edged - reverse proxy client
The edged Node.js package implements a tiny subset of the Fastly reverse proxy API. And even that’s bragging, what it does is purging single items at the edge of the network.
class Edged
is the main object in this package.
Your Edged API token.
Optinally basic authentication credentials can be passed.
agent: http.Agent | https.Agent
You might want to configure the agent to use keep-alive connections.
log: { fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace }
A conventional logging API is supported.
The port to connect to. 443 is the default.
Limits the time the socket is allowed to be idle, defaults to ten seconds.
Creating a client
const { Edged } = require('edged')
const client = new Edged(token)
By default, Edged doesn’t require an API token for purging.
Purging URLs
client.purgeByURL (uri, cb)
Purges a single URL.
client.softPurgeByURL (uri, cb)
Marks URL as outdated (stale) instead of permanently purging.
Streaming API
{ statusCode, uri, body }
Result objects form these streams.
Edged.createStream (client)
Write { action, uri }
to this stream and read result objects.
Edged.createURLStream (client, action)
Pick the action at construction time and write URLs, String or URL types, to this stream.
With npm, do:
$ npm install edged
MIT License