A small library providing the solution to generate DynamoDB update expression by comparing the original data with update/remove JSON object.
Release History
- 0.1.21 Issue #10 Boolean values changing from true to false are not getting set
- 0.1.20 Issue #8 Remove colon characters from attribute names
- 0.1.19 fix the error when options is defined or null
- 0.1.18 remove extra logs from .17
- 0.1.17 Fix issue #7
- 0.1.16 Fix issue #6
- 0.1.15 updated the dependencies library, especially there is a fix for array object in deepmerge module
- 0.1.14 resolve #5 update the README.md
- 0.1.13 Cleaned up an unnecessary console.log for issue #3
- 0.1.0 Initial release
dynamodbUpdateExpression.getUpdateExpression(original, update, [options]);
See the options available below:
npm install dynamodb-update-expression --save
var dynamodbUpdateExpression = require('dynamodb-update-expression');
var updateExpression = dynamodbUpdateExpression.getUpdateExpression(original, update);
var removeExpression = dynamodbUpdateExpression.getRemoveExpression(original, remove);
Where original, update, and remove should be a JSON object.
For example:
Original JSON:
var original = {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phones": [
"family": [
"id": 1,
"role": "father"
"profile": {
"jobTitle": "Manager",
"company": "ACME Inc",
"business": {
"license": "ABCD-123-LIC",
"website": "www.acme.com"
Update JSON:
var updates = {
"lastName": "L. Doe",
"phones": [
"family": [
"id": 2,
"role": "mother"
"profile": {
"office": "1234 Market Street",
"business": {
"website": "www.acmeinc.com",
"phone": "111222333"
"company": ""
Remove JSON:
var removes = {
"phones": [
"profile": {
"business": {
"website": "www.acmeinc.com",
"phone": "111222333"
Sample output
The returned "updateExpression" object should be:
"UpdateExpression": "SET #lastName = :lastName, #phones = :phones, #family = :family, #profilebusinesswebsite = :profilebusinesswebsite, #profilebusinessphone = :profilebusinessphone, #profileoffice = :profileoffice REMOVE #profilecompany",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#lastName": "lastName",
"#phones": "phones",
"#family": "family",
"#profilebusinesswebsite": "profile.business.website",
"#profilebusinessphone": "profile.business.phone",
"#profileoffice": "profile.office",
"#profilecompany": "profile.company"
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":lastName": "L. Doe",
":phones": [
":family": [
"id": 2,
"role": "mother"
":profilebusinesswebsite": "www.acmeinc.com",
":profilebusinessphone": "111222333",
":profileoffice": "1234 Market Street"
The returned "removeExpression" object should be:
"UpdateExpression": "REMOVE #family, #profile.#business.#website SET #phones = :phones",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#profile": "profile",
"#business": "business",
"#website": "website",
"#family": "family",
"#phones": "phones"
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":phones": [
options.arrayMerge (only for update)
= default
All values in any array will be merged.
= replaceMerge
Replace all values in any array of "original" object by the values inside "update" object
For example:
let original = {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phones": [
"family": [
"id": 1,
"role": "father"
"profile": {
"jobTitle": "Manager",
"company": "ACME Inc",
"business": {
"license": "ABCD-123-LIC",
"website": "www.acme.com"
let updates = {
"lastName": "L. Doe",
"phones": [
"family": [
"id": 1,
"role": "brother"
"id": 2,
"role": "mother"
"profile": {
"office": "1234 Market Street",
"business": {
"website": "www.acmeinc.com",
"phone": "111222333"
"company": ""
{ firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
phones: [],
family: [],
{ jobTitle: 'Manager',
company: 'ACME Inc',
business: { license: 'ABCD-123-LIC', website: 'www.acme.com' } } }
Test Result {
"UpdateExpression": "SET #lastName = :lastName, #phones = :phones, #family = :family, #profile.#business.#website = :profilebusinesswebsite, #profile.#business.#phone = :profilebusinessphone, #profile.#office = :profileoffice REMOVE #profile.#company",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#lastName": "lastName",
"#phones": "phones",
"#family": "family",
"#profile": "profile",
"#business": "business",
"#website": "website",
"#phone": "phone",
"#office": "office",
"#company": "company"
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":lastName": "L. Doe",
":phones": [
":family": [
"id": 1,
"role": "brother"
"id": 2,
"role": "mother"
":profilebusinesswebsite": "www.acmeinc.com",
":profilebusinessphone": "111222333",
":profileoffice": "1234 Market Street"
mocha test.js