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@@ -69,2 +69,4 @@ var async = require('async'),

if ((err = db.validateKey(key, table)) != null) return cb(err)
options = {TableName: tableName, Key: key}

@@ -76,5 +78,2 @@ if (req._projection) options._projection = req._projection

key = db.validateKey(key, table)
if (key instanceof Error) return cb(key)

@@ -81,0 +80,0 @@



@@ -14,3 +14,2 @@ var async = require('async'),

if (err) {
// TODO: This is a hack... fix this!
if (err.body && (/Missing the key/.test(err.body.message) || /Type mismatch for key/.test(err.body.message)))

@@ -54,15 +53,18 @@ err.body.message = 'The provided key element does not match the schema'

if ((err = db.validateItem(req.PutRequest.Item, table)) != null) return cb(err)
options.Item = req.PutRequest.Item
actions.push(putItem.bind(null, store, options))
key = db.validateItem(req.PutRequest.Item, table)
key = db.createKey(options.Item, table)
} else if (req.DeleteRequest) {
if ((err = db.validateKey(req.DeleteRequest.Key, table) != null)) return cb(err)
options.Key = req.DeleteRequest.Key
actions.push(deleteItem.bind(null, store, options))
key = db.validateKey(req.DeleteRequest.Key, table)
key = db.createKey(options.Key, table)
if (key instanceof Error) return cb(key)
if (seenKeys[key])

@@ -77,2 +79,1 @@ return cb(db.validationError('Provided list of item keys contains duplicates'))


@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ var db = require('../db')

var key = db.validateKey(data.Key, table), itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName)
if (key instanceof Error) return cb(key)
if ((err = db.validateKey(data.Key, table)) != null) return cb(err)
var itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName), key = db.createKey(data.Key, table)
itemDb.lock(key, function(release) {

@@ -27,5 +28,9 @@ cb = release(cb)

itemDb.del(key, function(err) {
db.updateIndexes(store, table, existingItem, null, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
cb(null, returnObj)
itemDb.del(key, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
cb(null, returnObj)

@@ -32,0 +37,0 @@ })

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

var async = require('async')

@@ -21,2 +22,11 @@ module.exports = function deleteTable(store, data, cb) {

table.TableStatus = 'DELETING'
var deletes = [store.deleteItemDb.bind(store, key)]
;['Local', 'Global'].forEach(function(indexType) {
var indexes = table[indexType + 'SecondaryIndexes'] || []
deletes = deletes.concat( {
return store.deleteIndexDb.bind(store, indexType, table.TableName, index.IndexName)
delete table.GlobalSecondaryIndexes

@@ -27,3 +37,3 @@

store.deleteItemDb(key, function(err) {
async.parallel(deletes, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err)

@@ -30,0 +40,0 @@

@@ -8,26 +8,15 @@ var db = require('../db')

var key = db.validateKey(data.Key, table), itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName)
if (key instanceof Error) return cb(key)
if ((err = db.validateKey(data.Key, table)) != null) return cb(err)
if (data._projection) {
err = db.validateKeyPaths(data._projection.nestedPaths, table)
if (err) return cb(err)
if ((err = db.validateKeyPaths((data._projection || {}).nestedPaths, table)) != null) return cb(err)
var itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName), key = db.createKey(data.Key, table)
itemDb.get(key, function(err, item) {
if (err && != 'NotFoundError') return cb(err)
var returnObj = {}
var returnObj = {}, paths = data._projection ? data._projection.paths : data.AttributesToGet
if (item) {
if (data._projection) {
returnObj.Item = db.mapPaths(data._projection.paths, item)
} else if (data.AttributesToGet) {
returnObj.Item = data.AttributesToGet.reduce(function(returnItem, attr) {
if (item[attr] != null) returnItem[attr] = item[attr]
return returnItem
}, {})
} else {
returnObj.Item = item
returnObj.Item = paths ? db.mapPaths(paths, item) : item

@@ -34,0 +23,0 @@

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ var once = require('once'),

if (data.ExclusiveStartTableName)
opts = {start: data.ExclusiveStartTableName + '\x00'}
opts = {gt: data.ExclusiveStartTableName}

@@ -12,0 +12,0 @@ db.lazy(store.tableDb.createKeyStream(opts), cb)

@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ var db = require('../db')

var key = db.validateItem(data.Item, table), itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName)
if (key instanceof Error) return cb(key)
if ((err = db.validateItem(data.Item, table)) != null) return cb(err)
var itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName), key = db.createKey(data.Item, table)
itemDb.lock(key, function(release) {

@@ -27,5 +28,9 @@ cb = release(cb)

itemDb.put(key, data.Item, function(err) {
db.updateIndexes(store, table, existingItem, data.Item, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
cb(null, returnObj)
itemDb.put(key, data.Item, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
cb(null, returnObj)

@@ -32,0 +37,0 @@ })

@@ -1,4 +0,2 @@

var events = require('events'),
once = require('once'),
Lazy = require('lazy'),
var once = require('once'),
db = require('../db')

@@ -13,3 +11,3 @@

var keySchema = table.KeySchema, startKeyNames = { return key.AttributeName }),
hashKey = startKeyNames[0], rangeKey = startKeyNames[1], projectionType, indexAttrs, isLocal
hashKey = startKeyNames[0], rangeKey = startKeyNames[1], fetchFromItemDb = false, isLocal

@@ -30,5 +28,3 @@ if (data.IndexName) {

keySchema = index.KeySchema
projectionType = index.Projection.ProjectionType
if (projectionType == 'INCLUDE')
indexAttrs = index.Projection.NonKeyAttributes
fetchFromItemDb = data.Select == 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES' && index.Projection.ProjectionType != 'ALL'
keySchema.forEach(function(key) { if (!~startKeyNames.indexOf(key.AttributeName)) startKeyNames.push(key.AttributeName) })

@@ -66,11 +62,11 @@ hashKey = keySchema[0].AttributeName

if (~['NULL', 'NOT_NULL', 'NE', 'CONTAINS', 'NOT_CONTAINS', 'IN'].indexOf(comparisonOperator)) {
return cb(db.validationError('Attempted conditional constraint is not an indexable operation'))
return db.validationError('Attempted conditional constraint is not an indexable operation')
if (data.KeyConditions[attr].AttributeValueList.some(function(attrVal) { return attrVal[type] == null })) {
return cb(db.validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: Condition parameter type does not match schema type'))
return db.validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: Condition parameter type does not match schema type')
if (isHash && ~['LE', 'LT', 'GE', 'GT', 'BEGINS_WITH', 'BETWEEN'].indexOf(comparisonOperator)) {
return cb(db.validationError('Query key condition not supported'))
if (isHash && comparisonOperator != 'EQ') {
return db.validationError('Query key condition not supported')

@@ -80,11 +76,5 @@ })

var opts = {}, tableHashKey = startKeyNames[0]
var hashType = Object.keys(data.KeyConditions[hashKey].AttributeValueList[0])[0]
var hashVal = data.KeyConditions[hashKey].AttributeValueList[0][hashType]
if (data.KeyConditions[tableHashKey] && data.KeyConditions[tableHashKey].ComparisonOperator == 'EQ') {
var tableHashType = Object.keys(data.KeyConditions[tableHashKey].AttributeValueList[0])[0]
var tableHashVal = data.KeyConditions[tableHashKey].AttributeValueList[0][tableHashType]
opts.start = db.hashPrefix(tableHashVal, tableHashType)
opts.end = db.hashPrefix(tableHashVal, tableHashType) + '~~'
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey) {

@@ -95,30 +85,18 @@ var tableStartKey = table.KeySchema.reduce(function(obj, attr) {

}, {})
var startKey = db.validateKey(tableStartKey, table)
if (startKey instanceof Error) {
return cb(db.validationError('The provided starting key is invalid: ' + startKey.message))
if ((err = db.validateKey(tableStartKey, table)) != null) {
return cb(db.validationError('The provided starting key is invalid: ' + err.message))
opts.start = startKey + '\x00'
if (Object.keys(data.KeyConditions).length == 1) {
var comparisonOperator = data.KeyConditions[hashKey].ComparisonOperator
if (comparisonOperator == 'EQ') {
var type = Object.keys(data.ExclusiveStartKey[hashKey])[0]
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey[hashKey][type] != data.KeyConditions[hashKey].AttributeValueList[0][type]) {
return cb(db.validationError('The provided starting key is outside query boundaries based on provided conditions'))
if (!rangeKey || !data.KeyConditions[rangeKey]) {
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey[hashKey][hashType] != hashVal) {
return cb(db.validationError('The provided starting key is outside query boundaries based on provided conditions'))
} else {
comparisonOperator = data.KeyConditions[rangeKey].ComparisonOperator
type = Object.keys(data.ExclusiveStartKey[rangeKey])[0]
// TODO: Need more extensive checking than this
if (comparisonOperator == 'GT' && data.ExclusiveStartKey[rangeKey][type] <= data.KeyConditions[rangeKey].AttributeValueList[0][type]) {
var matchesRange =[rangeKey].ComparisonOperator,
data.ExclusiveStartKey[rangeKey], data.KeyConditions[rangeKey].AttributeValueList)
if (!matchesRange) {
return cb(db.validationError('The provided starting key does not match the range key predicate'))
comparisonOperator = data.KeyConditions[hashKey].ComparisonOperator
if (comparisonOperator == 'EQ') {
type = Object.keys(data.ExclusiveStartKey[hashKey])[0]
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey[hashKey][type] != data.KeyConditions[hashKey].AttributeValueList[0][type]) {
return cb(db.validationError('The query can return at most one row and cannot be restarted'))
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey[hashKey][hashType] != hashVal) {
return cb(db.validationError('The query can return at most one row and cannot be restarted'))

@@ -128,6 +106,3 @@ }

if (data._projection) {
err = db.validateKeyPaths(data._projection.nestedPaths, table)
if (err) return cb(err)
if ((err = db.validateKeyPaths((data._projection || {}).nestedPaths, table)) != null) return cb(err)

@@ -146,143 +121,57 @@ if (data.QueryFilter || data._filter) {

if (data.IndexName) {
if (data.Select == 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES' && !isLocal && projectionType != 'ALL') {
return cb(db.validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Select type ALL_ATTRIBUTES is not supported for global secondary index ' +
data.IndexName + ' because its projection type is not ALL'))
if (indexAttrs && data.Select != 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES') {
data.AttributesToGet = indexAttrs.concat(startKeyNames)
if (fetchFromItemDb && !isLocal) {
return cb(db.validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Select type ALL_ATTRIBUTES is not supported for global secondary index ' +
data.IndexName + ' because its projection type is not ALL'))
if (data._filter && (err = db.validateKeyPaths(data._filter.nestedPaths, table)) != null) {
return cb(err)
if ((err = db.validateKeyPaths((data._filter || {}).nestedPaths, table)) != null) return cb(err)
startKeyNames.forEach(function(attr) {
if (!data.KeyConditions[attr])
data.KeyConditions[attr] = {ComparisonOperator: 'NOT_NULL'}
var opts = {reverse: data.ScanIndexForward === false, limit: data.Limit ? data.Limit + 1 : -1}
var itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName), vals, lastItem
opts.gte = db.hashPrefix(hashVal, hashType) + '/' + db.toRangeStr(hashVal, hashType) + '/' = opts.gte + '~'
// TODO: We currently don't deal nicely with indexes or reverse queries
if (data.ScanIndexForward === false || data.IndexName) {
var em = new events.EventEmitter
vals = new Lazy(em)
db.lazy(itemDb.createValueStream(), cb)
.filter(function(val) { return db.matchesFilter(val, data.KeyConditions) })
.join(function(items) {
var compareFn = db.itemCompare(rangeKey, table)
if (data.IndexName)
if (data.ScanIndexForward === false)
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (data.ScanIndexForward === false) {
if (compareFn(data.ExclusiveStartKey, items[i]) > 0)
} else if (compareFn(data.ExclusiveStartKey, items[i]) < 0) {
items = items.slice(i)
items.forEach(function(item) { em.emit('data', item) })
} else {
vals = db.lazy(itemDb.createValueStream(opts), cb)
if (data.KeyConditions[rangeKey]) {
var rangeStrPrefix = db.toRangeStr(data.KeyConditions[rangeKey].AttributeValueList[0])
var rangeStr = rangeStrPrefix + '/'
var comp = data.KeyConditions[rangeKey].ComparisonOperator
if (comp == 'EQ') {
opts.gte += rangeStr
opts.lte = opts.gte + '~'
} else if (comp == 'LT') { = opts.gte + rangeStr
} else if (comp == 'LE') {
opts.lte = opts.gte + rangeStr
} else if (comp == 'GT') { = opts.gte + rangeStr
delete opts.gte
} else if (comp == 'GE') {
opts.gte += rangeStr
} else if (comp == 'BEGINS_WITH') { = opts.gte + rangeStrPrefix + '~'
opts.gte += rangeStr
} else if (comp == 'BETWEEN') {
opts.lte = opts.gte + db.toRangeStr(data.KeyConditions[rangeKey].AttributeValueList[1]) + '/'
opts.gte += rangeStr
vals = vals.filter(function(val) {
if (!db.matchesFilter(val, data.KeyConditions)) {
if (lastItem) lastItem = null
return false
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey) {
var startKey = db.createIndexKey(data.ExclusiveStartKey, table, keySchema)
lastItem = val
return true
var size = 0, capacitySize = 0, count = 0, scannedCount = 0, limited = false
vals = vals.takeWhile(function(val) {
if (count >= data.Limit || size > 1041375) {
limited = true
return false
if (data.ScanIndexForward === false) { = startKey
delete opts.lte
} else { = startKey
delete opts.gte
size += db.itemSize(val, true)
// TODO: Combine this with above
if (~['TOTAL', 'INDEXES'].indexOf(data.ReturnConsumedCapacity))
capacitySize += db.itemSize(val)
return true
if (data._filter) {
vals = vals.filter(function(val) {
return db.matchesExprFilter(val, data._filter.expression)
} else if (data.QueryFilter) {
vals = vals.filter(function(val) {
return db.matchesFilter(val, data.QueryFilter, data.ConditionalOperator)
if (data._projection) {
vals =, data._projection.paths))
} else if (data.AttributesToGet) {
vals = {
return data.AttributesToGet.reduce(function(item, attr) {
if (val[attr] != null) item[attr] = val[attr]
return item
}, {})
vals.join(function(items) {
var result = {Count: items.length, ScannedCount: scannedCount || items.length},
capacityUnits, tableUnits, indexUnits, indexAttr
if (limited || (data.Limit && lastItem) || size > 1041575) {
if (data.Limit) items.splice(data.Limit)
result.Count = items.length
result.ScannedCount = scannedCount || items.length
if (result.Count) {
result.LastEvaluatedKey = table.KeySchema.concat(keySchema).reduce(function(key, schemaPiece) {
key[schemaPiece.AttributeName] = items[items.length - 1][schemaPiece.AttributeName]
return key
}, {})
if (data.Select != 'COUNT') result.Items = items
if (~['TOTAL', 'INDEXES'].indexOf(data.ReturnConsumedCapacity)) {
capacityUnits = Math.ceil(capacitySize / 1024 / 4) * (data.ConsistentRead ? 1 : 0.5)
if (indexAttrs && data.Select == 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES') {
tableUnits = capacityUnits
indexUnits = Math.floor(capacityUnits / result.ScannedCount)
} else {
tableUnits = data.IndexName ? 0 : capacityUnits
indexUnits = data.IndexName ? capacityUnits : 0
result.ConsumedCapacity = {
CapacityUnits: tableUnits + indexUnits,
TableName: data.TableName,
if (data.ReturnConsumedCapacity == 'INDEXES') {
result.ConsumedCapacity.Table = {CapacityUnits: tableUnits}
indexAttr = isLocal ? 'LocalSecondaryIndexes' : 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes'
result.ConsumedCapacity[indexAttr] = {}
result.ConsumedCapacity[indexAttr][data.IndexName] = {CapacityUnits: indexUnits}
cb(null, result)
db.queryTable(store, table, data, opts, isLocal, fetchFromItemDb, startKeyNames, cb)

