If you need to throw up a quick example of your addon in action, this is the
addon for you!
This addon provides new command(s) to help manage a gh-pages branch for your
addon. It's an addon for addons.
Installation & Setup
First you need to install ember-cli-github-pages:
ember-cli - 0.2.3 or newer
ember install ember-cli-github-pages
ember-cli - 0.1.5 to 0.2.3
ember install:addon ember-cli-github-pages
ember-cli - 0.1.4 and below
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-github-pages
ember generate ember-cli-github-pages
Then you need to make the sure gh-pages branch is created and the unnecessary
files are removed:
git checkout --orphan gh-pages && rm -rf `ls -a | grep -vE '.gitignore|.git|node_modules|bower_components|\.\/|\.\.\/'` && git add . && git commit -m "initial gh-pages commit"
Once that's done, you can checkout the branch you want to create the gh-page
from(likely master) and run the command to build and commit it.
Then run ember github-pages:commit --message "some commit message" in order to rebuild gh-pages branch.
git checkout master
ember github-pages:commit --message "Initial gh-pages release"
Advanced Usage
You may optionally specify an ember build environment and a branch name as parameters
git checkout master
ember github-pages:commit --message "Initial demo app release" \
--branch="my-demo-app" \
Optional Argument | Default Value | Description |
environment | production | Ember build environment (i.e., development , production ) |
branch | gh-pages | Branch to commit your app to |
In order to have any assets you have in your repo load correctly you need to add the following to your tests/dummy/config/environment.js
if (environment === 'production') {
ENV.baseURL = '/name-of-your-repo'
You will still need to push the gh-pages branch up to github using git. Once you
do that you can access the repo at http://username.github.io/repo-name
. It may
take a few minutes after pushing the code to show up.
We are very thankful for our many contributors
Licensed under the MIT license