dstore is an abstraction over storage engines, more specifically, managing their "schema" and handling creating / updating & deleting data (No reads!).
Via a simple REST API, you can manage the blueprint of your data, and store data with a single request and in a simple format.
Currently, dstore supports PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch and LevelDB, the perfect stack for a modern web application.
The blueprint describes your data format, so the projectors know what data they can expect and know how to serialize it.
A blueprint contains information like the table name, elasticsearch type, the columns and the validation options that should be used when data is stored.
Let's look at an example how to create a blueprint for storing posts on my blog.
For this, we use the put blueprint command, and use "myblog" as the project, and "article" as the type.
curl -X PUT http://localhost:2020/myblog/article/_blueprint -d '
"postgresql": {
"table": "articles"
"elasticsearch": {
"type": "article"
"columns": {
"title_nl": {
"type": "string"
"title_en": {
"type": "string"
"intro_nl": {
"type": "text"
"intro_en": {
"type": "text"
"content_nl": {
"type": "text"
"content_en": {
"type": "text"
"date_created": {
"type": "datetime",
"validation": {
"required": true
"date_changed": {
"type": "datetime",
"validation": {
"required": true
I hope the format explains itself.
Below is a map of the available column types, and the type that it translates to in the storage engine.
column type | postgresql type | elasticsearch type | leveldb type |
uuid | UUID | string | String (JSON) |
uuid[] | UUID[] | string | Array (JSON) |
string | STRING | string | String (JSON) |
string[] | STRING[] | string | Array (JSON) |
text | TEXT | text | String (JSON) |
text[] | TEXT[] | text | Array (JSON) |
point | GEOMETRY(Point, 4326) | geo_point | Object (GeoJSON) |
point[] | GEOMETRY(MultiPoint, 4326) | geo_point | Object (GeoJSON) |
linestring | GEOMETRY(LineString, 4326) | geo_shape | Object (GeoJSON) |
linestring[] | GEOMETRY(MultiLineString, 4326) | geo_shape | Object (GeoJSON) |
polygon | GEOMETRY(Polygon, 4326) | geo_shape | Object (GeoJSON) |
polygon[] | GEOMETRY(MultiPolygon, 4326) | geo_shape | Object (GeoJSON) |
date | DATE | date (format: yyyy-MM-dd) | String (JSON) |
date[] | DATE[] | date (format: yyyy-MM-dd) | Array (JSON) |
datetime | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | date (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) | String (JSON) |
datetime[] | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE[] | date (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) | Array (JSON) |
float | REAL | float | Number (JSON) |
float[] | REAL[] | float | Array (JSON) |
integer | INTEGER | integer | Number (JSON) |
integer[] | INTEGER[] | integer | Array (JSON) |
boolean | BOOLEAN | boolean | Boolean (JSON) |
boolean[] | BOOLEAN[] | boolean | Array (JSON) |
json | JSON | object | Object (JSON) |
json[] | JSON[] | object | Array (JSON) |
As you can see, we follow PostgreSQL's [] notation for defining an array of something.
When you are done adding blueprints, it's time to create a snapshot.
By creating a snapshot we are saving the current state of all blueprints, and assign a snapshot version number to it.
After the snapshot is stored, the migrators for every projector will kick into action to create new databases / elasticsearch indexes, tables and type mappings.
For LevelDB, it's quite easy. Since it's blueprintless we don't have to migrate anything.
You can create a snapshot with the create snapshot command:
curl -X POST http://localhost:2020/myblog/_version
When the request completes, the storage engines are ready to handle data with the new blueprint.
Storing items is done via a simple PUT command.
The request body is JSON and should, at the very least contain the following keys:
- project_version An existing snapshot version
- id A UUID that does or does not yet exist in the database
You can also include a links key that is an array of UUID's, pointing to other items
Internally (and above), we refer to data as an "item", this is the same concept as a elasticsearch document or a table row.
Below is an example:
curl -X PUT http://localhost:2020/myblog/article/66276124-ebcd-45e1-8013-825346daa283 -d '
"id": "66276124-ebcd-45e1-8013-825346daa283",
"project_version": 1,
"title_nl": "De titel",
"title_en": "Some title",
"intro_nl": "De intro",
"intro_en": "The intro",
"content_nl": "De inhoud",
"content_en": "The content",
"date_created": "2014-01-17 03:50:12",
"date_changed": "2014-01-17 03:50:12"
Deleting an item is not so difficult either:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:2020/myblog/article/66276124-ebcd-45e1-8013-825346daa283
At this moment, the only way to communicate with dstore is via a JSON API.
In the future we might add support for communication with dstore via RabbitMQ
Please check the API documentation over at apiary.io.
(NOTE: The API is currently being updated to reflect the examples in the apiary docs.)
To run the script, you must make the following environment variables available.
export POSTGRESQL_HOST="localhost"
export POSTGRESQL_PORT="5432"
export POSTGRESQL_USER="..."
export ELASTICSEARCH_HOST="http://localhost:9200"
export QUEUE_CONNECTIONSTRING="amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"
export LEVEL_PATH="storage/level"
export PROJECT_FILE_PATH="storage/blueprint"
export PORT=2020
We build a .deb file that installs dstore on your system.
It is made & tested on Ubuntu 14.04, but probably works in debian as well.
It will go through all the instructions as seen in DIY.
git clone https://github.com/trappsnl/dstore.git
cd dstore
vagrant up
wget https://github.com/trappsnl/dstore/raw/master/build/debinstall/dstore-1.deb
sudo dpkg -i dstore-1.deb
# missing dependencies ?
# if you don't already have elasticsearch installed, add the repository as described below
wget -qO - https://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://packages.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/1.4/debian stable main"
sudo apt-get update
# you can now install all missing dependencies them like this:
sudo apt-get -f install
# now try again
sudo dpkg -i dstore-1.deb
# install dstore
npm install --save dstore
# install PM2 (node.js process manager)
sudo npm install -g pm2
# install rabbitmq
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
# install postgresql
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-contrib
# install postgis (only if you need spatial support)
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1
# change user to postgres
sudo su postgres
# create postgresql database
createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 template_postgis
# create postgis template for postgresql (only if you need spatial support)
psql template_postgis <<EOF
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'template_postgis';
# install elasticsearch (follow instructions over there!)
firefox https://gist.github.com/gourneau/66e0bd90c92ad829590b
# export necessary config variables
export POSTGRESQL_HOST="localhost"
export POSTGRESQL_PORT="5432"
export POSTGRESQL_USER="..."
export ELASTICSEARCH_HOST="http://localhost:9200"
export QUEUE_CONNECTIONSTRING="amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"
export LEVEL_PATH="storage/level"
export PROJECT_FILE_PATH="storage/blueprint"
export PORT=2020
# start dstore
cd path/to/dstore/bin && ./start.sh
#Dive deeper
Head over to the Api docs to learn more about the internals.