Dwolla API for node.js
Dwolla Developers
Requires your Dwolla application client_id and client_secret.
- basicAccountInfo(client_id, client_secret, id, callback)
- nearby(client_id, client_secret, lat, lon, [, params], callback)
- register(client_id, client_secret, userInfo, callback)
Requires a valid user OAuth2 token. Note tokens do not expire and may be
reused. See https://github.com/bnoguchi/everyauth for an example on how
to authorize a user and get a Dwolla OAuth2 token.
- fullAccountInfo(oauth_token, callback)
- balance(oauth_token, callback)
- contacts(oauth_token[, params], callback)
- transactions(oauth_token[, params], callback)
- transactionById(oauth_token, id, callback)
- transactionsStats(oauth_token[, params], callback)
- send(oauth_token, pin, destinationId, amount[, params], callback)
- request(oauth_token, pin, sourceId, amount[, params], callback)
All optional parameters are passed in as an optional object before the callback.
$ npm install dwolla
Example Usage
See more examples in the examples folder.
var dwolla = require('dwolla');
// get oauth_token, be sure to set the proper scope
// use oauth lib or everyauth to setup OAuth2
// see everyauth for example Dwolla authentication
var token = req.session.oauth_token;
dwolla.fullAccountInfo(token, function(err, data) {
console.log("Full Account Info: " + data);
dwolla.transactions(token, function(err, data) {
console.log("Transactions: " + data);
var params = {};
params.search = 'Ben';
params.types = 'All';
dwolla.contacts(token, params, function(err, data) {
console.log("Contacts: " + data);
Tests use mocha and should.js. Tests were made only for GET requests,
as tests of POST requests would be processed just like real requests.
Although working examples of each POST request can be found in the
examples folder.
$ npm test
$ mocha