:warning: Only for local use. Lack of basic security checks.
A helper package for creating CLI applications using Commander.js and Inquirer.js.
Easy2Command makes it easy to load and execute commands from a directory of JavaScript files, and automatically creates
an interactive menu for users to choose from.
npm install easy2command
Create a folder named 'commands' in your project, and add command files with a default exported class. Each command
class should have a 'name', 'description', and a 'run' method. For example:
class HelloCommand {
constructor() {
this.name = 'hello';
this.description = 'Say hello';
async run() {
console.log('Hello, world!');
export default HelloCommand;
Then, in your main application file, import the CommandHelper package and use it like this:
import CommandHelper from 'commandhelper';
(async () => {
const commandHelper = new CommandHelper();
await commandHelper.registerAllCommands();
await commandHelper.displayInteractiveMenu();
Now, when you run your application, CommandHelper will automatically load all commands from the 'commands' folder and
display an interactive menu for users to choose from.