Dwolla API for node.js
Dwolla Developers
Requires application client_id and client_secret
- basicAccountInfo
- nearby(lat, long)
Requires OAuth2 Token
- fullAccountInfo
- balance
- contacts
- transactionById(id)
- transactions
- transactionsStats
$ npm install dwolla
You need to register your application with Dwolla to get a client_id and
client_secret to make API requests. Set these as env variables.
Example Usage
var dwolla = require('dwolla');
// get oauth_token, be sure to set the proper scope
// use oauth lib or everyauth to setup OAuth2
// see nanek/everyauth for example Dwolla authentication
var token = req.session.oauth_token;
dwolla.fullAccountInfo(token, function(err, data) {
console.log("Full Account Info: " + data);
dwolla.transactions(token, null, function(err, data) {
console.log("Transactions: " + data);
var params = {};
params.search = 'Ben';
params.types = 'All';
dwolla.contacts(token, params, function(err, data) {
console.log("Contacts: " + data);