title | (optional, string) The title of the prompt window. Defaults to 'Prompt'. |
label | (optional, string) The label which appears on the prompt for the input field. Defaults to 'Please input a value:'. |
buttonLabels | (optional, object) The text for the OK/cancel buttons. Properties are 'ok' and 'cancel'. Defaults to null. |
value | (optional, string) The default value for the input field. Defaults to null. |
type | (optional, string) The type of input field, either 'input' for a standard text input field or 'select' for a dropdown type input. Defaults to 'input'. |
inputAttrs | (optional, object) The attributes of the input field, analagous to the HTML attributes: {type: 'text', required: true} -> <input type="text" required> . Used if the type is 'input' |
selectOptions | (optional, object) The items for the select dropdown if using the 'select' type in the format 'value': 'display text', where the value is what will be given to the then block and the display text is what the user will see. |
useHtmlLabel | (optional, boolean) Whether the label should be interpreted as HTML or not. Defaults to false. |
width | (optional, integer) The width of the prompt window. Defaults to 370. |
minWidth | (optional, integer) The minimum allowed width for the prompt window. Same default value as width. |
height | (optional, integer) The height of the prompt window. Defaults to 130. |
minHeight | (optional, integer) The minimum allowed height for the prompt window. Same default value as height. |
resizable | (optional, boolean) Whether the prompt window can be resized or not (also sets useContentSize). Defaults to false. |
alwaysOnTop | (optional, boolean) Whether the window should always stay on top of other windows. Defaults to false |
icon | (optional, string) The path to an icon image to use in the title bar. Defaults to null and uses electron's icon. |
customStylesheet | (optional, string) The local path of a CSS file to stylize the prompt window. Defaults to null. |
menuBarVisible | (optional, boolean) Whether to show the menubar or not. Defaults to false. |