Configurations and scripts to compile Electron applications.
yarn add webpack electron-webpack --dev
yarn add source-map-support
- Install support for various languages and frameworks —
vue and
less if need.
Yarn is recommended instead of npm.
Project Structure
├─ src
│ ├─ main # main process sources
│ │ └─ index.js
│ ├─ renderer # renderer process sources
│ │ └─ index.js
├─ static # static assets (optional directory)
Index file expected to be named as index.js
or main.js
if typescript support installed)
Real project example — electrify.
Hot Module Replacement
Fast development without reloading is supported for both main and renderer processes.
Package Scripts
You can add following scripts to your package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "electron-webpack dev",
"compile": "electron-webpack",
"dist": "yarn compile && electron-builder",
"dist-dir": "yarn dist -- --dir -c.compression=store -c.mac.identity=null"
yarn dev
Run app in development.yarn compile
Compile app for production. No need to call this script explicitly, only if you want to inspect your compiled app.yarn dist
Build app and package in a distributable format for production.yarn dist-dir
Build app and quickly package in a distributable format for test how does the app work if packed.
Differences between electron-compile
- Hot Module Replacement for virtually anything and even for main process. electron-compile live reload is limited and works only for some file types.
- Faster Builds (e.g. typescript or generic).
- No runtime dependencies.
- ... and so on. electron-compile is not comparable to webpack because webpack is widely used and popular. There are a lot features, loaders and plugins. And because community is big, answers to any question. Special tool for Electron not required, electron is directly and explicitly supported by webpack.
But keep things simple. electron-compile offers you zero-config setup without predefined project structure and simple on the fly runtime transformation. And for simple projects, even direct usage of typescript
maybe enough (example).
- source-map-support is recommended and supported out of the box, simply install it
yarn add source-map-support
and that's all. - webpack-build-notifier is supported, simply install it
yarn add webpack-build-notifier --dev
and it will automatically enabled for development.
Further Reading
See the Wiki for more documentation.
Set the DEBUG environment variable to debug what electron-webpack is doing: