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Design ∪ Hardware
DUH is a suite of tools for packaging reusable hardware components and
designs. DUH enables the generation of JSON5 duh-documents for
describing these components, and also enables export from these documents
to output deliverables.
First ensure Node Package Manager (npm
) is installed or
get npm. Then install
npm i github:sifive/duh
And test installation with duh --help
Quick start
The following base set of DUH tools can be used to generate a
duh-document for hardware components and designs:
Run duh init
to create a base duh-document.
Run duh-import-verilog-ports
to import a port list from a
(pre-preprocessed) verilog top-level module.
Run duh-portinf
to infer mappings of portgroups to standard bus
definitions AXI, AHB, TileLink, etc. (From the duhportinf
Run duh-portbundler
to group ports, which are unassigned to a bus
mapping, into structured bundles. (From the duhportinf
Run duh validate
to test whether a given document conforms to the
duh-document standard.
The following base set of DUH tools can be used to generate outputs from a
valid duh-document:
- Run
to generate scala black box wrappers for the
Preprocess verilog top-level module
To run a verilog preprocessor on the top-level module, use:
verilator -E -Irtl mytop.v > mytop.preproc.v
vppreproc -Irtl mytop.v > mytop.preproc.v
Further help
Further information:
block-ark for a walk-through
example using the DUH suite on a standalone module to produce a valid
duh-document that fully describes the mapping of ports to known
bus definitions.
the duh-document standard.
duhportinf for the port
inference DUH package that contains usage details of the duh-portinf
and duh-portbundler