As far as I can tell, you cannot delete a menu item from existing application menu (You can add new ones though). You cannot change the click
handling function either (You can change it, but it won't take effect).
So what could you do if you would like to delete an menu item or overwrite the click
handling function? You need to build a new application menu from scratch. This project provide you with a template so that you can build an application menu quickly.
The template returned should generate application menu identical (almost) to the default one provided by an Electron app.
yarn add electron-application-menu-template
import {newTemplate} from 'electron-application-menu-template';
const template = newTemplate();
const fileMenu = template.find(item => item.label === 'File')!;
(fileMenu.submenu! as MenuItemConstructorOptions[]).unshift(
label: 'Open',
accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+O',
async click() {
type: 'separator',
app.whenReady().then(() => {