A duck duck go client for javascript/typescript
async function get() {
const result = await duckIt('bart simpsons');
- duckIt uses axios as peer dependencies and return an AxiosResponse:
const result = await duckIt('bart simpsons');
- duckIt can be called with an options object, eahc item is optional:
- appName: an application name, default duck-it
- format: received format data, possible values: 'json' or 'xml', default 'json'
- parentalFilter: parental filter activated or not, possible values 'Activated', 'Moderate' and 'Deactivated', default: 'Activated'
- noRedirect: boolean, true to skip HTTP redirects
- noHtml: boolean, true to remove HTML from text
- skipDisambig: boolean, true to skip disambiguation
(for information about this options see Duck Duck GO API documentation