotate"],t={alt:"altKey",cmd:"metaKey",ctrl:"ctrlKey",meta:"metaKey",shift:"shiftKey"};return function(i,r){void 0===r&&(r={});var a=r.distance;void 0===a&&(a=1);var;void 0===v&&(v=[0,0]);var d=r.rotation;void 0===d&&(d=0);var u=r.isNdc;void 0===u&&(u=!0);var s=r.isFixed;void 0===s&&(s=!1);var l=r.isPan;void 0===l&&(l=!0);var c=r.panSpeed;void 0===c&&(c=1);var f=r.isRotate;void 0===f&&(f=!0);var p=r.rotateSpeed;void 0===p&&(p=1);var m=r.defaultMouseDownMoveAction;void 0===m&&(m="pan");var w=r.mouseDownMoveModKey;void 0===w&&(w="alt");var y=r.isZoom;void 0===y&&(y=!0);var M=r.zoomSpeed;void 0===M&&(M=1);var h=r.viewCenter,E=r.scaleBounds,L=r.onKeyDown;void 0===L&&(L=function(){});var g=r.onKeyUp;void 0===g&&(g=function(){});var K=r.onMouseDown;void 0===K&&(K=function(){});var x=r.onMouseUp;void 0===x&&(x=function(){});var D=r.onMouseMove;void 0===D&&(D=function(){});var k=r.onWheel;void 0===k&&(k=function(){});var S=e(v,a,d,h,E),C=!1,b=0,P=0,R=0,Y=0,j=!1,q=0,z=1,A=1,B=1,F=!1,O="pan"===m,U=u?function(e){return e/z*2*B}:function(e){return e},Z=u?function(e){return e/A*2}:function(e){return-e},N=u?function(e){return(e/z*2-1)*B}:function(e){return e},W=u?function(e){return 1-e/A*2}:function(e){return e},X=function(e){F=!1,g(e)},G=function(e){F=e[t[w]],L(e)},H=function(e){j=!1,x(e)},I=function(e){j=1===e.buttons,K(e)},J=function(e){R=b,Y=P;var n=i.getBoundingClientRect();b=e.clientX-n.left,,z=n.width,A=n.height,B=z/A,D(e)},Q=function(e){e.preventDefault();var n=1===e.deltaMode?12:1;q+=n*(e.deltaY||0),k(e)};return window.addEventListener("keydown",G,{passive:!0}),window.addEventListener("keyup",X,{passive:!0}),i.addEventListener("mousedown",I,{passive:!0}),window.addEventListener("mouseup",H,{passive:!0}),window.addEventListener("mousemove",J,{passive:!0}),i.addEventListener("wheel",Q,{passive:!1}),S.config=function(e){void 0===e&&(e={});var n=e.defaultMouseDownMoveAction;void 0===n&&(n=null);var i=e.isFixed;void 0===i&&(i=null);var r=e.isPan;void 0===r&&(r=null);var a=e.isRotate;void 0===a&&(a=null);var v=e.isZoom;void 0===v&&(v=null);var d=e.panSpeed;void 0===d&&(d=null);var u=e.rotateSpeed;void 0===u&&(u=null);var h=e.zoomSpeed;void 0===h&&(h=null);var E=e.mouseDownMoveModKey;void 0===E&&(E=null),m=null!==n&&o.includes(n)?n:m,O="pan"===m,s=null!==i?i:s,l=null!==r?r:l,f=null!==a?a:f,y=null!==v?v:y,c=+d>0?d:c,p=+u>0?u:p,M=+h>0?h:M,w=null!==E&&Object.keys(t).includes(E)?E:w},S.dispose=function(){S=void 0,window.removeEventListener("keydown",G),window.removeEventListener("keyup",X),i.removeEventListener("mousedown",I),window.removeEventListener("mouseup",H),window.removeEventListener("mousemove",J),i.removeEventListener("wheel",Q)},S.refresh=function(){console.warn("refresh() is deprecated. You do not have to call it anymore.")},S.tick=function(){if(s)return!1;if(C=!1,l&&j&&(O&&!F||!O&&F)&&(S.pan([U(c*(b-R)),Z(c*(Y-P))]),C=!0),y&&q){var e=M*Math.exp(q/A),o=N(b),t=W(P);S.scale(1/e,[o,t]),C=!0}if(f&&j&&(O&&F||!O&&!F)){var i=z/2,r=A/2,a=R-i,v=r-Y,d=b-i,u=r-P,m=n.vec2.angle([a,v],[d,u]),w=a*u-d*v;S.rotate(p*m*Math.sign(w)),C=!0}return q=0,R=b,Y=P,C},S}}));