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ var once = require('once'),

var keySchema = table.KeySchema, startKeyNames = { return key.AttributeName }),
projectionType, indexAttrs, isLocal
fetchFromItemDb = false, isLocal

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ if (data.IndexName) {

if (!isLocal && data.ConsistentRead) {
return cb(db.validationError('Consistent reads are not supported on global secondary indexes'))
keySchema = index.KeySchema
projectionType = index.Projection.ProjectionType
if (projectionType == 'INCLUDE')
indexAttrs = index.Projection.NonKeyAttributes
fetchFromItemDb = data.Select == 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES' && index.Projection.ProjectionType != 'ALL'
keySchema.forEach(function(key) { if (!~startKeyNames.indexOf(key.AttributeName)) startKeyNames.push(key.AttributeName) })

@@ -40,28 +41,16 @@ }

if (data.IndexName) {
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey) {
err = db.traverseKey(table, keySchema, function(attr, type, isHash) {
if (!data.ExclusiveStartKey[attr]) {
return db.validationError('The provided starting key is invalid')
return db.validateKeyPiece(data.ExclusiveStartKey, attr, type, isHash)
if (err) return cb(err)
if (data.Select == 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES' && !isLocal && projectionType != 'ALL') {
return cb(db.validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Select type ALL_ATTRIBUTES is not supported for global secondary index ' +
data.IndexName + ' because its projection type is not ALL'))
if (indexAttrs && data.Select != 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES') {
data.AttributesToGet = indexAttrs.concat(startKeyNames)
if (data.IndexName && data.ExclusiveStartKey) {
err = db.traverseKey(table, keySchema, function(attr, type, isHash) {
if (!data.ExclusiveStartKey[attr]) {
return db.validationError('The provided starting key is invalid')
return db.validateKeyPiece(data.ExclusiveStartKey, attr, type, isHash)
if (err) return cb(err)
var opts = {}
if (data.TotalSegments > 1) {
if (data.Segment > 0)
opts.start = ('00' + Math.ceil(4096 * data.Segment / data.TotalSegments).toString(16)).slice(-3)
opts.end = ('00' + (Math.ceil(4096 * (data.Segment + 1) / data.TotalSegments) - 1).toString(16)).slice(-3) + '~'
if (fetchFromItemDb && !isLocal) {
return cb(db.validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Select type ALL_ATTRIBUTES is not supported for global secondary index ' +
data.IndexName + ' because its projection type is not ALL'))

@@ -74,8 +63,17 @@

}, {})
if ((err = db.validateKey(tableStartKey, table)) != null) {
return cb(db.validationError('The provided starting key is invalid: ' + err.message))
var startKey = db.validateKey(tableStartKey, table)
if (startKey instanceof Error) {
return cb(db.validationError('The provided starting key is invalid: ' + startKey.message))
if (data.TotalSegments > 1 && (startKey < opts.start || startKey > opts.end)) {
if (data.TotalSegments > 1) {
if (data.Segment > 0)
var hashStart = ('00' + Math.ceil(4096 * data.Segment / data.TotalSegments).toString(16)).slice(-3)
var hashEnd = ('00' + (Math.ceil(4096 * (data.Segment + 1) / data.TotalSegments) - 1).toString(16)).slice(-3) + '~'
if (data.ExclusiveStartKey) {
var startKey = db.createIndexKey(data.ExclusiveStartKey, table, keySchema)
if (data.TotalSegments > 1 && (startKey < hashStart || startKey > hashEnd)) {
return cb(db.validationError('The provided starting key is invalid: Invalid ExclusiveStartKey. ' +

@@ -85,69 +83,14 @@ 'Please use ExclusiveStartKey with correct Segment. ' +

opts.start = startKey + '\x00'
if (data._projection) {
err = db.validateKeyPaths(data._projection.nestedPaths, table)
if (err) return cb(err)
hashStart = startKey
if (data._filter && (err = db.validateKeyPaths(data._filter.nestedPaths, table)) != null) {
return cb(err)
if ((err = db.validateKeyPaths((data._projection || {}).nestedPaths, table)) != null) return cb(err)
var itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName), vals, scannedCount = 0, size = 0, capacitySize = 0, lastItem
if ((err = db.validateKeyPaths((data._filter || {}).nestedPaths, table)) != null) return cb(err)
vals = db.lazy(itemDb.createValueStream(opts), cb)
var opts = {limit: data.Limit ? data.Limit + 1 : -1, gt: hashStart, lt: hashEnd}
vals = vals.takeWhile(function(val) {
if (scannedCount >= data.Limit || size > 1042000) return false
size += db.itemSize(val, true)
// TODO: Combine this with above
if (~['TOTAL', 'INDEXES'].indexOf(data.ReturnConsumedCapacity))
capacitySize += db.itemSize(val)
lastItem = val
return true
if (data._filter) {
vals = vals.filter(function(val) { return db.matchesExprFilter(val, data._filter.expression) })
} else if (data.ScanFilter) {
vals = vals.filter(function(val) { return db.matchesFilter(val, data.ScanFilter, data.ConditionalOperator) })
if (data._projection) {
vals =, data._projection.paths))
} else if (data.AttributesToGet) {
vals = {
return data.AttributesToGet.reduce(function(item, attr) {
if (val[attr] != null) item[attr] = val[attr]
return item
}, {})
vals.join(function(items) {
var result = {Count: items.length, ScannedCount: scannedCount}
if (data.Select != 'COUNT') result.Items = items
if ((data.Limit && data.Limit <= scannedCount) || size > 1042000) {
result.LastEvaluatedKey = table.KeySchema.reduce(function(key, schemaPiece) {
key[schemaPiece.AttributeName] = lastItem[schemaPiece.AttributeName]
return key
}, {})
if (~['TOTAL', 'INDEXES'].indexOf(data.ReturnConsumedCapacity))
result.ConsumedCapacity = {
CapacityUnits: Math.ceil(capacitySize / 1024 / 4) * 0.5,
TableName: data.TableName,
Table: data.ReturnConsumedCapacity == 'INDEXES' ?
{CapacityUnits: Math.ceil(capacitySize / 1024 / 4) * 0.5} : undefined,
cb(null, result)
db.queryTable(store, table, data, opts, isLocal, fetchFromItemDb, startKeyNames, cb)

@@ -9,54 +9,8 @@ var Big = require('big.js'),

var key = db.validateKey(data.Key, table)
if (key instanceof Error) return cb(key)
if ((err = db.validateKey(data.Key, table)) != null) return cb(err)
if (data.AttributeUpdates || data._updates) {
err = db.traverseKey(table, function(attr) {
var hasKey = false
if (data._updates) {
var sections = data._updates.sections
for (var j = 0; j < sections.length; j++) {
if (sections[j].path[0] == attr) {
hasKey = true
} else {
hasKey = data.AttributeUpdates[attr] != null
if (hasKey) {
return db.validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Cannot update attribute ' + attr + '. This attribute is part of the key')
if (err) return cb(err)
err = db.traverseIndexes(table, function(attr, type, index) {
var actualType
if (data._updates) {
var sections = data._updates.sections
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
var section = sections[i]
if (section.path.length == 1 && section.path[0] == attr) {
actualType = section.attrType
} else {
actualType = data.AttributeUpdates[attr] ? Object.keys(data.AttributeUpdates[attr].Value)[0] : null
if (actualType != null && actualType != type) {
return db.validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Type mismatch for Index Key ' + attr + ' Expected: ' + type +
' Actual: ' + actualType + ' IndexName: ' + index.IndexName)
if (err) return cb(err)
if ((err = db.validateUpdates(data.AttributeUpdates, data._updates, table)) != null) return cb(err)
if (data._updates && (err = db.validateKeyPaths(data._updates.nestedPaths, table)) != null) {
return cb(err)
var itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName), key = db.createKey(data.Key, table)
var itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName)
itemDb.lock(key, function(release) {

@@ -70,3 +24,4 @@ cb = release(cb)

var returnObj = {}, item = data.Key
var returnObj = {}, item = data.Key,
paths = data._updates ? data._updates.paths : Object.keys(data.AttributeUpdates || {})

@@ -80,12 +35,3 @@ if (oldItem) {

} else if (data.ReturnValues == 'UPDATED_OLD') {
if (data._updates) {
returnObj.Attributes = db.mapPaths(data._updates.paths, oldItem)
} else {
returnObj.Attributes = {}
for (attr in data.AttributeUpdates) {
if (oldItem[attr] != null) {
returnObj.Attributes[attr] = oldItem[attr]
returnObj.Attributes = db.mapPaths(paths, oldItem)

@@ -104,12 +50,3 @@ }

} else if (data.ReturnValues == 'UPDATED_NEW') {
if (data._updates) {
returnObj.Attributes = db.mapPaths(data._updates.paths, item)
} else {
returnObj.Attributes = {}
for (attr in data.AttributeUpdates) {
if (item[attr] != null) {
returnObj.Attributes[attr] = item[attr]
returnObj.Attributes = db.mapPaths(paths, item)

@@ -119,5 +56,9 @@

itemDb.put(key, item, function(err) {
db.updateIndexes(store, table, oldItem, item, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
cb(null, returnObj)
itemDb.put(key, item, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
cb(null, returnObj)

@@ -124,0 +65,0 @@ })

var crypto = require('crypto'),
lazy = require('lazy'),
events = require('events'),
async = require('async'),
Lazy = require('lazy'),
levelup = require('levelup'),

@@ -13,10 +15,13 @@ memdown = require('memdown'),

exports.validateKey = validateKey
exports.validateItem = validateItem
exports.validateUpdates = validateUpdates
exports.validateKeyPiece = validateKeyPiece
exports.validateKeyPaths = validateKeyPaths
exports.validateItem = validateItem
exports.createKey = createKey
exports.createIndexKey = createIndexKey
exports.traverseKey = traverseKey
exports.traverseIndexes = traverseIndexes
exports.toRangeStr = toRangeStr
exports.toLexiStr = toLexiStr
exports.hashPrefix = hashPrefix
exports.itemCompare = itemCompare
exports.validationError = validationError

@@ -32,2 +37,5 @@ exports.checkConditional = checkConditional

exports.mapPath = mapPath
exports.queryTable = queryTable
exports.updateIndexes = updateIndexes
exports.getIndexActions = getIndexActions

@@ -61,2 +69,10 @@ function create(options) {

function getIndexDb(indexType, tableName, indexName) {
return getSubDb('index-' + indexType.toLowerCase() + '~' + tableName + '~' + indexName)
function deleteIndexDb(indexType, tableName, indexName, cb) {
deleteSubDb('index-' + indexType.toLowerCase() + '~' + tableName + '~' + indexName, cb)
function getSubDb(name) {

@@ -115,2 +131,4 @@ if (!subDbs[name]) {

deleteItemDb: deleteItemDb,
getIndexDb: getIndexDb,
deleteIndexDb: deleteIndexDb,
getTable: getTable,

@@ -123,3 +141,3 @@ recreate: recreate,

if (errHandler) stream.on('error', errHandler)
var streamAsLazy = lazy(stream)
var streamAsLazy = new Lazy(stream)
if (stream.destroy) streamAsLazy.on('pipe', stream.destroy.bind(stream))

@@ -134,13 +152,70 @@ return streamAsLazy

return traverseKey(table, keySchema, function(attr, type, isHash) {
return validateKeyPiece(dataKey, attr, type, isHash)
var keyStr, err
err = traverseKey(table, keySchema, function(attr, type, isHash) {
var err = validateKeyPiece(dataKey, attr, type, isHash)
if (err) return err
if (!keyStr) keyStr = hashPrefix(dataKey[attr][type], type)
keyStr += '~' + toLexiStr(dataKey[attr][type], type)
function validateItem(dataItem, table) {
return traverseKey(table, function(attr, type, isHash) {
if (dataItem[attr] == null) {
return validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Missing the key ' + attr + ' in the item')
if (dataItem[attr][type] == null) {
return validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Type mismatch for key ' + attr + ' expected: ' + type +
' actual: ' + Object.keys(dataItem[attr])[0])
return checkKeySize(dataItem[attr][type], type, isHash)
}) || traverseIndexes(table, function(attr, type, index) {
if (dataItem[attr] != null && dataItem[attr][type] == null) {
return validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Type mismatch for Index Key ' + attr + ' Expected: ' + type +
' Actual: ' + Object.keys(dataItem[attr])[0] + ' IndexName: ' + index.IndexName)
return err || keyStr
function validateUpdates(attributeUpdates, expressionUpdates, table) {
if (attributeUpdates == null && expressionUpdates == null) return
return traverseKey(table, function(attr) {
var hasKey = false
if (expressionUpdates) {
var sections = expressionUpdates.sections
for (var j = 0; j < sections.length; j++) {
if (sections[j].path[0] == attr) {
hasKey = true
} else {
hasKey = attributeUpdates[attr] != null
if (hasKey) {
return validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Cannot update attribute ' + attr + '. This attribute is part of the key')
}) || traverseIndexes(table, function(attr, type, index) {
var actualType
if (expressionUpdates) {
var sections = expressionUpdates.sections
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
var section = sections[i]
if (section.path.length == 1 && section.path[0] == attr) {
actualType = section.attrType
} else {
actualType = attributeUpdates[attr] ? Object.keys(attributeUpdates[attr].Value)[0] : null
if (actualType != null && actualType != type) {
return validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Type mismatch for Index Key ' + attr + ' Expected: ' + type +
' Actual: ' + actualType + ' IndexName: ' + index.IndexName)
}) || validateKeyPaths((expressionUpdates || {}).nestedPaths, table)
function validateKeyPiece(key, attr, type, isHash) {

@@ -154,2 +229,3 @@ if (key[attr] == null || key[attr][type] == null) {

function validateKeyPaths(nestedPaths, table) {
if (!nestedPaths) return
return traverseKey(table, function(attr) {

