Provides cropping data and geometries for the plots of a single farm through the agricultural direct aid program.
The API is a (scraping) wrapper for the InVeKos download-portal
of the Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen.
npm install elan-api
Usage example
const elanGet = require('elan-api')
elanGet('farmNo', 'password', {
type: 'Verzeichnis',
year: '2018'
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
The module exports one method. It takes the following arguments:
Name | Type | Example | Description |
farmNo | string | '123456789' | The 12 digit Betriebsnummer (farm number), without the 3 starting digits (276, indicating NRW) |
pass | string | '123456' | The 6 digit pin code associated to the Betriebsnummer |
options | object | { type: 'Verzeichnis', year: '2018' } | Optional. The options may contain a type (string) and and/or a year (string) property. The type may either be 'Verzeichnis' (returns Flaechenverzeichnis.xml) or Geometrien (returns 'Teilschlaggeometrien.xml'). If type is ommited, 'plots' will be returned. If the year property is omitted, the method will return the latest available InVeKos data. |
In order to test, you need to place a credentials.json
file in the spec folder. Also results from the Verzeichnis and Geometrien calls need to be saved as geometries.gml and respectively verzeichnis.xml in the test folder.
The JSON needs to have the following structure, where the dummy values have to be replaced with a valid farmNo and password:
"farmno": "123456789",
"pass": "123456"
Once the file is created, you can run npm test
in order to run the unit tests.
Please feel free to submit an issue or a pull request.