!function(e,n){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=n(require("gl-matrix")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["gl-matrix"],n):(e=e||self).createDom2dCamera=n(e.glMatrix)}(this,(function(e){"use strict";var n=function(n,t,o,r,a,i){void 0===n&&(n=[0,0]),void 0===t&&(t=1),void 0===o&&(o=0),void 0===r&&(r=[0,0]),void 0===a&&(a=[[0,1/0],[0,1/0]]),void 0===i&&(i=[[-1/0,1/0],[-1/0,1/0]]);var v=new Float32Array(16),u=new Float32Array(16),c=new Float32Array(16),s=e.mat4.create(),d=r.slice(0,2).concat([0],[1]),l=Array.isArray(a[0])?[].concat(a[0]):[].concat(a),f=Array.isArray(a[0])?[].concat(a[1]):[].concat(a),m=Array.isArray(i[0])?[].concat(i[0]):[].concat(i),y=Array.isArray(i[0])?[].concat(i[1]):[].concat(i),p=function(){return e.mat4.getScaling(v,s).slice(0,2)},w=function(){var e=p();return Math.min(e[0],e[1])},g=function(){var e=p();return Math.max(e[0],e[1])},A=function(n,t,o){void 0===n&&(n=[]);var r=n[0];void 0===r&&(r=0);var a=n[1];void 0===a&&(a=0),void 0===t&&(t=1),void 0===o&&(o=0),s=e.mat4.create(),M([-r,-a]),x(o),h(1/t)},M=function(n){void 0===n&&(n=[]);var t=n[0];void 0===t&&(t=0);var o=n[1];void 0===o&&(o=0),v[0]=t,v[1]=o,v[2]=0;var r=e.mat4.fromTranslation(u,v);e.mat4.multiply(s,r,s)},h=function(n,t){var o=Array.isArray(n),r=o?n[0]:n,a=o?n[1]:n;if(!(r<=0||a<=0||1===r&&1===a)){var i=p(),m=i[0]*r,y=i[1]*a;if(r=Math.max(l[0],Math.min(m,l[1]))/i[0],a=Math.max(f[0],Math.min(y,f[1]))/i[1],1!==r||1!==a){v[0]=r,v[1]=a,v[2]=1;var w=e.mat4.fromScaling(u,v),g=t?t.concat([0]):d,A=e.mat4.fromTranslation(v,g);e.mat4.multiply(s,A,e.mat4.multiply(s,w,e.mat4.multiply(s,e.mat4.invert(c,A),s)))}}},x=function(n){var t=e.mat4.create();e.mat4.fromRotation(t,n,[0,0,1]),e.mat4.multiply(s,t,s)},E=function(e){!e||e.length<16||(s=e)};return A(n,t,o),{get translation(){return e.mat4.getTranslation(v,s).slice(0,2)},get target(){return e.vec4.transformMat4(v,d,e.mat4.invert(c,s)).slice(0,2)},get scaling(){return p()},get minScaling(){return w()},get maxScaling(){return g()},get scaleBounds(){return[[].concat(l),[].concat(f)]},get translationBounds(){return[[].concat(m),[].concat(y)]},get distance(){return[1/(e=p())[0],1/e[1]];var e},get minDistance(){return 1/w()},get maxDistance(){return 1/g()},get rotation(){return Math.acos(s[0]/g())},get view(){return s},get viewCenter(){return d.slice(0,2)},lookAt:A,translate:M,pan:M,rotate:x,scale:h,zoom:h,reset:function(){A(n,t,o)},set:function(){for(var e=[],n=arguments.length;n--;)e[n]=arguments[n];return console.warn("`set()` is deprecated. Please use `setView()` instead."),E.apply(void 0,e)},setScaleBounds:function(e){var n=Array.isArray(e[0]);l[0]=n?e[0][0]:e[0],l[1]=n?e[0][1]:e[1],f[0]=n?e[1][0]:e[0],f[1]=n?e[1][1]:e[1]},setTranslationBounds:function(e){var n=Array.isArray(e[0]);m[0]=n?e[0][0]:e[0],m[1]=n?e[0][1]:e[1],y[0]=n?e[1][0]:e[0],y[1]=n?e[1][1]:e[1]},setView:E,setViewCenter:function(e){d=e.slice(0,2).concat([0],[1])}}},t=["pan","rotate"],o={alt:"altKey",cmd:"metaKey",ctrl:"ctrlKey",meta:"metaKey",shift:"shiftKey"};return function(r,a){void 0===a&&(a={});var i=a.distance;void 0===i&&(i=1);var;void 0===v&&(v=[0,0]);var u=a.rotation;void 0===u&&(u=0);var c=a.isNdc;void 0===c&&(c=!0);var s=a.isFixed;void 0===s&&(s=!1);var