Easy Configuration
Simply extensible loader for json config files.
$ npm install -g easy-configuration
Loading config
var Configuration = require('EasyConfiguration');
var config = new Configuration('./config.json');
var data = config.load();
In default, this configurator contains two basic sections: parameters and includes.
Parameters section can holds all your variables which you will need in other sections
"parameters": {
"basePath": "./www",
"shared": {
"styles": "./www/css",
"scripts": "./www/js",
"translations": "./www/lang"
Including other config files
If you will add section includes, you can set list of files, which you want to merge with main config file.
Paths to these config files must be relative to main config file.
"includes": [
Own sections - main feature
When you will try to add own section, Easy Configuration will tell you, that section was found,
but there is no corresponding extension.
There is example of registration a new one.
var Configuration = require('EasyConfiguration');
var config = new Configuration('./config.json');
var data = config.load();
Now you will be able to add new section with name "packages"
Parameters in own sections
In your sections, you can use parameters from section "parameters".
"packages": {
"application": "%basePath%/application.js"
"translator": {
"translations": "%shared.translations%",
"script": "%basePath%/translator.js"
"items": [
"name": "one",
"title": "First"
"name": "two",
"allowed": false
"name": "three"
Customize packages
Sometimes you may want to customize output of your package. Most simple way is to rewrite method loadConfiguration
of default Extension class.
For example we always want some other data in our section, even if they are not in config file - let's say "defaults".
var Configuration = require('EasyConfiguration');
var config = new Configuration('./config.json');
var section = config.addSection('packages');
var defaults = {
applications: "",
styles: "",
translator: {
translations: "",
script: ""
section.loadConfiguration = function() {
return this.getConfig(defaults)
var data = config.load()
Method getConfig has got one optional argument and it is your defaults variable. This method will return configuration
only of your section merged with defaults argument (if any).
Of course, there can be more complex code.
EasyConfiguration class has got one other useful method and it is merge.
var Configuration = require('EasyConfiguration');
var config = new Configuration('./config.json');
var section = config.addSection('packages');
var defaults = {
applications: "",
styles: "",
translator: {
translations: "",
script: ""
"items": []
var defaultsItems = {
"name": "",
"title": "",
allowed: true
section.loadConfiguration = function() {
var config = this.getConfig(defaults);
for (var i = 0; i < config.items.length; i++) {
config.items[i] = this.configurator.merge(config.items[i], defaultsItems);
return config;
var data = config.load()
Accessing parameters from outside
var Configuration = require('EasyConfiguration');
var config = new Configuration('./config.json');
var data = config.load();
var parameters = config.parameters;