Assets for the Eclipse Foundation look and feel called Solstice.
Getting started
Program | Version |
node.js | 18.13.0 |
npm | 8.19 |
Install dependencies, build assets and watch for changes:
yarn && yarn run drupal && yarn run watch
Code style
Solstice uses ESLint and Prettier to enforce Airbnb's JS style guide.
At the moment we need to run ESLint manually via the following command:
yarn run eslint path/to/file/or/dir
This will list out the lines of code which do not conform to the style guide.
Run the following to automatically fix errors:
yarn run eslint path/to/file/or/dir --fix
Note that this does not fix all of the errors.
Some ESLint errors must be fixed manually:
How to use this project
Make sure to require ./node_modules/eclipsefdn-solstice-assets/webpack-solstice-assets.mix.js in you webpack.mix.js to load our default configurations. You are likely to run into issues building your project without it.
You also need to call mix.EclipseFdnSolsticeAssets()
to load them.
let mix = require('laravel-mix');
We strongly recommend adding the following to your project package.json file in order to support IE11. However, we plan to drop IE11 support on June 15, 2022.
"browserslist": "last 5 version, > 0.2%, not dead, IE 11"
For more information, you can take a look at the browserslist module. Note that some version of babel does not support loading the config from package.json. To address this, we recommend creating a file named babel.config.json
and copy the following content in that file:
"extends": "./node_modules/eclipsefdn-solstice-assets/babel.config.json"
- Fork the solstice-assets repository
- Clone repository:
git clone[your_gitlab_username]/solstice-assets.git
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Write your patch
- View your change using Storybook using
yarn storybook
if applicable* - Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature' -s
- Push feature branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a merge request
* You may want to use Storybook to manually test your changes if they affect
base styles or a widget.
If you are creating a new widget, consider creating a new story for it!
Read more about Storybook here.
Bugs and feature requests
Have a bug or a feature request? Please search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.
Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation)
Eric Poirier (Eclipse Foundation)
Browser Support
We transpile our code via the Babel plugin to ensure compatibility with older browsers where possible using polyfills. We target support for the latest 5 versions of the following browsers:
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Opera (mini and standard)
- Safari (iOS and desktop)
- Edge
In addition, we also support the following browser versions:
- IE 11
- KaiOS 2.5
- Opera Mobile 59
- Baidu 7.12
- Latest Android browser versions (Chrome, Firefox, QQ, UC, and base Android)
In development, we test in modern browsers to ensure the general use-case is met and make best efforts to fix any issues that arise with supported browsers.
- Jakarta and Jakarta EE are Trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
- Eclipse® is a Trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
- Eclipse Foundation is a Trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Copyright and license
Copyright 2018-2023 the Eclipse Foundation, Inc. and the solstice-assets authors. Code released under the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 (EPL-2.0).