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This project is in alpha/beta status. We are building out functionality as we need it (at a rapid pace). See below for the API and for what has been currently built.
A lightweight ORM set around brianc's work on node-sql and node-postgres, see https://github.com/brianc/node-sql and https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres. As we are so heavily leveraging node-sql the ORM implementation seems closest to DataMapper (although we haven't looked into funky things like composing multiple tables into one Model yet).
Documentation will appear in due course. For now, see the tests. We advise against using it for the moment, as we will be adding behaviours on a daily basis (we needed an ORM!).
Features which need to be ready quickly for us.
- Associations - eager fetching, lazy loading, and an event to subscribe to which describes when a model's associations are fully loaded. Eager fetching of associations represents a huge win for us (we'll prolly use async.js behind the scenes). So, when you set up your model, you'll define what associations are eagerly loaded, the others will be lazily loaded. And that config should be overridable.
- A validation lifecycle
- Eventing lifecycle (for e.g., so you can listen for whenever a model is altered). Validations will probably be evented too.
We are trying to produce a tool to leverage for our own projects, and have to be practical about producing something quickly but here are some features which would be nice to have and would lead us, eventually, to a 1.0.0 release.
- Proper connection abstraction. Right now we are just hard coding in node-postgres connections. We should wrap the connection so if someone wants to use mysql or sqlite, they can.
- Explicit transaction handling.
Table level calls
var Downstairs = require('../lib/downstairs.js').Downstairs;
var Table = require('../lib/downstairs.js').Table;
var sql = require('sql');
var userSQL = sql.Table.define({
name: 'users'
, quote: true
, columns: ['id'
, 'username'
, 'created_at'
, 'updated_at'
, 'is_active'
, 'email'
, 'password'
var User =Table.register(userSQL);
User.find(conditions, cb);
User.findAll(conditions, cb);
User.create(data, cb);
User.delete(conditions, cb); // TODO
User.update(data, conditions, cb);
Table.find(conditions, cb)
This returns a single User model based on the conditions (where clause) passed in.
The conditions are a node-sql where clause constructed by functions on the sql object.
The conditions is an optional parameter. The following calls are valid (the last two
are equivalent:
var User = Table.register(userSQL);
User.find(User.sql.email.equals('someone@moneytribe.com.au'), function(err, user) {
// user is the first user model in the underlying resultset.
// Do something with it!
User.find(function(err, user) {
// user is the first user model in the underlying resultset.
// Do something with it!
User.find(null, function(err, user) {
// user is the first user model in the underlying resultset.
// Do something with it!
Table.findAll(conditions, cb)
This returns an array of User models based on the conditions (where clause) passed in.
The conditions are a node-sql where clause constructed by functions on the sql object.
The conditions is an optional parameter. The following calls are valid (the last two
are equivalent:
var User = Table.register(userSQL);
User.findAllAll(User.sql.email.equals('someone@moneytribe.com.au'), function(err, users) {
// users is the array of all users from the underlying resultset.
// Do something with it!
User.findAll(function(err, users) {
// users is the array of all users from the underlying resultset.
// Do something with it!
User.findAll(null, function(err, users) {
// users is the array of all users from the underlying resultset.
// Do something with it!
Table.create(data, cb);
This inserts a user into the underlying table, You must provide data. This returns true
or false depending on whether the operation worked or not (it probably should return the
primary key instead).
User.create({email: 'someone@moneytribe.com.au', username: 'someone'}, function(err, users) {
// users is the array of all users from the underlying resultset.
// Do something with it!
User.delete(conditions, cb);
This is on our to do list!
User.update(data, conditions, cb); // done
This updates an existing user's data. The conditions parameter is optional. This returns
true or false depending on whether the operation was successful or not. If you do not pass
conditions then it will update all rows in the table. Be careful! The last two statements
are equivalent.
var User = Table.register(userSQL);
User.update({password: 'nottellingyou'}, User.sql.email.equals('someone@moneytribe.com.au'), function(err, result) {
// result is true if there was 1 or more rows updated.
User.update({password: 'nottellingyou'}, null, function(err, result) {
// result is true if there was 1 or more rows updated.
User.update({password: 'nottellingyou'}, function(err, result) {
// result is true if there was 1 or more rows updated.
Model instance calls
var user = new User({username: 'someone2'}); //done
user.save(cb); // should do a Table.insert or Table.update depending on _isNewflag
user.validate(cb); //we'll delegate validations to node-validator probably
Validations are closures which are passed into the Table registration function but are invoked on an instance of the model.
Note - you can use whichever library you want for validations. The example below uses node-validator (https://github.com/chriso/node-validator).
Validations are run in parallel using async.js (https://github.com/caolan/async).
var userValidation = {
uniqueUsername: function(cb){
this.find(this.sql.username.equals(this.username), function(errs, user){
if (user){
cb(null, "User already exists with username, id: ", user.id);
} else {
cb(null, null);
var User = Table.register(userSQL, userValidation);
var user = new User({username: 'fred'});
user.isValid(function(errs, result){
The result will be a boolean indicating successful validation. If the result is false, errs will hold an array of error messages.
Downstairs supports hasOne, hasMany and belongsTo. Importantly, it also lets you define whether associations are loaded eagerly or lazily.
var associations = {};
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install downstairs
var downstairs = require('downstairs');
Copyright (c) 2012 Moneytribe Pty Ltd.
Licensed under the MIT license.