d=a.isPan;void 0===d&&(d=!0);var l=a.panSpeed;void 0===l&&(l=1);var f=a.isRotate;void 0===f&&(f=!0);var m=a.rotateSpeed;void 0===m&&(m=1);var y=a.defaultMouseDownMoveAction;void 0===y&&(y="pan");var p=a.mouseDownMoveModKey;void 0===p&&(p="alt");var w=a.isZoom;void 0===w&&(w=!0);var g=a.zoomSpeed;void 0===g&&(g=1);var A=a.viewCenter,M=a.scaleBounds,h=a.translationBounds,x=a.onKeyDown;void 0===x&&(x=function(){});var E=a.onKeyUp;void 0===E&&(E=function(){});var L=a.onMouseDown;void 0===L&&(L=function(){});var B=a.onMouseUp;void 0===B&&(B=function(){});var S=a.onMouseMove;void 0===S&&(S=function(){});var D=a.onWheel;void 0===D&&(D=function(){});var K=n(v,i,u,A,M,h),k=0,C=0,F=0,R=0,T=!1,b=0,z=1,P=1,V=1,Y=!1,j=!1,U=Array.isArray(d)?Boolean(d[0]):d,Z=Array.isArray(d)?Boolean(d[1]):d,q=Array.isArray(w)?Boolean(w[0]):w,N=Array.isArray(w)?Boolean(w[1]):w,O="pan"===y,W=c?function(e){return e/z*2*V}:function(e){return e},X=c?function(e){return e/P*2}:function(e){return-e},G=c?function(e){return(e/z*2-1)*V}:function(e){return e},H=c?function(e){return 1-e/P*2}:function(e){return e},I=function(e){j=!1,E(e)},J=function(e){j=e[o[p]],x(e)},Q=function(e){T=!1,B(e)},$=function(e){T=1===e.buttons,L(e)},_=function(e){F=k,R=C;var n=r.getBoundingClientRect();k=e.clientX-n.left,,z=n.width,P=n.height,V=z/P,S(e)},ee=function(e){e.preventDefault();var n=1===e.deltaMode?12:1;b+=n*(e.deltaY||0),D(e)};return window.addEventListener("keydown",J,{passive:!0}),window.addEventListener("keyup",I,{passive:!0}),r.addEventListener("mousedown",$,{passive:!0}),window.addEventListener("mouseup",Q,{passive:!0}),window.addEventListener("mousemove",_,{passive:!0}),r.addEventListener("wheel",ee,{passive:!1}),K.config=function(e){void 0===e&&(e={});var n=e.defaultMouseDownMoveAction;void 0===n&&(n=null);var r=e.isFixed;void 0===r&&(r=null);var a=e.isPan;void 0===a&&(a=null);var i=e.isRotate;void 0===i&&(i=null);var v=e.isZoom;void 0===v&&(v=null);var u=e.panSpeed;void 0===u&&(u=null);var c=e.rotateSpeed;void 0===c&&(c=null);var A=e.zoomSpeed;void 0===A&&(A=null);var M=e.mouseDownMoveModKey;void 0===M&&(M=null),y=null!==n&&t.includes(n)?n:y,O="pan"===y,s=null!==r?r:s,d=null!==a?a:d,f=null!==i?i:f,w=null!==v?v:w,l=+u>0?u:l,m=+c>0?c:m,g=+A>0?A:g,p=null!==M&&Object.keys(o).includes(M)?M:p},K.dispose=function(){K=void 0,window.removeEventListener("keydown",J),window.removeEventListener("keyup",I),r.removeEventListener("mousedown",$),window.removeEventListener("mouseup",Q),window.removeEventListener("mousemove",_),r.removeEventListener("wheel",ee)},K.refresh=function(){console.warn("refresh() is deprecated. You do not have to call it anymore.")},K.tick=function(){if(s)return!1;if(Y=!1,(U||Z)&&T&&(O&&!j||!O&&j)){var n=U?W(l*(k-F)):0,t=Z?X(l*(C-R)):0;K.pan([n,t]),Y=!0}if(w&&b){var o=g*Math.exp(b/P),r=G(k),a=H(C);K.scale([q?1/o:1,N?1/o:1],[r,a]),Y=!0}if(f&&T&&(O&&j||!O&&!j)){var i=z/2,v=P/2,u=F-i,c=v-R,d=k-i,y=v-C,p=e.vec2.angle([u,c],[d,y]),A=u*y-d*c;K.rotate(m*p*Math.sign(A)),Y=!0}return b=0,F=k,R=C,Y},K}}));
"name": "dom-2d-camera",
"version": "1.2.3",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "A wrapper for attaching a 2D camera to a DOM element",

