A browserify transform to execute the script only on DOM ready.
If you have global dependencies that would be available only after loading the whole page,
the domreadify transform will allow to postpone export
execution by executing the whole script on DOM ready event.
Install with npm:
npm install domreadify --save-dev
Install with yarn:
yarn add domreadify --dev
The package has no configurations.
Command line argument:
browserify src.js -o output.js --transform domreadify
or you can add the transform to your package.json
"browserify": {
"transform": ["domreadify"]
browserify src.js -o output.js
See also
browserify-global-shim -
a browserify transform for replacing modules with global variables.
You probably will want to use browserify-global-shim
and domreadify
first replace modules with global variables, then postpone the script execution to DOM ready
(when all global variables are available).
Copyright (c) 2019 Yuri Sitnikov. Licensed under the MIT license.