@@ -168,30 +244,18 @@ if (nestedPaths[attr]) {

function validateItem(dataItem, table) {
var keyStr, err
err = traverseKey(table, function(attr, type, isHash) {
if (dataItem[attr] == null) {
return validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Missing the key ' + attr + ' in the item')
if (dataItem[attr][type] == null) {
return validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Type mismatch for key ' + attr + ' expected: ' + type +
' actual: ' + Object.keys(dataItem[attr])[0])
err = checkKeySize(dataItem[attr][type], type, isHash)
if (err) return err
if (!keyStr) keyStr = hashPrefix(dataItem[attr][type], type)
keyStr += '~' + toLexiStr(dataItem[attr][type], type)
function createKey(item, table, keySchema) {
if (keySchema == null) keySchema = table.KeySchema
var keyStr
traverseKey(table, keySchema, function(attr, type, isHash) {
if (isHash) keyStr = hashPrefix(item[attr][type], type) + '/'
keyStr += toRangeStr(item[attr][type], type) + '/'
if (err) return err
err = traverseIndexes(table, function(attr, type, index) {
if (dataItem[attr] != null && dataItem[attr][type] == null) {
return validationError('One or more parameter values were invalid: ' +
'Type mismatch for Index Key ' + attr + ' Expected: ' + type +
' Actual: ' + Object.keys(dataItem[attr])[0] + ' IndexName: ' + index.IndexName)
return err || keyStr
return keyStr
function createIndexKey(item, table, keySchema) {
var tableKeyPieces = []
traverseKey(table, function(attr, type) { tableKeyPieces.push(item[attr][type], type) })
return createKey(item, table, keySchema) + hashPrefix.apply(this, tableKeyPieces)
function traverseKey(table, keySchema, visitKey) {

@@ -254,2 +318,11 @@ if (typeof keySchema == 'function') { visitKey = keySchema; keySchema = table.KeySchema }

function toRangeStr(keyPiece, type) {
if (type == null) {
type = Object.keys(keyPiece)[0]
keyPiece = keyPiece[type]
if (type == 'S') return new Buffer(keyPiece, 'utf8').toString('hex')
return toLexiStr(keyPiece, type)
// Creates lexigraphically sortable number strings

@@ -267,2 +340,6 @@ // 0 7c 009 = '07c009' = -99.1

if (keyPiece == null) return ''
if (type == null) {
type = Object.keys(keyPiece)[0]
keyPiece = keyPiece[type]
if (type == 'B') return new Buffer(keyPiece, 'base64').toString('hex')

@@ -346,29 +423,2 @@ if (type != 'N') return keyPiece

function itemCompare(rangeKey, table) {
return function(item1, item2) {
var val1, val2, rangeType, tableHashKey, tableRangeKey, tableHashType, tableRangeType,
hashVal1, rangeVal1, hashVal2, rangeVal2
if (rangeKey) {
rangeType = Object.keys(item1[rangeKey] || item2[rangeKey] || {})[0]
rangeVal1 = (item1[rangeKey] || {})[rangeType]
rangeVal2 = (item2[rangeKey] || {})[rangeType]
val1 = toLexiStr(rangeVal1, rangeType)
val2 = toLexiStr(rangeVal2, rangeType)
if (!rangeKey || val1 == val2) {
tableHashKey = table.KeySchema[0].AttributeName
tableRangeKey = (table.KeySchema[1] || {}).AttributeName
tableHashType = Object.keys(item1[tableHashKey] || item2[tableHashKey] || {})[0]
tableRangeType = Object.keys(item1[tableRangeKey] || item2[tableRangeKey] || {})[0]
hashVal1 = item1[tableHashKey][tableHashType]
rangeVal1 = (item1[tableRangeKey] || {})[tableRangeType]
hashVal2 = item2[tableHashKey][tableHashType]
rangeVal2 = (item2[tableRangeKey] || {})[tableRangeType]
val1 = hashPrefix(hashVal1, tableHashType, rangeVal1, tableRangeType)
val2 = hashPrefix(hashVal2, tableHashType, rangeVal2, tableRangeType)
return val1 < val2 ? -1 : val1 > val2 ? 1 : 0
function checkConditional(data, existingItem) {

@@ -411,13 +461,49 @@ existingItem = existingItem || {}

function itemSize(item, skipAttr) {
return Object.keys(item).reduce(function(sum, attr) {
return sum + (skipAttr ? 2 : attr.length) + valSize(item[attr], skipAttr)
function itemSize(item, compress, addMetaSize, rangeKey) {
// Size of compressed item (for checking query/scan limit) seems complicated,
// probably due to some internal serialization format.
var rangeKeySize = 0
var size = Object.keys(item).reduce(function(sum, attr) {
var size = valSizeWithStorage(item[attr], compress && attr != rangeKey)
if (compress && attr == rangeKey) {
rangeKeySize = size
return sum
return sum + size + (compress ? 1 : attr.length)
}, 0)
return !addMetaSize ? size : 2 + size + ((1 + Math.floor((1 + size) / 3072)) * (18 + rangeKeySize))
function valSize(itemAttr, skipAttr) {
function valSizeWithStorage(itemAttr, compress) {
var type = Object.keys(itemAttr)[0]
var val = itemAttr[type]
var size = valSize(val, type, compress)
if (!compress) return size
switch (type) {
case 'S':
return size + (size < 128 ? 1 : size < 16384 ? 2 : 3)
case 'B':
return size + 1
case 'N':
return size + 1
case 'SS':
return size + val.length + 1
case 'BS':
return size + val.length + 1
case 'NS':
return size + val.length + 1
case 'NULL':
return 0
case 'BOOL':
return 1
case 'L':
return size
case 'M':
return size
function valSize(val, type, compress) {
switch (type) {
case 'S':
return val.length

@@ -428,12 +514,11 @@ case 'B':

val = new Big(val)
return Math.ceil(val.c.length / 2) + (val.e % 2 ? 1 : 2)
var numDigits = val.c.length
if (numDigits == 1 && val.c[0] === 0) return 1
return 1 + Math.ceil(numDigits / 2) + (numDigits % 2 || val.e % 2 ? 0 : 1) + (val.s == -1 ? 1 : 0)
case 'SS':
return val.reduce(function(sum, x) { return sum + x.length }, skipAttr ? val.length : 0) // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
return val.reduce(function(sum, x) { return sum + valSize(x, 'S') }, 0) // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
case 'BS':
return val.reduce(function(sum, x) { return sum + new Buffer(x, 'base64').length }, skipAttr ? val.length : 0) // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
return val.reduce(function(sum, x) { return sum + valSize(x, 'B') }, 0) // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
case 'NS':
return val.reduce(function(sum, x) { // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
x = new Big(x)
return sum + Math.ceil(x.c.length / 2) + (x.e % 2 ? 1 : 2)
}, skipAttr ? val.length : 0)
return val.reduce(function(sum, x) { return sum + valSize(x, 'N') }, 0) // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
case 'NULL':

@@ -444,5 +529,5 @@ return 1

case 'L':
return 3 + val.reduce(function(sum, val) { return sum + 1 + valSize(val, skipAttr) }, 0)
return 3 + val.reduce(function(sum, val) { return sum + 1 + valSizeWithStorage(val, compress) }, 0)
case 'M':
return 3 + Object.keys(val).length + itemSize(val, skipAttr)
return 3 + Object.keys(val).length + itemSize(val, compress)

@@ -645,2 +730,3 @@ }

var path = paths[i]
if (!Array.isArray(path)) path = [path]
var resolved = mapPath(path, item)

@@ -650,4 +736,8 @@ if (resolved == null) {

if (path.length == 1) {
returnItem[path[0]] = resolved
var curItem = {M: returnItem}
for (var j = 0; j < paths[i].length; j++) {
for (var j = 0; j < path.length; j++) {
var piece = path[j]

