Electron pdf viewer
A node module for view pdf file in electron applications. Improve from origin project elpdf
electron-pdf-viewer module use pdf.js library from Mozilla.
When you create a new pdfview object, You get a BrowserWindow instance back from the call.
npm install electron-pdf-viewer --save
Used with pdf.js in render process in electron.
var pdfview = require('electron-pdf-viewer');
//set pdf path
var pdfurl ='https://www.canon.com.cn/products/printer/pixma-fax/images/speedtest.pdf';
// you can get full URL to display PDF by using getPdfHtmlURL() function
const displayPdfUrl = pdfview.getPdfHtmlURL(pdfurl);
const options = {
width: 800,
height: 600,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: false,
contextIsolation: true
// If you dont provive options, default options will be use
var win = pdfview.showpdf(pdfurl, options);