0.5.0 (2017-11-14)
Bug Fixes
- build: add pure babel es5 distribution (f76e1af)
- build: lint rollup and karma config (20f2ece)
- examples: clean examples code (6ca1957)
- examples: correct path for index from examples (b10de8c)
- examples: move them to root of lib (c507eb7)
- exec: clean and remove old stuffs (c76a05d)
- lint: add .eslintignore file (3ca0c23)
- package: update dev dependencies (7972ea7)
- rule.use: remove old stuffs (ed796b1)
- test: correct path for example tokenizers (3d64708)
- package: add coveralls management (12247d2)
- parser: add lastPosition and startIndex in terminal and rules management (8c00e86)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
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