@@ -681,2 +771,5 @@ if (typeof piece == 'number') {

function mapPath(path, item) {
if (path.length == 1) {
return item[path[0]]
var resolved = {M: item}

@@ -698,1 +791,159 @@ for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {

function queryTable(store, table, data, opts, isLocal, fetchFromItemDb, startKeyNames, cb) {
var itemDb = store.getItemDb(data.TableName), vals
if (data.IndexName) {
var indexDb = store.getIndexDb(isLocal ? 'local' : 'global', data.TableName, data.IndexName)
vals = lazyStream(indexDb.createValueStream(opts), cb)
} else {
vals = lazyStream(itemDb.createValueStream(opts), cb)
var tableCapacity = 0, indexCapacity = 0,
calculateCapacity = ~['TOTAL', 'INDEXES'].indexOf(data.ReturnConsumedCapacity)
if (fetchFromItemDb) {
var em = new events.EventEmitter
var queue = async.queue(function(key, cb) {
if (!key) {
return cb()
itemDb.get(key, function(err, item) {
if (err) {
em.emit('error', err)
return cb(err)
if (calculateCapacity) tableCapacity += itemSize(item)
em.emit('data', item)
var oldVals = vals
vals = new Lazy(em) {
if (calculateCapacity) indexCapacity += itemSize(item)
queue.push(createKey(item, table))
}).once('pipe', queue.push.bind(queue, ''))
var size = 0, count = 0, rangeKey = table.KeySchema[1] && table.KeySchema[1].AttributeName
vals = vals.takeWhile(function(val) {
if (count >= data.Limit || size >= 1024 * 1024) {
return false
if (calculateCapacity && !fetchFromItemDb) {
var capacitySize = itemSize(val)
if (data.IndexName) {
indexCapacity += capacitySize
} else {
tableCapacity += capacitySize
size += itemSize(val, true, true, rangeKey)
return true
var queryFilter = data.QueryFilter || data.ScanFilter
if (data._filter) {
vals = vals.filter(function(val) { return matchesExprFilter(val, data._filter.expression) })
} else if (queryFilter) {
vals = vals.filter(function(val) { return matchesFilter(val, queryFilter, data.ConditionalOperator) })
var paths = data._projection ? data._projection.paths : data.AttributesToGet
if (paths) {
vals =, paths))
vals.join(function(items) {
var result = {ScannedCount: count}
if (count >= data.Limit || size >= 1024 * 1024) {
if (data.Limit) items.splice(data.Limit)
if (items.length) {
result.LastEvaluatedKey = startKeyNames.reduce(function(key, attr) {
key[attr] = items[items.length - 1][attr]
return key
}, {})
result.Count = items.length
if (data.Select != 'COUNT') result.Items = items
if (calculateCapacity) {
var tableUnits = Math.ceil(tableCapacity / 1024 / 4) * (data.ConsistentRead ? 1 : 0.5)
var indexUnits = Math.ceil(indexCapacity / 1024 / 4) * (data.ConsistentRead ? 1 : 0.5)
result.ConsumedCapacity = {
CapacityUnits: tableUnits + indexUnits,
TableName: data.TableName,
if (data.ReturnConsumedCapacity == 'INDEXES') {
result.ConsumedCapacity.Table = {CapacityUnits: tableUnits}
if (data.IndexName) {
var indexAttr = isLocal ? 'LocalSecondaryIndexes' : 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes'
result.ConsumedCapacity[indexAttr] = {}
result.ConsumedCapacity[indexAttr][data.IndexName] = {CapacityUnits: indexUnits}
cb(null, result)
function updateIndexes(store, table, existingItem, item, cb) {
if (!existingItem && !item) return cb()
var puts = [], deletes = []
;['Local', 'Global'].forEach(function(indexType) {
var indexes = table[indexType + 'SecondaryIndexes'] || []
var actions = getIndexActions(indexes, existingItem, item, table)
puts = puts.concat( {
var indexDb = store.getIndexDb(indexType, table.TableName, action.index)
return indexDb.put.bind(indexDb, action.key, action.item)
deletes = deletes.concat( {
var indexDb = store.getIndexDb(indexType, table.TableName, action.index)
return indexDb.del.bind(indexDb, action.key)
async.parallel(deletes, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
async.parallel(puts, cb)
function getIndexActions(indexes, existingItem, item, table) {
var puts = [], deletes = [], tableKeys = { return key.AttributeName })
indexes.forEach(function(index) {
var indexKeys = { return key.AttributeName }), key = null
if (item && indexKeys.every(function(key) { return item[key] != null })) {
if (index.Projection.ProjectionType != 'ALL') {
var indexAttrs = indexKeys.concat(tableKeys, index.Projection.NonKeyAttributes || [])
item = indexAttrs.reduce(function(obj, attr) {
obj[attr] = item[attr]
return obj
}, Object.create(null))
key = createIndexKey(item, table, index.KeySchema)
puts.push({index: index.IndexName, key: key, item: item})
if (existingItem && indexKeys.every(function(key) { return existingItem[key] != null })) {
var existingKey = createIndexKey(existingItem, table, index.KeySchema)
if (existingKey != key) {
deletes.push({index: index.IndexName, key: existingKey})
return {puts: puts, deletes: deletes}
"name": "dynalite",
"version": "0.19.1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "An implementation of Amazon's DynamoDB built on LevelDB",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -12,7 +12,22 @@ dynalite

NB: Schema changes in v1.x
If you've been using v0.x with a saved path on your filesystem, you should note
that the schema has been changed to separate out indexes. This means that if
you have tables with indexes on the old schema, you'll need to update them –
this should just be a matter of getting each item and writing it again – a
Scan/BatchWriteItem loop should suffice to populate the indexes correctly.
Why not Amazon's DynamoDB Local?
Because it's too buggy! And it differs too much from the live instances in a number of key areas
([see below](#problems-with-amazons-dynamodb-local))
Good question! These days it's actually pretty good, and considering it's now probably
used by countless AWS devs, it'll probably be well supported going forward. Unless you
specifically can't, or don't want to, use Java, or you're having problems with it,
you'll probably be better off sticking with it! Originally, however, DynamoDB Local
didn't exist, and when it did, differed a lot from the live instances in ways that caused
my company issues. Most of those issues have been addressed in time, but DynamoDB Local
does still differ in a number of ways from the live DynamoDB instances –
([see below](#problems-with-amazons-dynamodb-local)) for details.

