Element Finder
Find in Files with CSS selectors.
Element Finder is a command line app for recursively searching through a directory and finding HTML files which contain elements matching a given CSS selector. The app is built with Node JS and uses Sizzle as the selector engine - the same selector engine used by jQuery.
Example usage
Search for elements with a class of awesome-list
elfinder -s .awesome-list
Search for elements with a class of awesome-list
which are descendants of an element with a class of colours
elfinder -s ".colours .awesome-list"
Search for elements with a class of awesome-list
in files with an extension of html
or shtml
elfinder -s .awesome-list -x "html, shtml"
Search for elements matching the ul.boxes .box
selector, but ignore any files in the .git
, .svn
or partials
elfinder -s "ul.boxes .box" -i ".git, .svn, partials"
Installation with npm (recommended)
Install Node JS: http://nodejs.org/#download
Install elfinder globally with npm (npm comes with Node JS):
npm install -g elfinder
Element Finder is a command line tool so it is best to install in globally with npm.
Manual installation (Mac OSX)
Install Node JS: http://nodejs.org/#download
Get the Element Finder source. Download it or clone it from GitHub: https://github.com/keeganstreet/element-finder
CD into the element-finder directory
Install the dependencies with npm (npm comes with Node JS):
npm install
Make the element-finder.js script exectutable:
chmod +x element-finder.js
Add a symlink to the element-finder.js script from a directory in your PATH:
6.1. Check what your path variable is set to:
echo $PATH
6.2. Check that /usr/local/bin is in your path. If not:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin
6.3. Assuming that /usr/local/bin is present in your PATH, create a link from there to element-finder.js
ln -s "/Users/kestreet/Dropbox/Projects/element-finder/element-finder.js" /usr/local/bin/elfinder
Crack open a beer.
Manual installation (Windows)
Note: The first two steps are included because one of Element Finder's dependencies, jsdom, requires Python and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 to compile.
Install Python 2.7.
Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.
Install Node JS: http://nodejs.org/#download
Get the Element Finder source. Download it or clone it from GitHub: https://github.com/keeganstreet/element-finder
CD into the element-finder directory
Install the dependencies with npm (npm comes with Node JS):
npm install
Note: If this step fails and the error message mentions JSDom or Contextify, the instructions for Installing JSDom on Windows may help.
I don't know of a way of making specific JavaScript files like element-finder.js executable on Windows, so to run Element Finder on Windows, you will need to follow these steps:
7.1. CD into the directory you want to search.
7.2. Tell Node to run element-finder.js:
node c:\path\to\element-finder.js -s ".awesome-list"
Errors you might encounter
-bash: elfinder: command not found
Have you created the symlink properly? Run open /usr/local/bin/
and see if the elfinder
link opens the element-finder.js