@@ -31,12 +31,11 @@ "author": "Fritz Lekschas",

"dependencies": {
"camera-2d-simple": "~2.2.0",
"gl-matrix": "~3.1.0"
"camera-2d-simple": "^3.0.0",
"gl-matrix": "^3.3.0"
"peerDependencies": {
"camera-2d-simple": "~2.2.0",
"gl-matrix": "~3.1.0"
"gl-matrix": "^3.3.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-buble": "^0.21.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^7.1.1",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^7.1.3",
"eslint": "^6.8.0",

@@ -43,0 +42,0 @@ "eslint-config-prettier": "^v6.10.0",

@@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ # DOM 2D Camera

- `isFixed`: if `true` panning, rotating, and zooming is disabled. [dtype: bool, default: `false`]
- `isPan`: if `true` panning is enabled. [dtype: bool, default: `true`]
- `isPan`: if `true` x and y panning is enabled. [dtype: bool | [bool, bool], default: `true`]
- `isRotate`: if `true` rotation is enabled. [dtype: bool, default: `true`]
- `isZoom`: if `true` zooming is enabled. [dtype: bool, default: `true`]
- `isZoom`: if `true` x and y zooming is enabled. [dtype: bool | [bool, bool], default: `true`]
- `panSpeed`: panning speed. [dtype: number, default: `1`]

@@ -94,5 +94,5 @@ - `rotateSpeed`: rotation speed. [dtype: number, default: `1`]

- `isFixed`: if `true` panning, rotating, and zooming is disabled. [default: `false`]
- `isPan`: if `true` panning is enabled. [dtype: bool, default: `true`]
- `isPan`: if `true` x and y panning is enabled. [dtype: bool | [bool, bool], default: `true`]
- `isRotate`: if `true` rotation is enabled. [dtype: bool, default: `true`]
- `isZoom`: if `true` zooming is enabled. [dtype: bool, default: `true`]
- `isZoom`: if `true` x and y zooming is enabled. [dtype: bool | [bool, bool], default: `true`]
- `panSpeed`: panning speed. [dtype: float, default: `1.0`]

@@ -99,0 +99,0 @@ - `rotateSpeed`: rotation speed. [dtype: float, default: `1.0`]

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