requires at least ember-cli >= 0.1.1
I will not be focusing on backward compatibility with older ember-cli versions
as it's moving too fast and the API is constantly changing. I will always have
this working with the latest stable release of ember-cli.
Provide a toolchain tightly integrated with ember-cli to make developing hybrid
apps with cordova and ember as simple as possible.
Inside of a generated ember-cli project run:
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-cordova
Then you need to initialize the cordova part. Mobile app's require a com
identifier/reverse style domain so we need to specify it here:
ember generate cordova-init com.reverse.domain
This will generate a base cordova iOS app and store it within the cordova/
directory. If you would like to add other platforms, you can run the
ember cordova
ember cordova platform add android
You must have cordova installed
globally for this command to work.
ember g cordova-init com.reverse.domain platform:android
Required generator
that sets up the cordova project with a few tweaks to the ember appember g cordova-starter-kit
Adds some packages and files that makes up the
base setup for projects I develop.
ember cordova:open
open xcode projectember cordova:build --environment production --platform ios
build cordova projectember cordova:archive 0.0.2 --environment staging --commit --tag
archive ios project with xcodeember cordova:prepare
needs to be run after cloning a projectember cordova
Passes commands(plugin(s), platform(s), run, emulate) and arguments to the cordova commandember help
ember cli help with a section for addon provided commands as well
In the root folder you can run standard ember-cli commands and develop in the
browser. All cordova commands you need are wrapped by ember-cli-cordova, see the
above section on commands for help.
Recommended Workflow
Develop as much as you can in the browser because it provides the quickest
feedback. Every now and then build the cordova version and make sure it's
working properly.
If you are working with a native plugin and need the app in the simulator,
enable the rebuild option in the configuration as described below.
Running in the simulator
With starter kit live reload
Livereload disabled by default. To enable it, set it to true in the your app's
config. After the starter kit generator has run, simply run ember serve --proxy http://your-device-ip:4300
and then ember cordova emulate platform
(in another
tab/split) to start up the app in the emulator.
Without starter kit live reload
If you do not have rebuildOnChange enabled(described in the configuration
section), after making a change to the ember app, you must run ember cordova:build
to update the build to contain those changes. You can then
relaunch the app by building inside of xcode/eclipse or running ember cordova emulate <platform>
All configuration is currently optional. Configuration will be done in your
app's config/environment.js file. You need to set it up like this:
ENV.cordova = {
rebuildOnChange: true,
emulate: true,
platform: 'ios',
emberUrl: '',
liveReload: true
The rebuild option is most useful when developing or working with a cordova
plugin when you need the javascript updated along with the native component and
don't have liveReload enabled.
To build for different environments you run the ember cordova:build
command with
the options you want
Documentation can be found found in the docs directory here.
Dependency Docs
I am getting Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project.
when I run a cordova command
If you are running a cli command, make sure the dist directory exists. You can
run ember build
to create it if it doesnt. You can also try to run ember cordova:prepare
When running ember cordova:archive
command I get an Xcode build error saying the scheme doesnt exist
Error example:
ld[10658:1007] WARNING: Timed out waiting for <IDEWorkspace,
0x7fc00d207d40>/"runContextManager.runContexts" (10.000125 seconds elapsed)
xcodebuild: error: The project 'MyApp' does not contain a scheme named 'MyApp'.
This is caused by not having opened the project in Xcode before. It
automatically generates some info it needs to archive the project. To fix this,
run ember cordova:open
and let it open in Xcode. After you've done this once you
can just run ember cordova:archive
command again and it shouldn't give you any more
Working with master
git clone https://github.com/poetic/ember-cli-cordova.git
cd ember-cli-cordova
npm i && bower i
npm link
ember new CordovaTest
cd CordovaTest
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-cordova
npm link ember-cli-cordova
After this, any changes you make to the cloned repo will be instantly reflected
in the test app you generated. It just symlinks the node_modules folder.
Example App
You can find an example app using this here: