Apex link
a tentative solution to using apex charts within the comfort of elm
Design decisions
the targeted solution
I wanted to get an easy way to "describe" how the charts should look like and defer the transformation from the "graph description" to the actual Apex JSON to a custom encoder.
At the moment the code looks like this:
|> Apex.addLineSeries "Connections by week" (connectionsByWeek logins)
|> Apex.addColumnSeries "Connections within office hour for that week" (dayTimeConnectionByWeek logins)
|> Apex.addColumnSeries "Connections outside office hour for that week" (outsideOfficeHourConnectionByWeek logins)
|> Apex.withXAxisType Apex.DateTime
It it still pretty much just a WIP and needs to support more options and more types of charts to be more complete.
However it is working fine already as it is.
How to plug it
Once we've got a nice chart description what shall we do with it?
This package offers 2 ways of plugging your data to an actual chart: via ports or via a custom-elements.
The first options is achieve by providing a JSON encoder for the charts (see Apex.encodeChart
The second requires to import and setup the npm companion package: put the url here, once you've set it up you can use the Apex.apexChart
For a complete example, have a look at /example