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Shopping cart primitives for Ember applications
ember install ember-cart
Looking for help?
If it is a bug please open an issue on GitHub.
ember-cart manages the adding, quantity editing, removal, and eventual
payment processing of shopping cart items.
The primitives provided are intended to give a boilerplate base to work
from. Customizing the templates is always a good place to start.
Provides a list of the shopping cart. Each line item is a {{cart-item}}.
Shows the total cost of all the items in the cart.
The line-item for each item type in the cart. Adding more than one of
the same type will increase the quantity. Also handles removal of the
item from the cart.
A counter that displays the current number of unique items in the cart.
is injected into Controllers and Components. If you want to
add an item to the cart you can create an action that does
actions: {
pushItem(item) {
Cart Items
You can push POJOs or Ember models into the cart. The basic information
that an item
requires is name and cost. ember-cart will handle
checking to see if there is already an existing similar item in the
cart. If there is, the quantity for that item is incremented. If not the
item is added to the cart.
POJOs pushed into the cart:
name: 'Doggie',
cost: 400
Ember Models
You can push another model into the cart. However you should provide a
handler on that model to typecast that model to a CartItem.
export DS.Model.extend({
toCartItem() {
let CartItem = this.container.lookupFactory('model:cart-item');
return CartItem.create({
name: get(this, 'name'),
cost: get(this, 'price')
Persisting to localStorage
If you want to persist the cart to localStorage
so the items are
available if the user comes back later you will need to set the
flag in the Cart service to true
import CartService from 'ember-cart/services/cart';
export default CartService.extend({
localStorage: true
Please note: if you persist to localStorage
you will have to handle
the security around this. For example, if a user signs out of their
account you will probably want to clear their cart:
actions: {
signOut() {
// signout handler
Make sure to use clearItems()
and not clear()
as the former will
ensure that localStorage
is properly cleared out.
Avoiding quantity incrementation
You may only allow one of a specific type. To enforce the quantity
doesn't increment you should set increment: false
for the Cart Item:
name: 'Foo',
price: 100,
increment: false
We are very thankful for the many contributors
This library follows Semantic Versioning
Want to help?
Please do! We are always looking to improve this library. Please see our
Contribution Guidelines
on how to properly submit issues and pull requests.
DockYard, Inc © 2015
Licensed under the MIT license