@@ -79,51 +94,29 @@ Example

- Implement DynamoDB Streams
- Implement `ReturnItemCollectionMetrics` on all remaining endpoints
- Implement size info for tables and indexes
- Add ProvisionedThroughput checking
- See [open issues]( for an up-to-date list of outstanding features
- See [open issues on GitHub]( for any further TODOs
Problems with Amazon's DynamoDB Local
Problems with Amazon's DynamoDB Local (UPDATED 2016-04-19)
Part of the reason I wrote dynalite was due to the existing mock libraries not exhibiting the same behaviour as the
live instances. Amazon released their DynamoDB Local Java tool recently, but the current version (2013-09-12) still
has quite a number of issues that have prevented us (at [Adslot]( from testing our production code,
especially in a manner that simulates actual behaviour on the live instances.
live instances. Amazon then released their DynamoDB Local Java, but the early versions were still very different.
The latest version I checked (2016-04-19) is much better, but still has a few differences.
Some of these are documented (eg, no `ConsumedCapacity` returned), but most aren't -
the items below are a rough list of the issues we've found (and do not exist in dynalite), vaguely in order of importance:
[Some of these are documented](,
but most aren't - the items below are a rough list of the issues found, vaguely in order of importance:
- Returns 400 when `UpdateItem` uses the default `PUT` `Action` without explicitly specifying it
(this actually prevents certain client libraries from being used at all)
- Does not return correct number of `UnprocessedKeys` in `BatchGet` (returns one less!)
- Returns 400 when trying to put valid numbers with less than 38 significant digits, eg 1e40
- Returns 200 for duplicated keys in `BatchGetItem`
- Returns 200 when hash key is too big in `GetItem`/`BatchGetItem`
- Returns 200 when range key is too big in `GetItem`/`BatchGetItem`
- Returns 200 for `PutItem`/`GetItem`/`UpdateItem`/`BatchGetItem`/`Scan`/etc with empty strings (eg, `{a: {S: ''}}`)
- Returns 413 when request is over 1MB (eg, in a `BatchWrite` with 25 items of 64k), but live instances allow 8MB
- Returns `ResourceNotFoundException` in `ListTables` if `ExclusiveStartName` no longer exists
- Does not return `ConsistentRead` property in `UnprocessedKeys` in `BatchGet` even if requested
- Returns 200 for empty `RequestItems` in `BatchGetItem`/`BatchWriteItem`
- Returns 200 when trying to delete `NS` from `SS` or `NS` from `N` or add `NS` to `SS` or `N` to `NS`
- Allows `UpdateTable` when read and write capacity are same as current (should be an error)
- Tables are created in `ACTIVE` state, not `CREATING` state
- Tables are removed without going into a `DELETING` state
- Tables are updated without going into a `UPDATING` state
- `PutItem` returns `Attributes` by default, even though none are requested
- Does not add `ProvisionedThroughput.LastIncreaseDateTime` in `UpdateTable`
- Does not update `ProvisionedThroughput.NumberOfDecreasesToday` in `UpdateTable`
- Does not return nested attributes correctly for `UpdateItem`
- Does not calculate size limits accurately for `BatchGetItem`/`Query`/`Scan` result sets
- Does deal with `ALL_ATTRIBUTES` correctly for global index on `Query`/`Scan`
- Does not prevent primary keys in `QueryFilter` and `FilterExpression` for `Query`
- Does not detect duplicate values in `AttributesToGet`
- Does not return `LastEvaluatedKey` when size just over limit for `Query`/`Scan`
- Does not return `ConsistentRead` property in `UnprocessedKeys` in `BatchGetItem` even if requested
- Doesn't return `ConsumedCapacity` (documented - but makes it very hard to calculate expected usage)
- Often returns 500 instead of 400 (or similarly appropriate status)
- Different serialization and validation error messages from live instances (makes it hard to debug)
- Uses uppercase `Message` for error messages (should only use uppercase for `SerializationException`)
- Often returns 500 instead of 400 (or similarly appropriate status)
- Doesn't return `ConsumedCapacity` (documented - but makes it very hard to calculate expected usage)
- Does not calculate the `Scan` size limits correctly so can return too many items
- Does not return `LastEvaluatedKey` on a `Query` when at end of table
- Does not return `LastEvaluatedKey` on a `Scan` when `Limit` equals number of matching items
- Does not return `X-Amzn-RequestId` header
- Does not return `X-Amz-Crc32` header
- Does not return `application/json` if `application/json` is requested
- Fails to put numbers 1e-130 and -1e-130 (succeeds on live instances)
- Returns an error when calling `Query` on a hash table (succeeds on live instances)
- Returns 500 if random attributes are supplied (just ignored on live instances)
- Does not convert doubles to booleans (returns 500 instead)
- Does not return `Query`/`Scan` items in same order when using hash key or hash `GlobalSecondaryIndex` (shouldn't rely on this anyway)

@@ -1,4 +0,2 @@

var validateAttributeValue = require('./index').validateAttributeValue,
validateExpressionParams = require('./index').validateExpressionParams,
validateExpressions = require('./index').validateExpressions,
var validations = require('./index'),
db = require('../db')

@@ -53,21 +51,21 @@

exports.custom = function(data) {
var numReqs = 0, table, i, key, msg, attrs, tableData, seenKeys
var numReqs = 0
for (table in data.RequestItems) {
tableData = data.RequestItems[table]
for (var table in data.RequestItems) {
var tableData = data.RequestItems[table]
msg = validateExpressionParams(tableData, ['ProjectionExpression'], ['AttributesToGet'])
var msg = validations.validateExpressionParams(tableData, ['ProjectionExpression'], ['AttributesToGet'])
if (msg) return msg
seenKeys = {}
for (i = 0; i < tableData.Keys.length; i++) {
for (key in tableData.Keys[i]) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(tableData.Keys[i][key])
var seenKeys = Object.create(null)
for (var i = 0; i < tableData.Keys.length; i++) {
var key = tableData.Keys[i]
for (var attr in key) {
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(key[attr])
if (msg) return msg
// TODO: this is unnecessarily expensive
var keyStr = Object.keys(tableData.Keys[i]).sort().reduce(function(str, key) {
var type = Object.keys(tableData.Keys[i][key])[0]
return str + '~' + db.toLexiStr(tableData.Keys[i][key][type], type)
}, '')
var keyStr = Object.keys(key).sort().map(function(attr) { return db.toRangeStr(key[attr]) }).join('/')
if (seenKeys[keyStr])

@@ -83,14 +81,9 @@ return 'Provided list of item keys contains duplicates'

if (tableData.AttributesToGet) {
attrs = Object.create(null)
for (i = 0; i < tableData.AttributesToGet.length; i++) {
if (attrs[tableData.AttributesToGet[i]])
return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Duplicate value in attribute name: ' +
attrs[tableData.AttributesToGet[i]] = true
msg = validations.findDuplicate(tableData.AttributesToGet)
if (msg) return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Duplicate value in attribute name: ' + msg
msg = validateExpressions(tableData)
msg = validations.validateExpressions(tableData)
if (msg) return msg

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

var db = require('../db'),
validateAttributeValue = require('./index').validateAttributeValue
var validations = require('./index'),
db = require('../db')

@@ -67,3 +67,3 @@ exports.types = {

for (key in request.PutRequest.Item) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(request.PutRequest.Item[key])
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(request.PutRequest.Item[key])
if (msg) return msg

@@ -75,3 +75,3 @@ }

for (key in request.DeleteRequest.Key) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(request.DeleteRequest.Key[key])
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(request.DeleteRequest.Key[key])
if (msg) return msg

@@ -78,0 +78,0 @@ }

@@ -1,5 +0,2 @@

var validateAttributeValue = require('./index').validateAttributeValue,
validateAttributeConditions = require('./index').validateAttributeConditions,
validateExpressionParams = require('./index').validateExpressionParams,
validateExpressions = require('./index').validateExpressions
var validations = require('./index')

@@ -68,15 +65,15 @@ exports.types = {

var msg = validateExpressionParams(data, ['ConditionExpression'], ['Expected'])
var msg = validations.validateExpressionParams(data, ['ConditionExpression'], ['Expected'])
if (msg) return msg
for (var key in data.Key) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(data.Key[key])
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(data.Key[key])
if (msg) return msg
msg = validateAttributeConditions(data)
msg = validations.validateAttributeConditions(data)
if (msg) return msg
msg = validateExpressions(data)
msg = validations.validateExpressions(data)
if (msg) return msg

@@ -1,4 +0,2 @@

var validateAttributeValue = require('./index').validateAttributeValue,
validateExpressionParams = require('./index').validateExpressionParams,
validateExpressions = require('./index').validateExpressions
var validations = require('./index')

