ember-cli-blueprint-test-helpers contains several test helpers for testing blueprints.
Install ember-cli-blueprint-test-helpers
Generate a blueprint test scaffold, which will also install ember-cli-blueprint-test-helpers
ember g blueprint-test my-blueprint
Setup a blueprint test with a timeout as well as before, after, beforeEach, and afterEach hooks:
describe('Acceptance: ember generate', function() {
// pass in test instance, and timeout duration (default 20000), and the tmp environment
setupTestHooks(this, 20000, tmpenv);
Use generate
, destroy
, or generateAndDestroy
to run a test.
All three methods take the following signature:
commandArgs (array), options (object)
The commandArgs should contain any commandline properties and options that would be passed to a generate or destroy command.
The options should contain a files object, as well as any of the following options:
- usePods (boolean),
- podModulePrefix (string)
- target (string) ('app', 'addon', 'inRepoAddon')
- files (array) (object: {file (string): 'path-to-file', contains (array): ['file contents to compare']})
- beforeGenerate (function)
- afterGenerate (function)
- beforeDestroy (function)
- afterDestroy (function)
var EOL = require('os').EOL;
var tmpenv = require('ember-cli-blueprint-test-helpers/lib/helpers/tmp-env');
var BlueprintHelpers = require('ember-cli-blueprint-test-helpers/lib/helpers/blueprint-helper');
var generateAndDestroy = BlueprintHelpers.generateAndDestroy
setupTestHooks(this, 20000, tmpenv);
it('blueprint test', function() {
return generateAndDestroy(['my-blueprint', 'foo'], {
files: [
file: 'path/to/file.js',
contents: [
'file contents to match',
'more file contents' + EOL
Use EOL for line breaks, as it provides cross platform support.