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Documentation currently a work in progress.
A Node.js ORM Framework with
- adapters (one ships with brianc's node-sql, or write your own over your favourite database and take advantage of the Downstairs framework)
- associations - belongsTo, hasOne, hasMany
- validations
- 'named callbacks' - like middleware at the model layer, helpful to reduce nesting in your model logic.
- events - define an event lifecycle on a Model.
- an ectypes testing library allowing the easy creation of test objects - ectypes-downstairs
Downstairs is in production use for three Moneytribe codebases.
Currently in development:
- eager loading of associations via dynamic left outer joins
- improved validation objects for easy form integration
- formal description of when to use the simple JSON query abstraction language or to drop into a dialect specific query
Downstairs has 'Collections' and 'Records'. A Collection is a group of documents. A Record is a single document.
Configure Downstairs with as many database connections and adapters as needed:
var pgConnection = new Downstairs.Connection.PostgreSQL(env.connectionString);
var sqlAdapter = new SQLAdapter();
Downstairs.add(pgConnection, sqlAdapter, "primarydb");
Assign a Collection to a configuration:
var sql = require('sql')
, Validator = require('validator').Validator;
var userConfig = sql.Table.define({
name: 'users'
, quote: true
, schema: 'public'
, columns: ['id'
, 'username'
, 'created_at'
, 'updated_at'
, 'email'
, 'password'
, 'role_id'
var validations = {
passwordPresent: function(cb){
var validator = new Validator();
cb(null, null);
cb(null, "Password: " + e.message);
var User = Collection.model('User', userConfig, validations, 'primarydb');
Collection level API
Once you have configured a Collection you can manipulate it at a Collection level to produce a record:
User.create({username: 'fred2', password: 'nottelling', email: 'test2@test.com'}, function(err, user) {
Collection level behaviours mandated by every adapter are:
mandatedCalls = ['find', 'findAll', 'update', 'create', 'delete', 'count'];
Some additional query parameters are:
User.findAll({ like: {name: 'fre%', surname: 'jon%'} });
# This finds all users with a name that starts with 'fre' and a surname that starts with 'jon'
User.findAll({ queryParameters: {limit: 6, orderBy: 'name ASC' } } });
# This orders the query ascending by name and limits the number of results to 6
User.findAll({ name: [ 'Fred', 'Mary'] });
# This finds all users named Fred and Mary.
Named Callbacks
Record level API
For migrations use VisionMedia's node-migrate: https://github.com/visionmedia/node-migrate .
This means you will have to hand craft your SQL to create tables but this is a good thing.
For example, we have a migrations directory and a migrations helper to expedite things. We also export the migration so it can be called upon in tests (when we want to rapidly construct tables after tearing down the database).
# Copyright (c) 2012 MoneyTribe
migrator = require './helper'
upStatement = "CREATE TABLE users
id bigserial NOT NULL,
username character varying(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
is_active boolean DEFAULT true,
email character varying(512) UNIQUE,
password character varying(64),
downStatement = "DROP TABLE users;";
exports.up = (next) ->
migrator.run upStatement, (err, result) ->
next() if result
throw err if err
exports.down = (next)->
migrator.run downStatement, (err, result) ->
next() if result
throw err if err
exports.upStatement = upStatement
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install downstairs
var downstairs = require('downstairs');
- @nicholasf
- @kristian-puccio
- @andy-chilts
Copyright (c) 2012 Moneytribe Pty Ltd.
Licensed under the MIT license.