@@ -40,20 +38,15 @@ exports.types = {

var msg = validateExpressionParams(data, ['ProjectionExpression'], ['AttributesToGet'])
var msg = validations.validateExpressionParams(data, ['ProjectionExpression'], ['AttributesToGet'])
if (msg) return msg
for (var key in data.Key) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(data.Key[key])
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(data.Key[key])
if (msg) return msg
if (data.AttributesToGet) {
var attrs = Object.create(null)
for (var i = 0; i < data.AttributesToGet.length; i++) {
if (attrs[data.AttributesToGet[i]])
return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Duplicate value in attribute name: ' +
attrs[data.AttributesToGet[i]] = true
msg = validations.findDuplicate(data.AttributesToGet)
if (msg) return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Duplicate value in attribute name: ' + msg
msg = validateExpressions(data)
msg = validations.validateExpressions(data)
if (msg) return msg

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ var Big = require('big.js'),

exports.toLowerFirst = toLowerFirst
exports.findDuplicate = findDuplicate
exports.validateAttributeValue = validateAttributeValue

@@ -380,9 +381,9 @@ exports.validateConditions = validateConditions

if (type == 'SS' && hasDuplicates(value[type]))
if (type == 'SS' && findDuplicate(value[type]))
return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Input collection ' + valueStr(value[type]) + ' contains duplicates.'
if (type == 'NS' && hasDuplicates(value[type]))
if (type == 'NS' && findDuplicate(value[type]))
return 'Input collection contains duplicates'
if (type == 'BS' && hasDuplicates(value[type]))
if (type == 'BS' && findDuplicate(value[type]))
return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Input collection ' + valueStr(value[type]) + 'of type BS contains duplicates.'

@@ -434,9 +435,9 @@

function hasDuplicates(array) {
var setObj = {}
return array.some(function(val) {
if (setObj[val]) return true
setObj[val] = true
return false
function findDuplicate(arr) {
if (!arr) return null
var vals = Object.create(null)
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (vals[arr[i]]) return arr[i]
vals[arr[i]] = true

@@ -443,0 +444,0 @@

@@ -1,6 +0,3 @@

var db = require('../db'),
validateAttributeValue = require('./index').validateAttributeValue,
validateAttributeConditions = require('./index').validateAttributeConditions,
validateExpressionParams = require('./index').validateExpressionParams,
validateExpressions = require('./index').validateExpressions
var validations = require('./index'),
db = require('../db')

@@ -69,7 +66,7 @@ exports.types = {

var msg = validateExpressionParams(data, ['ConditionExpression'], ['Expected'])
var msg = validations.validateExpressionParams(data, ['ConditionExpression'], ['Expected'])
if (msg) return msg
for (var key in data.Item) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(data.Item[key])
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(data.Item[key])
if (msg) return msg

@@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ }

msg = validateAttributeConditions(data)
msg = validations.validateAttributeConditions(data)
if (msg) return msg
msg = validateExpressions(data)
msg = validations.validateExpressions(data)
if (msg) return msg

@@ -1,6 +0,2 @@

var validateAttributeValue = require('./index').validateAttributeValue,
validateExpressionParams = require('./index').validateExpressionParams,
validateExpressions = require('./index').validateExpressions,
convertKeyCondition = require('./index').convertKeyCondition,
validateConditions = require('./index').validateConditions
var validations = require('./index')

@@ -104,3 +100,3 @@ exports.types = {

var msg = validateExpressionParams(data,
var msg = validations.validateExpressionParams(data,
['ProjectionExpression', 'FilterExpression', 'KeyConditionExpression'],

@@ -111,17 +107,12 @@ ['AttributesToGet', 'QueryFilter', 'ConditionalOperator', 'KeyConditions'])

var i, key
msg = validateConditions(data.QueryFilter)
msg = validations.validateConditions(data.QueryFilter)
if (msg) return msg
if (data.AttributesToGet) {
var attrs = Object.create(null)
for (i = 0; i < data.AttributesToGet.length; i++) {
if (attrs[data.AttributesToGet[i]])
return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Duplicate value in attribute name: ' +
attrs[data.AttributesToGet[i]] = true
msg = validations.findDuplicate(data.AttributesToGet)
if (msg) return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Duplicate value in attribute name: ' + msg
for (key in data.ExclusiveStartKey) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(data.ExclusiveStartKey[key])
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(data.ExclusiveStartKey[key])
if (msg) return 'The provided starting key is invalid: ' + msg

@@ -134,7 +125,7 @@ }

msg = validateExpressions(data)
msg = validations.validateExpressions(data)
if (msg) return msg
if (data._keyCondition != null) {
data.KeyConditions = convertKeyCondition(data._keyCondition.expression)
data.KeyConditions = validations.convertKeyCondition(data._keyCondition.expression)
if (typeof data.KeyConditions == 'string') {

@@ -145,3 +136,3 @@ return data.KeyConditions

msg = validateConditions(data.KeyConditions)
msg = validations.validateConditions(data.KeyConditions)
if (msg) return msg

@@ -148,0 +139,0 @@

@@ -1,5 +0,2 @@

var validateAttributeValue = require('./index').validateAttributeValue,
validateExpressionParams = require('./index').validateExpressionParams,
validateExpressions = require('./index').validateExpressions,
validateConditions = require('./index').validateConditions
var validations = require('./index')

@@ -89,3 +86,3 @@ exports.types = {

var msg = validateExpressionParams(data,
var msg = validations.validateExpressionParams(data,
['ProjectionExpression', 'FilterExpression'],

@@ -96,16 +93,11 @@ ['AttributesToGet', 'ScanFilter', 'ConditionalOperator'])

if (data.AttributesToGet) {
var attrs = Object.create(null)
for (var i = 0; i < data.AttributesToGet.length; i++) {
if (attrs[data.AttributesToGet[i]])
return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Duplicate value in attribute name: ' +
attrs[data.AttributesToGet[i]] = true
msg = validations.findDuplicate(data.AttributesToGet)
if (msg) return 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Duplicate value in attribute name: ' + msg
msg = validateConditions(data.ScanFilter)
msg = validations.validateConditions(data.ScanFilter)
if (msg) return msg
for (var key in data.ExclusiveStartKey) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(data.ExclusiveStartKey[key])
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(data.ExclusiveStartKey[key])
if (msg) return 'The provided starting key is invalid: ' + msg

@@ -128,4 +120,4 @@ }

msg = validateExpressions(data, ['ProjectionExpression', 'FilterExpression'])
msg = validations.validateExpressions(data, ['ProjectionExpression', 'FilterExpression'])
if (msg) return msg

@@ -1,5 +0,2 @@

var validateAttributeValue = require('./index').validateAttributeValue,
validateAttributeConditions = require('./index').validateAttributeConditions,
validateExpressionParams = require('./index').validateExpressionParams,
validateExpressions = require('./index').validateExpressions
var validations = require('./index')

@@ -81,3 +78,3 @@ exports.types = {

var msg = validateExpressionParams(data,
var msg = validations.validateExpressionParams(data,
['UpdateExpression', 'ConditionExpression'],

@@ -88,3 +85,3 @@ ['AttributeUpdates', 'Expected'])

for (var key in data.Key) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(data.Key[key])
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(data.Key[key])
if (msg) return msg

@@ -95,3 +92,3 @@ }

if (data.AttributeUpdates[key].Value != null) {
msg = validateAttributeValue(data.AttributeUpdates[key].Value)
msg = validations.validateAttributeValue(data.AttributeUpdates[key].Value)
if (msg) return msg

@@ -116,7 +113,7 @@ }

msg = validateAttributeConditions(data)
msg = validations.validateAttributeConditions(data)
if (msg) return msg
msg = validateExpressions(data)
msg = validations.validateExpressions(data)
if (msg) return msg
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